Birmingham Daily Post from Birmingham, West Midlands, England (2024)

THE BIRMINGHAM DAILY POST, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 THE BOUNDARIES OF THE BOROUGH. MEETING AT ASTON, i Lsat evening, a meeting of the inhabitants of Aston was CONTINUATION OF THE LOTHIANS EACING CLUB AND EDINBURGH MEETING. FOR THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY). Horses marked thus () have arrived. The Trial Stakes ol Baovseooh, 2 It, with 25 added; twoyear-olda CBt 81b, thrae 8st 7at, lour Ost fllb, four and upwards 8t 101b ponaltioa and allowances once round Mr.

fitt Musketeer Sundeelah 'Ready Money. Tho Goi.FBna' Plate of 60 bovs, added to a Handicap of 5 sovs each, 2 ft (to the fund) winnow oxtra the second to savo his statte gemuemen xiaerH once round ana a distance. age 6 a 0 4 a St lb age 4 4 6 6 6 5 0 6 Bt lb 11 10 12 10 II 10 11 10 10 10 10 Nothing More OomuB Maiksmon (b b) Magna Captain Crosstieo -G by FandBgo Bab at the Bow-ater Wiseman Cottage Girl "Souvaialne "Brilliant Daybreak (h b) Baehclor Amazon Ctrpesby Vanguard Haphazard Spring Gun Swaotness Barrister (h b) "Prior (h b) -Doorfoot Ladybird My Lady Forlorn Hope Anemometer Telegram lb b) Aurora Leigh (h b) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 paid Tho Ju venile Stakiis of 3 sovs each, with 25 added, for two-year- olds colts 3t 101b, fllliOB 8st 71b pcnodtlea and allowances; three quarteis of a niilo. "Returned "Evelina Zlngara Tho Lothian Handicap of 15 sovs each, 10 It, with 250 added; winners extra tho second torecoivo30 aovs out ol tho stakes, and tbo third to save his slake one mile and three quarters 21 sues, age at lb age st lb 0 0 2 "Lord Hastings 3 6 4 6 8 11 "Bracken 3 4 3 8 1 by Fandango 6 7 5 Bab at tho 4 7 5 Bowstor 3 7 2 HoneBtiah 3 6 4 3 7 2 "Capitola 3 0 0 fi 7 0 Numa Pompiliua 3 0 0 6 7 0 Greenback- 3 6 6 10 Policy 3 6 7 4 6 7 by Malcolm 3 6 6 Manojuvro 3 5 7 NORTHAMPTON AUTTJMET MEETING. The racing at Northampton was miserable In tho extreme to.

(lay, and tho company wss nothing Uko ao mimorous as that generally seen in the spring. There was no particular lontnro in tho running, and my selections for to-morrow stand aa under Nnrasry, PEno or Cosiet i Uawsley Plate, Mr. Pitt or MlsIX. toe Corporation Stakes, La Muta or Lady Diana North smpton Handicap, Gilead. vKRTTAS NOTES ON TO-DAY'S RACES.

NORTHAMPTON. This little pleasure mealing commenced yesterday, under most favourable auspices, and the sport was equal to former occmlons. MlstlotOO, aa I anticipated, brought off the Ecton Handicap Plato cleverly, as also did Catton his race. Muakotoer waB ill aplondUl i a hn carried tho "crnaher" ol 8st 121b, ho was not t'o be beaten for tho Autumn Handicap, My selections for this day's rocoa must ho ao follow Nursory-ItETTY orPEIlO, Fawaloy Plato Mistletoe or Mr. Pitt.

Corporation Stakoa Ladv Disaii or La Musa. Northampton Hindloap-GiLEAD or Violent. EDINBURGH MEETING. The Lothian Handicap Fiudav or Bracken. Tho Golfer's Plato-Coji as or Mauksmaw.

BLAIR ATHOL. Tuesday Night, I must advise my supporters to hack Blinkhooiie ana Honesty for the Ccsaiowitcb, as one of tho pair is almost cortain to win. tl NORTHAMPTON AUTUMN RACES. YES TEED AY, Tho Artumn meeting at Northampton has none of tho characteristics of tho Spring gathering, and Ihe company to-ilay, though it included many loading turfites, was far below that usually soon in the month of April. Phoasant shooting, kopt many away, na it did last year, and though the management woroprotty llberalintho matter of added money, comparatively few horses wore on tho spot this morning, and, as will be gathered from the ap-pondod return, Bmall fields wore tbo rule throughout tho after, neon.

Tho One weather, however, made the sport enjoyable, and no doubt tho holiday folks of tho town were as much amused as they would have been had the items on tho card beon of tho most important description. Many of tho regnlar bettors wore not more attracted by tho sport than by tho probability of witnessing and hearing Bonio important operations on tho Csaarowitch, appointod to como off on this day week. Tho ball was sot rolling at two o'clock, with tho Ecton Handicap Plate, which wont to Mistlotoo, tho heat looking of tho lot handicapped (Mr. Pitt) being on absentee Tho winner was a great pot," as was tho ttrat to catch thojudgo's cyo lor tho succeeding ovont while for tho Autumn Handicap tho talent entrusted the bulk of their investments to MuBkotcor, who wasvery favourably handicapped after his Hampton running. He won oloverly from his two opponents, duch*ess and Becond-Hand, and tho next item wjs the Two-Year Old Handicap, which brought out the best ilold of tho day, no fowor than half a score going to tho post.

Tho most money wno entrusted to Peio, at one timo in tho Osborno stable, at Middleham, from whonco he won transferred lo Mr. John Poy, Of tho others tho most fancied woro Hetty, Cornet, Adamant, and Seaman, and, after a splondid race, both Hetty and Comet finished before tho favourite, whoso defeat was hailed with loud shouting by the professionals, Though tho HOlda W0 limltOflj thO. HVO-JW-Ol race was decided nearly ball an honr before, tho appointed time. Tho results are appen. The EcroN Plate ol 60 sovs (Handicap) wiunora extra Spencer Plato Course.

Id. Westmorland's Miatlotoo, by Lifeboat Clulattana Fie, 4 yrs, 7et lllb Konyon 1 Captain Christie's Jeannio DcanB, 3 yrs, 7st 91b Covey 2 Mr. Samuel's Amour Propro, 3 yra, 7st 41b l'epplor 3 Mr. O'Connor's "Whiskoy, 6 yra, Bat 121b O'Connor 4 Mr, K. Williams's Alarmist, 2 yrs, Cst 101b Proelovo 6 Betting 6 to 4 on Mistletoe, 3 to 1 gst Jeannio Deans.

Whiskey led, followed by Joanrio Deans, to tho distanco, whon the favourite went to tho iront, and gained on tho running to tho end, tho vordict being a length in his favour, throe lengths separated the second and third, and the other two woro closo up. The CorTESiiitooicE Pabk Stakes of 10 sovs each, 3 ft, with CO addod, for two-yoar-oIrtB colts 8t 101b, fillies 8st 71b penalties and allowances the second to savo hia stake T.Y.C (half a mile) 0 subs. Mr. Walker's Catton, by Mildew Bonny Blink, 8st 101b Parry 1 Mr. Donman's BliBS, Sst 71b H.Clark 2 Mr.

Mound's Maesderwen, iist 101b Payne 8 Bolting 2 to 1 on Catton, who watted on Bliss to the distanco, and from thence drew away, and won by two lengths. Maosder-wen ran out at tho turn, but made up his ground, and was only beaten a longth from tho second. ThO AdtosiW HAMPICAl- Of 10 SOVB oaob, 3ft, with lOO added winners extra the second to save his stako one mile and a quarter; 16 subs. Mr, Clayton's Musketeoer, 5 yrs, Sat 121b Parry 1 Mr. Edgar's duch*ess, 8 yrs, Sat 41b Britton 2 Mr.

Mather's Socond-Hand, 3 yrs, fist 71b Clark 3 Betting 0 to 4 on Musketeer, 2 to 1 agat duch*ess. The latter hold a slight load of the favourite, the other lying off till rising the hill on the far aldo, when the old horse took tho lead, Which ho retolned to tho end, winning by longth, double that distance dividing Dnchcsa from Second-Hand, who laid off in the early part of the race, and joined issue with the other pair in tho ThehTwo-YEAK-OLO Hanuicat of 5 sovs each, with 40 added winners extra half a mile 24 subs. Lord Westmorland's Betty, by Lambton Feni, 7atlClb Kenyon 1 Mr. Smith's Comet, Gst 31b Wilson 2 Mr. I'oy's Poro, 6st lib Bliss (II.

Clark), Adamant (Mordan), Bassoon (Peppier), Seaman (Vinell), Mignionotto (Neal), Boll CaU (Butler), Snuff (Bissell), also ran. Betting 7 to 4 agat Pero, 8 to 1 each agat Eotty, Adamant, and Cornet, 7 to 1 agat Seaman. Hetty got away with the lead, which the maintained clear up to tho stand, when Cornet aud Tero, who had been lying aocond and third, came with a rush. Neither, however, could reach Ketty, who won by a head, a similar distance separating the second Bnd third. BaSBaon was a neck from tho third, Snuff fifth, Soamon sixth, Adamant and Blisa next, and IM! Call in the war.

The ItAC'imt Stakes of 5 sovs each, with 25 added 7Bt 41b, three Gst, four and upwards, Oat 71b penalties and allowances the wlnnor to be sold for 200 sovs three quarters of a mile. Mr. Fletcher's Gentian, by Warlock Jennala, 3 yrs, 7at 71b (30.) Mr. Williams's Alarmist, 2 yra, flat (30.) J.Clark 2 Mr. Ahron's Little Ragamuffin, 3 yrs, 7st 101b (30.) Masked 3 Betting: Even on Gentian, 6 to 4 agst Alarmist.

The latter showed the way up to tho distanco post, and was thon joinod bv Gentian, a splendid raoe betwoon the pair ending iu favonr of the lastnamed by a head a bad third. Tho winner was bought in for 36 guineas. Tho trainers of each of the throe rurmors were fined 1 eov each lor running In the wrong colours. Tho Wotton Pabk Handicap of 6 bovs each, in oaso ol acceptance, with 60 added tho winner to bo sold for 50 sovb winners extra i three quarters of a mile. Mr.

T. Cliff's Verity, by Sedbury Adulation, 3 yrs, 7st lllb Konyon 1 Mr. Rlekard'B Havonnab, i yrs, Bet Bonch 2 Betting 3 to 2 on Verity, who lod throughout, and won by ton lengths, The winnerwas not sold, A Maiden Plate of 30 bovh, addod to a Swoapstakes of 5 nova each two year-olds 6st 71b, throe 3st 01b, lour Out 91b, five, six, and aged Ost 121b Althorp Park Courao 7 subs. Mr. Hoeno's Siesta, 2 yrs, Ost 71b Peppier i Irfjrd Pagot's Beaudosert, 2 yrs.

Oat 71b Noal 2 BETTING ON THE fiKSAKEWITCU. to 1 agst HoneBty offered. THE FENIANS AT MANCHESTER, 8y Electric Telegraph. Yesterday, the twenty-two prisoners remanded on the ohargo of the murder of Sergeant Brett, were brought before Mr, Fowler, and other Magistrates, The prisoners were escorted, as before, by a military guard, from Albert Street tation to the Police Court, and brought into Ooart handouffed in couples. Mr Higahi, Deputy Recorder, appeared, as bofore, for the prosecution Mr.

Cottingham, barristor, Mr. Roberts, Mr Ward, and Mr. Bernet, attorneys, for the defanco. The first witnesa was Robert Hunter, a labourer. He said he was not present at the beginning of the attack on the police van, but was present when the polifleman WIS shot.

Saw Alien do it. I also saw John Martin, Lftrkm, and Miohael Do you mean me Yes. I saw no more, Martin and Magulre shouted out, kFlK I saw Larkin as he was running, a ad was there when he was caught. Mr Roberts cross examined the witness severely as to whether he had not expressed a wish that the henians should be hanged. This he denied, bat admittod that he said that he should hang Allen for what he saw him do, Mr, Roberts I suppose yon mean you will hang him, Witness No, I don't.

-Mr. Roberts That is, no doubt, a ureat disappointment to you. Witness I don think I ahall hang him. -Mr. Roberts That makes you grim (Emphatically) Vou are a bad one.

Mr, Fowler Don't say that, Mr. Roberts. He has given his evldcnoe very fairly. Mr. Roberts I know he haB told a He about hanging.

He has expressed his opinion, and I shall express mine. Mr, Fowler I have endeavoured to keep myself free from any bias, or from any expression of opinion, but it is a very difficult thing to do. William Walker, steelmaker, examined by Mr. Hlggius, said I was In Gorton Lane when the people ran into it from Hyde Koad, on the 18th ulc. I saw tho prisoner Allen taken into custody, and also the prisoners Gould and MoorhouHe.

Mr. Fowler said In order to avoid delay, ti there are any witnesses who refuse to some forward whom you want, and you require a summons under the new Act, let application be made at oaoe that summonses may be Roberts: I have one, as to whom my friend Mr. Hlggln has been kind enough to assist me that Is Patrick Kelly, who was discharged last night, Mr. Bennet I have a man named Nearoy In the employ of the Corporation. Mr.

Fowler Yes as the Mayor Is here I have no doubt he will allow some officer of the Corporation to request his attendance, and if he refuse a Bummone would bo issued. Aiter some more witnesses had been examined, giving evidence of the ucual character, in identtacation of some of the prisoners, Kate Riley, a factory worker, aged nineteen, said she was passing the FJy Arch when the attack began. Witness proceeded A man came up to me and asked where I was going? I asked him what for? He said that wbb his business? I said I was going to the gaol to nee the chaplain, He said i should not go, and he took out something, and Bald ha would run it into me if I stirred. It had a brass handle, and was like ft knife, I saw tho man, It waB Wm. Martin.

1 heard ehota fired. I oan also speak to others to Allen, In oroBD'Oiamlnatloa by niri Oottinghana, the witness said she had been to gaol twice only, once for felony had twelve months last time. Charles Thomas, a plumber, who witnessed the affray, describee seTeral persons taking part in it, whom he did not recognise among the prisonere. He recognised Allen as the ringleader, Mr. Roberts You are strongly opposed to those horrible Fenians are you not? Witness I have been from my earliest years opposed to Fenianlsm, (A laugh.) Mr.

Roberts Have you ever said that you wished that these men might be got rid of? Witness No, Mr. Roberts then asked him what was hia opinion of Fenianlsm, He (witneBB) declined to answer, and Mr, Fowler asked Mr, RobcrtB whether it was worth while to press the question, Mr, Roberts insisted, in order to test the feeling of the witness, Heasked: What do you knowabout Fenianlsm? Witness I have read a good deal about It. I beliave they are a lot who want to upset tho' oountry, and murder every one they come near who resist them. They proved themselves to be so on the 18th of this month. Mr.

Roberts I believe this man represents a great deal of the feeling that exlBts, Is that the only circ*mstance by which you form an opinion of Fenianlsm. Witness Yes, I think it Is quite sufficient. The remainder of the evidence waa not of much interest, The case for the prosecution closed in the evening. The charge was withdrawn in the case of Conooran and Foley, who were set at liberty. Foley is a marine on furlough, and was stated to have an excellent oharaeter from Wb commanding officer, IgThe csbb for the defence will open to-day (Wednesday), It is intimated that no witnesses will be called for Allen or Lorkin.

DUDLEY. Tee Worcester Diocesan Church Building Association. On Sunday last collections were made in the Parish Church in aid of the above association. The services were choral, aB usuaL The Rev. J.

D. Gawn (curate of the parish church) preached in the morning and the Rev, I'enley, of Kidderminster, in the evening. The anthem wbb, With Angels and Archangels." Mr, Blunden presided at the organ. Tho offertory amounted to over 7. WORCESTER, Inspection ofthe Volunteer Artilleby.

On Monday, tho members of tho Artillery corp3 were inspected by Colonel Cox, R. tbe men parading at two o'clock. The movements were, on the wholo, well performed, more especially considering that thero is a gieat number ol recruits in the battery. PAINFUL TEETH, OB DISEASED STUMPS Extracted without pain, no Chloroform, uiidptrectli eafe. A I I Ta 3 tbe beat that can he made, at 10s.

EACH TOOTH, Combining the latest Improvements, and including all obarget, Mb. 8 IL, Surgeon-Dentist, 58 39, BBNlfETTS pllL, BIRUWQBAM. 000 Only London Address 0, Grcsirnor Street, Bond Stmt. ESTABLISHED 1835. 6 5 65 (Nearly Opposite the Post Office), birmingham, Messrs.

G-abeiel'S SELF-ADHESIVE ARTIFICIAL. TBETH Complete Seta, from St. 4s. Single Toeth, from 6s. Warranted the best In Europe, are atted without sprlnin; they are at arm as the natural teeth are taken out and replaced al nleasure; ore fitted at one sitting, and without pain thej presem and support the remaining natural teeth are fitted with doe regard to vocal sound: hut a lifetime: and are luppliod at ona halt th usual ciuwge ENTIRE OB PARTIAL BUSTS OF TH3STH, Made by other Dentists (if not quite exaot), AN BE REMOmiLLED BY MHSSR8.

OABBXBL AT A TRIFLING EXPENSE. OnlH one visit required from oountry patienU, 44 N.B. ATTEND AM OE DAILY. 609? tar Notices of Marriages and BtrtiiB are charged la. each.

BIRTH. On the 29th Mrs. Isaao Hollis, Moseley Road, oi a son. MARRIED. On the 1st at Aston Church, (by the Rev.

til, Eaton. Rector ol Lnpwoith.) Mr. WiLnrasi Lhohatt Qilbabt, ol Lap. worth, to Mary Evilvn, daughter of Mr, Jacob Browstc Highiield, Moseley Road, and adopted daughter ol Mr. Joseph Warden, ol the Green Lanes.

Ho cards. On the 1st inst, at Can's Lane Ohaoel, (by the Rev. R. W. Date, William li 3.

Gbeeswat, of Upper Ilolioway, London, only son of the lato Kev. Cha loa Oreenway, ol this town, to Ash BALifanunv, daughter oi Mr. Hbnjiy Psuslc, Albert Road, Aston DIED. On the 1st Inst, at 81. George's Terrace.

Bfearley StlOOt West, sged 10 years, Maby Amh, tho beloned wile of Mr. David Oilbirt dpep'yregietted. On tho lat aged 3 years, the beloved daugbfcor of BamuilNeui'Liss, 2. Summer Lane. On tbelBt InBt, aged 67 years, Mrs, MAiiy Sieel, of Wonder Terrace.

Wineon Green. On the 29th of scarlatina, in his Gth year, John Bloxciogb, the eldest son ol Fabd. Hinh Sutton, ol the LozbIIb, On the 26th ult, Mr. Alfbd Pabiiks, late ol tho Blue Pig, Moor Street, aged ears much respected. fTIHE BIRMINGHAM MOURNING AND FUNHRAL WAREHOUSE, NEW STREET, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MOURNING ATTIRE, BLACK SILKS IN THE GREATEST VARIETY.



I MAf PLIiUECK and LOWE, Birmingham, c621 CHOCOLAT-MENIER (Manufactured only in France), denes ail honest competition. The healthiest and most delicious allmanMor breaiffaet, Unadulterated, highly nutritious. Annual exceeds S.SOO.CCOlb Wholesale, Menler, 23. Henrietta Street, Ooveut Garden. PRICE'S "SOLIDIFIED GLYCERINE (PATBKXBD), THE Newest and Best TOILET SOAP, wears well, gives a rich and fragrant Lather, is entirely froo from Oocoo-nut on, excess oi AlbaR, and contains half Rii weight of Price's Distilled Glycerine, Sold In id, and Sd, tablets, Price's Patent Candle company (Limited), Belmont Works, Battersea, London, S.W.

A Gentleman cured of the results of Youthful error and Private Diseases, after years oi sufforing, will behaopy to Hind a Cocr of the Prescription used on receipt of Two Stamps lor Iransmlalon, Address, Modicus, 20, Albert Street, Ponton Street, Isllneton. London. o6'3 LATEST NEWS. fTSKV'i'JSK'S TELBOItAMH, I BERLIN, September 30 (Evening.) TheCzamvitoh, aooompunied by his consort, arrived here from Frwikiort-on4he-Min to-day, and alighted at the Russian Embassy. The Crown Princess of Prussia came to Berlin to meet their Imperial Highnesses.

The latter after paying a visit to Potsdam, will take their departure, via Copenhagen, for Russia. Count Bismark, it is stated, has had a lengthy interview with the Czarewitoh. General Fleury is expected to-day from Prague. BERLIN, October 1. In to-day's sitting of the North German Parliament, the Marine Budget, and reBoliitiono relating to Federal Consulates and to the amelioration of the postal and telegraph aysteins'were adopted.

In reply to Horr Schleider, President Dalbruck declared that the entry of Altona into the Zollverein at the present timo would he inopportune. BERLIN, October 1 (Evening). King George of Hanover has accepted the Prussian conditions for a financial arraDgomont. Baron Von Werfcher, Prnasian envoy in Vienna, has arrived here, and has had a long conference with Count Bismark. KORTH GERMANY.

BERLIN', 30 (Evening). In to-day's sitting of the North German Parliament after a lengthened debate, the Salt Tax Bill was adopted. The tax on Bait for home consumption is fixed at two thalers per cwt. The Parliament also adopted a hill providing that passports in the States belonging to the Worth German Confederation shall no longer be necessary. HAMBURG, September 30 (Evening).

Hamburg and Lubeck have now received permanent Prussian garrisons. KIEL, October 1, Prince Adalbert of Prussia, and the Minister Marine arrive hore to-day, to bo present at the hoisting of the North German federal flag. BRUSSELS, Tuesday, Ihe Nonl pnblislios a telegram from Berlin, an nonneiDg that the adhesion of Kiflg George of Hanover to the last proposals of the Prussian Government was received there yesterday. The same telegMnl Stated that auCfflfc ttlO 111111(110 Of October negotiations will bo opened for the conclusion of postal arrangements with South Germany. Tho Southern Statea will Bend plenipotentiaries for that purpose to Berlin.

ITALY. FLORENCE, October 1. Letters received here from Rome, of to day's date, state that certain numbers of armed insurgents are overrunning certain localities in the province of Viterbo, in the direction of San Stephano. They are being activoly pursued by pontifical troops. FRANCE.

PARIS, October 1 (Evening). Chevalier di Nigra, Italian Minister at the French Court, left to-day for Biarritz, The Mendard of this evening denies the rumours of Ministerial ohangos. M. Ronhor and the Marquis de iavaleite, it says, has been summoned to Biarritz to confer with the Emperor respecting the labours of the xt legislative session. OVERLAND MAILS.

MALTA, October BOMBAY HEAVY MAIL. The Ceylon left at 8 a.m. yesterday for Southampton, where she may be expected on the 9th inst. OUTWARD CALCUTTA, CHINA, AND AUSTRALIAN MAILS. The Pera, from Marseilles on the 2Sth of September, arrived yesterday at midnight, and left at 7 today for Alexandria.

THE BOMBAY MAIL. MARSEILLES, October 1. The Nyanv.a arrived in the quarantine harbour at 8.30 a.m. The mail leaves for London at 11.30 a.m. ACCIDENT TO THE! STEAMER H10GO.

PLYMOUTH, October 1. Tho screw steamer Hiogo, Captain Sainton from London for tho Cape of Good Hope and Japan, has run on the eastern rock of the Eddystone Lighthouso and proven a total wreck. Crew and passengers Biived. INDIA. CALCUTTA, September 4 The aocounto from the famine districts are Btil satisfactory, and the demandB upon the Government for relief are decreasing.

The ex-King of Onde has been allowed six months for the purpose of settling his affairs, and should he fail to do so within that time, a Commission is to be appointed to investigate his debts. Negotiations for the conclusion of a treaty with the King of Burmah are advancing aatiefacfcorily. A Cotton Frauds Act for all India will be introduced into the Viceroy's Council next Session, The Viceroy has vetoed the Assam Coolie Act. The Bengal Government has appointed a committee toconaider Colonel Fraser's plans for the erection of lighthouses at the mouth of the Hooghly, and on the jetties at Calcutta. All apprehensions of famine in Upper Burmah have ceased, and exportations of rice from British Burmah continue.

The weather has reoently been nnfavourable for Indigo, and the rain in Jerhoot and Benares had much damaged the prospect of the crop, which is estimated at from 94,000 to 98,000 maunds, Preparations are making for the punishment ox th natives of the Nicobar Islands, for their treatment of tho crews of vessels driven on their coasts. AMERICA. ABEIVAL OF THIS CITY OF LONDON. ViA Queenstown). NEW YORK, September 21.

The New YorTi Herald Bays that Johnson is disgracing the country, and calls for a new Constitutional party. The Indians had demanded the withdrawal of the United Statea troops from Powder River Country, and tee abandonment of Smoky Hill route of the Pacific Sailway. General Sheridan has received warm ovations on his road to Washington and New York, Tho cholera was still raging at New Orleans. The troop ship Himalaya, is reported to have been detained in quarantine, at Quebec, with Asiatic cholera on board. A Spanish war steamer had arrived at Porto Rico on the 3rd with 700 Spanish troops on board.

Messrs. Grubb and Robinson, ship and insuranoe brokers, London, were yesterday committed for trial on the charge, of appropriating 1,800,, insuranoe money they had been instructed to colleot, The London Gazette contains tho Spoalror'a notice of the asne of a new writ for Bradford at tho end of sin tliyn after the publication of this notification. BRIDGNORTH. The Jos Lists, -At the County Special Sessions, on Saturday, before Messrs. Thomas W.

W. Browne, and William I. Lowndes, the list of persons in tho Ohelmarah Division, Brimotree in the hundred of Stottesdon, iina'ified to serve as Jurors, was submitted to the Benoh, and the list was oarefaliy gone through and signed. Larceny by a Returned Convict. Richard regory, aged 70, a returned convict, of this town, a labourer, was charged with stealing, on Thursday last, 71b, potatoes from a field belonging to Mr.

Cox, of Astle7 Abbotts, faimer, Andrew f'lattley said he was digging up potatoes In afield on the above day for Mr, Oox, when the prisoner c-imo into the field to him and advised him to take home at night Boine potatoes for uuppor, When he (prisoner) was engaged in digging up potatoes, he always took enough boms for his supper, John Ooneiley, who had also been digging up potatoes, having left tho field for a abort time, on hia return saw prisoner ploklng up some potatoes and putting them into his inside pocket, Sergeant (Jox siicl he met theprlaoner, on the abovo day, on Oantern Baak, vJlih ft quantity of potatoes. He soiirohod the prisoner's house tho same eveniug, and found there a further quantity of potatoes. The prisoner was committed for trial at Salop Quarter Sessions. He Is a very old offender, having been convicted for sheep stealing and fowl stealing, WARWICK. Keportep Highway Rouhehy.

On IMday evening the police were Informed of a robbery from the parson on the old Warwlok road. It appears that ft youth, In the employ of a Leamington butcher, was returning from Mytou, when ho was stopped near the oanal bridge "by, wliotook from hin his coat and n. few cippers. The youth gave a description of tho man, but at present nothing huo been heard of him. 'itld In the Parish Schools, to take into oouBia.erar.ion wnac teps should be laken with respect to the proposal to MlUeX the Manor of Aston to the Borough of Birmingham, HSr.

Pugti presided, and there was a large attendance, Mr, Ansell, jun explained that the meeting was held In COnBequenoe of the following resolution bolng passed at the meeting of the Board of Surveyors on the previous Friday That In the opinion of to Board tho well-known and defined boundaries of the borough of Birmingham oontain a population suffiolently numerous for the election of members of Parliament, without the addition of the Manor of Aaton, which of itself contains an extensive population, and shoald not be added thereto; and that the inhabitants thereof bo Invited to oppose any measure having for Its object the union of the manor with Birmingham," The deputy chairman of tho Board (Mr. Pearson) and himself had been deputed to attend before the Commissioners and represent the feeling of the Board, and the Lighting Inspectors had also unanimously come to the conclusion that the Inclusion of the manor in the borough would not be desirable, and they had deputed Mr. Pugh, their chairman, to represent them before tho Commissioners. Mr. Jennens moved, That In the opinion of this meeting the present boundaries of the borough of Birmingham are sufficiently extensive for the purposea of electing members of Parliament," Mr.

Jennens referred to the vast iuoroiseln the population of the borough of Birmingham slnoe 1821, when it was 100,722, and at tho present time It could not be less than 33,000, If an increase took place in the same ratio during the next 30 years there would be a vary large population In the borough. (Hear, hear.) He thought it was better, for Parliamentary and all other reasons, that the manor should remain out of the borough, and that they should ronialn separate until they could obtain a member for themselves. Barb seconded the resolution, and thought they should remain separate, so an to oheok the Tory influence in the oounty. If they entered the Parliamentary borough, and so got the thin'edge of the wedge in, they would soon find themselves in ihe municipal borough, and subject to the heavy taxation of the borough, (Ohe'ers.) Mr. Edwards, who announced himself as a Conservative, and a resident in Aston for sixteen years, begged that the meeting would ndt look at the matter from the low and selfish position that the annexation would increase their rates.

(Loud laughter.) He repeated that it was a low and selfish ground of opposition. (Increased laughter.) He contended that the manor ought to be annexed to the borough, beoauBO its Interests ware identical with thoso of the borough; and, as the counties had not now their proper share of the representation (oh, oh it wab a matter of simple polltloal justice that places llkeAston should be added to the adjacent boroughs, and people who were three parts of their time In the boronghB should not be allowed to influence trie oounty dilutions. (Laughter, and a voice, "There's the rub. Mr. Edwardo informed the mooting that he should be prepared to support his views on the following day before the Commissioners with arguments which for policy's sake he should not mention than, Mr.

J. AUSEIL (ilia the GunBerY'trtlYot hnew very weii tnt if ABton were kept out of tho borough, the ohaaoes of returning a Conservative member for North Warwickshire at the next election were gone, (Cheers,) The resolution was oarrled with Irat one u. pharhon gave Some Statistics showing that the population of the Uaar of ABton had inoreased since 1S31 from 146 to nearly that whilst the rates in Birmingham were 7s. In the pound, in Aston they were only 2j. He moved that aB the Manor of Aston contains more than 20,000 inhabitants, twenty-five miles of streets, and an area of 43 acres, and is likely to lnoroase in population in the same ratio in the next thirty years ttut it has done in the last, it will be sufficiently extensive to entitle it to an Independent member of Parliament.

Mr. Purkins seconded the resolution, and objeotad to tho annexation mainly on the ground that, as they were, they oounteraotedthe Tory Influence in tho county. (Cheers,) Aston was a struggling, thriving place, and pould not iiflord to pay the heavy rates whioh a rioh plaoe Ilka Kdgbaston paid. The resolution was carried unanimously, Mr. Pane moved, That, in the opinion of this meet, ing, there is not sufficient community of interest in Aston with the borough of Birmingham to induce tho inhabitants of the manor to consent to be included within the boundary of the borough," Mr.

SrjMNBRseoondedtheresolution, which was carried unanimously. A deputation was appointed to attend before the Commissioners, and a hearty vote of thanks having been passed to the ohairman, tho proceed ings terminated, The whole meeting was very enthusiastic, and, with the exception of Mr. Edwards, -unanimous. MEETING AT BAL3ALL HEATH. Last evening, a "meeting of the inhabitants of Balsall Heath was held in the largo assembly room at the Sher bouine Hotel, nnder the auspices of the Balsall Heath Ratepayers' Protection Sooloty, to consider the necessity of appointing some one or more of the residents of Bidsall Heath to attend bofore the Boundary Commissioners at Birmingham, on Wednesday, to resist any attempt to extend the Parliamentary borough beyond the present boundary in that locality." Mr, Aroher was called upon to preside, and there was a very numerous attendance, the room being completely filled.

Tho Chairman, in opening tho proceedings, said there appeared to be but one opinion in that district with regard to the question whioh they had mot to consider- -the whole of the inhabitants were unanimous in their opposition to haviEg that district attaohud to the Parliamentary boroufih of Birmingham, (Hear, hear.) Should that dia- triot become oonnected with the borough of Birmingham municipally, their taxes would be inoreased three-fold, and thoy were opposed to any Parliamentary connection for there were many voters of East Worcestershire, who had purchased property there, feeling proud of the position ai voters of that comity (hear, hear) who would strongly oppose their blending with Birmingham, and so losing the present important position they hold as having a great influence in the county. Mr, Scofield moved the following resolution, "That this meeting is strongly of opinion that the Parliamentary union of the district of Balsall Heath with the borough of Birmingham is moat underir. able, and would be highly detrimental to Its inhabitants." (Applause.) He thought it right that they should at once give expression to their opinion as to whether they desired to be connected with the borough of Birmingham, so that it might be known at the meeting of the Boundaiy Commissioners appointed to meet iu Birmingham, and to show that they were not disposed to allow It to bo absorbed In that already very large constituency. There were many reasons for their opposition They were living in another county, had different lawB and regulations, and thought it desirable to prevent the amalgamation of two counties In a Parliamentary souse, Thoy Were uIbo under a different form of local government, and under the new olause in the Reform Bill, for a 12, ratal they would be able to send a respectable number of voters, to the poll at any oounty election, Should they become absorbed in the large constituency of Birmingham whioh, from statistics that has appeared in tho Daily Post, would number about 40,000 voters in a population of about 380,000, when the next census was made they would form but a very Insignificant portion of It, while, if they continued tbelr connection with East' Worcestershire, they would have a very important position. hear," and ohaers).

Mr. Baker, in seconding tho resolution, expressed his opinion that in endeavouring to bring that district within the Parliamentary boundary of Birmingham the promoters of the bill recently passed were desirous to weaken the influence they might have in the oounty, and he urged them to resist tt by all means in their power. In Baluali Heath, the inhabitants paid property and Income taxes to the extent of over 31, 000.. and wore rated to the poor to the extent of over 27,000, Under the ne Act, the riflUlber Of TOters would be increased to about 2,000, and if tney were added to tho botongW of wlltou did noi; require would be greatly reflnoBd, Their unanimously oxproa wish in opposition to the measure might possibly have some degree of weight when brought before the Commissioners, The resolution was carried unanimously, and amid loud cheering, Upon the motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr.

Gorton, Messrs. Baker, Morley, and Scofield wore appointed a deputation to attend the meeting of the Boundary Commissioners at Birmingham on behalf of the meeting, In answer to repeated calls, Alderman Sadler addressed the meeting, and expressed his entire concurrence with the deoision they had arrived at, They held the same opinion in referenoeto tho matter with tho Town Council of Birmingham, who had that day expressed by resolution their opposition to tho surrounding districts being brought luto the borough boundary. (Loud applause,) It was his opinion thatit was the view of the Government to extend the borough boundary so as to weaken the Liberal influence In the adjoining counties, and he felt that unless they showed good reason why it should not be done, that district would be Included in the Parliamentary borough of Birmingham, (Crfea of No, They would see that the Commissioners had considered muniolpal matters as well as Parliamentary matters, and should there be a muniolpal oonneotion they would probably have pay more rates than thoy did at' present. The Conservatives wished to get in a member of their body for East Worcestershire, (A Yoke; "No That was the real question ho apprehended (hear, hear)-by attaching the voters to the borough of Birmingham. In conclusion, he asked them to use every exertion to prevent any part of Balsall Heath, or any other of the adjoining districts, to be included in Ihe Parliamentary borough ol Bfrmingliam and, for hia own part, he would do all in his power to prevent it.

(Loud applause.) Votes of thanks to the Chairman, and to Mr. Barnes for the gratuitous use of the room, concluded the proceedings, whioh were of a most enthusiastic and unanimous character throughout. WOLVERHAMPTON. Another Serious Assault. At the Police Court, on Friday, before Mr, Isaac Spooner (Stipendiary), William Taylor, a puddler, employed at Messrs, Jonks's, Mlaarva Wotks, onarged with cruelly beating and Woking the woman, who lived with him as hie wife, and who was in the family way, was sent to prison for four months, with hnrd labour.

Although the poor woman was so seriously Injured aa to have had her life placed In jeopardy, by tbo ruffianism of the defendant, yet she was vary reiuotant to appear him; anil una had to be brought to the police' court under compulalon. Police-inspector Xooalin- 6on, who waB Bent for her, found her seoreted beneath a bed, looked up in a room, in tho Horao Fair, WEQLBCT of Work, At the Borough Police Court, on Tuesday, Edward Bennett, an ir oHworlcer, in employ of Messrs. Sparrow and Ca of the Oder Bed Iron Company, was brought up in oustody, not having appeared to fiis BivmmonB, charged with rjegleotlng his master's service, on the 10th of September. The oaso was proved by Messrs. Sparrow's manager of the works, who stated ihai on the night in question tho prisoner oame to the works, worked one heat, went away in company with another workman, and, after an absence of two hours, came back quite drunk, They were not fit to work, and the mill had to stand the reBt of the night.

The amount of the coal lost would be about 14b. The prisoner was fined, under the now Master and Servant Act, Gs. and costs, or ordered to go to pdBon for twenty-one dayir, URNITURB JA JAINGS AND TBI8 DAY And Following Day a mauvKaiiy aiaeDoarfb fn. Bl nerea Loo aod (j7ai INING ROOM) SCM Oiataes. aliaizw- jpURNITURE, 121 pek CENT.

DISCOUNT in hair cloth; morocco leatuer; cSs aalr cloth and Dining Room sSf velvet Chairs, in Walnut Cheffloneiee. backs; Cabinets; a'. Damask hep and Pekio 'cw? Musis stools, Worktablra, Occasional Writing Tables. What-nots. PrCoieu iir," Clulrafor needlewoit Cj" Eajy Chairs, gilt Pie, nit oval and round Tables jf' Tables, inlaid.

"-t JQBAWING BOOM J-j-TJRNITCBE, 12i PER CENT, DISCOUNT Mahogany Wariirobee, Drawers, in manle, and birch; Toilet walnut ms'l birch BedaterjToU.jfc Toilet Glaises; mS? and birch ben steads, Cots, Children. S3" steadi, hah, wool, scj Mattreesca, patent spring iili tresses; Bed Hangings in da ask, dimity, and chictj bS Room Chairs, 4c, s0 Jg ROOM JTTflNITURE. 12 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ITCHEN HALL Deal Tables, Kitcten Dressers. 04k IUU mahggany ttahoganyHsil Chalja.

JpUBNIIVRS, 12A PER CENT. DISCOUNT Carpets, ol every deecnt.tl6n SUNDRIES. Cocoaaut Matting, Door I Floor Cloths, Hearth BV Wool Rum. Patent Iicoleiu Floor Cloth, Church Haasoi'n PBR CENT. DISCOUNT v.



A Great luxury to all readers an especial booo invalids and persons of feeble strength. May be appJ -any chair, bed, or aofa, andean be used with the body io acr poe.t.t-PRIOE 20a. and 3f, each. AGENT AT WOLVERHAMPTON, GEORGE PLANK, CIVET CAT, QUEEN SQUARE. KING EDWARD'S SCHOOL, ALL THE BOOKS AND STATIONERY, HEW AND SECOND-HAND, AX ORNISH jg BOTHERS S7, NRW STREH.T, BIRiSIXQEAM.

AMU EL WHITFIELD AND 80ii! towe opened si (iiafTBAi. dbpoi PATENT fflBB-FBOOr AND warraE-Paooi AND LOOKS. SO, Si 3TEPBBN30S FLAOM, ETiOHAJTGB BTJTLBnrOS. As ra MsmrrruLLT rarrnoi. Slia Trade mppiled with Mappm Patent and WUVU IM1 UKAHOU LEGANT PRJ3SENTS, His Urgert and meuft ua auvj'fau wi TAM1S8 QAROORg M.

Bull Srrert, Brrimnghn IGNETT'S I 3 'V The excellence and uniform auality ol this article sJr llohed ft Ihouy In the favour of the smotang cornisiunity. Vyr iniedby HIGNETE BROTHERS and 6U pool and sold retail in 2 and loi. packages, by numerous too forongh the country. LUXURIANT WHISKERS and Hnndreds can testify to the mooosa of FOa FOEdTULA, which force. Whisker, and tSSZA hnavUs In iht weeks on tha smoothest face, without IWSryol, skin, A sure remeflj for MOnws, Thirteen Chemist, Macclesfield.

Ohesbfae. HAELE9 DAVIS will PURCHASE GentleJ AdOrera, S3, BuSoUc Bbreet, Bfamlngnaai. Lottera attendefl AVE DOCTORS' FEES. SJafe, speedy, and otf The RED PILLS have been aiioaiM used lor t'HtW and In a few days euro aU private diseases, without Qfi trtth each box; price 2a. Dd.

Solo Agents, Mr. H. W5nr' Street. Rtrmlnariam Uand and Weaver. Dock 8(1861, hampton Hutchlnm, mgn street, Duauej i aiafffeii bury; W.

Britten, Siplor. ejjd Osbom, nw West Bromwlch. Printed and Published for the Proprietors bf JOHN FRED jta( SBBNBY, as his Office, No. SS, Now Street, BlraoiMluU' all Oornmonlcationa for tho allies ibouM be aildreeitd. WiDKiepAT, Oclotier 2, lfflt "Moulsoy -Regalia Wtatwick Olmar Lady Vane Tynedsle Corporal "EndBlefgh ilolstein Miss Harrictto Fairwind The Licenheo Victuallers' Stakes of 3 aova each, 1 ft (to the fund), with 26 added three-year-olds 8at 01b, four Ost 71b, Ave Oat 121b, six and aged lOst the winner to be sold for 30 sovs selling and other allowances once round and a distance, Tho Gariiison Plate of 60 aovs did not fill.

THE FOLLOWING HOUSES HAVF. ARRIVED, Blaugowrie Endsleigh Moulsey Bab at tho Bowstor Friday Pckot Hercules Gelding Jurn Projectile T.tlllUnt Lord Hastings Paganini Limber Magna Ready Money Bracken Ladybird Baturned ComuB Maid of Usk Silenus Captain Croastree My Lady Souveralno Chieftinn's Daughter Mont Blanc Threo Per Cent. filly May Morning Vanguard Campordown Misa Boawell filly Weatwick Ejected ADDITIOJSAh AnitlYAMi, -Haphazard, Prior, Capitols, Jenny Mills, Malcolm Ally, Bnccleangh, Parson. Ealrwlnd, Miss Osborne, Sundeolaii, Evelina. Many others expected.

Oitnm or Run kino. Trial, 2 Golfers, 2.45 Juvenile, 3.15 Lathlana, 3.46 1 Soiling, 4.15 Garrison, 6. aurtATcniNOB IlonesUah and Regalia are struck Out Of all engagements at this meeting also all Mr. caidor's, Mr. Cohen's Mr.

and Mr. Monzia'a horses out of all engagements at this meeting. MANCHESTER BBTTING.Yestebday, Tub Oes are witch, 6 to I agst Honesty offered. 10 1 Blinkhooiie taken. 10 1 Montgoubert offered.

10 1 Armourer offered, 11 1 Thalia iaken and offered, 100 7 Maid of Masham filly taken. 100 7 Lothario offered. 20 1 Sealskin take 25 to 1, 25 1 Owain Glyndwr take 30 to 1, 40 1 Julius taken. The Oambkibgeshirb. 100 to 6 BgBt Gardevlsure taken and offered- 20 1 Blinkhooiie -taken, 20 1 Honesty taken, 2G 1 taken.

33 I Ammunition taken, 40 1 Satyr taken. london city betting. yesterday. The Cesarewitoh. 5 to 1 agst HoneBty taken freely.

1 Blinkhooiie offers to take 10, 10 1 Thalia taken. 500 40 Montgoubert taken. 100 7 Armourer taken and offered. 25 1 Owain Glyndwr taken. 200 9 Sealskin taken.

40 1 Julius offered, 200 3 La Dauphine taken. 5 1 that Blinkhooiie runs taken. Middle Park Plate. 4 to 5 sgBt Lady Elizabeth offers to take, (i 1 TyphcEus, with a start token, 100 8 Eablcan taken and offered. The Cambridgeshire.

20 to 1 agst Valorous taken and offered. 40 1 Monarch of the Glen taken. The Derby. 6 to 1 agst Lady Elizabeth offered after 300 to 45 had been laid 500 20 Kabican taken. Cheltenham and County of Gloucester Eacbs, i87 will lake place on October 15 and 18.

The principal stakes close on 20th September and 2nd October. Programmes sent on application to Mr. W. It. Holraan, hon, secrotary.

Ill 2 000. to 1, Bottomley's great double event tho Coaerewitch and Cambridgeshire. Tho beat inveatment in Ihe world, Take no notice of the betting. Tho wlnnor of tho Coaavcwitch is at 100 to 1. Terms one Meeting, 12'stamps both, 18 season, 48.

Address, T. Bottamloy, Jackson Street, Mancheater. 01702 udex's Selections, Fawsley, 5 or 13 Nursery, 11, 27 Handicap, 8 Corporation, 10 or 1 Golfers, 10; Lothian, 2 01 iilleilUJ. Paul Walmsley's Selections. Harleaton, 38; Faws ley, Corporation, 11 or 26; Handicap, 10; Shorts, 11; Fawsley; Golfers, Lothian, 10 or Racing Indicator, Northampton Fawslay, 10; Nursery, 0 or 11 Handicap, 20 Corporation, IB, Edinburgh Golfers, 0 or 22 Lothian, 8 or 11.

TTJRJ AGENCY OFFICE, 100, Jermyn Street, at James's, London. Mr. Sydney Smith (member ol TattsrsaU executes Commissions on all tho principal Races throngLoutins vcor. Also, on Jockeys' Mounts to win only. For prices ana fmtlior paiUculani, tee IU Spwtoitan, every Tusaday, Thursday and Saturday.

aJ SIDNEY H. WYBROW, ipr seven years active Manager for tho late Firm of Holt and OnoOK, and latterly in Partner-ship with Mr. Georob OneoE, will commence the ensuing Season the receipt of stamped directed envelopes. Direct S. U.

WSBROW, Box 780., Leeds. THE ELDORADO or, How to Make Gold on thr Tunr -Bent Free. ThMewhowillactiiptothishighlyBUceeB-fidrastero of making money are bound to realise a handsome fortune Bt risk o7 trouble. Money will forthwith, and continue weekly, iMbJSaiifcl dMOO.1 4 about. ll 3..

iWOO. I about il.000. Each oelection agata won last week at KoIbo, Richmond. Hampton, and Manchester, Money rpaltort. 150.

foreach was.ent in fu to all on tho 23rO. Again suMsatul this week at Newmarket eleh winnr. including Mistletoe." at So to 1, and "Friday." at 30 to 1 ThiaepeakB lor Itself. Georee Henderson. THE ELDORADO.

The CBSARKWITCU this Is the best thing of the rear, and thoso who have been unlucky should send at' once and put things to George Henderson, Huiupatead, London. Eatahliahed1659 0ESABEWIXW AND OAMBRIDGBSHIK bucson noa too ACTUAL WIMnUUSJ of thrifts Croat Evnts. and till UUafl fiHtllM fO? SOU, MM!) taMDSDHi BubeorlOora. -mmai djnjiA Arm vement when she wsb almost MeildlfSJ. lam CODddOnt wo shall have a brilliant finish; he on with mound land.

VhefoSVodwlllbe guaranteed it Immadiato applloatlon be GREAT DOUBLE EVENT. HfllK frtr tha nntlr.v of If' 4E0 9(0 1,350 1 800 2,250 f4. sS5. and BO on in proportion. Hudson, 39, Hanover Street, South Belgravio.

London. RnrJose directed envelope and six stamps for corroaiwnenco. Oommlsslona oxecuUd. Cheques crossed Loudon and WescaiinJiter Bank. P.O.O.

faSliMs of the Turf renders success certain, and all who follow hiu rnuet win a fortune, METEOROLOGY OF WEEK Endino September 28. From Observations token at 68, Bloomabruy Street. Instrument Kew and Groeuwich teBted. Thormomotors froo from radiation Sunday, 22 Monday, 23 Tuesday 24 Wed, 26 Thursday Friday 27 Saturday 28 Moan barometric pressure of week 2f)'S22 Absolute hlghost temperature in woeh, on 23rd 60-7 Absolute lowest on 387 Extreme range ol temperature 27 0 Adopted mean temperature ol weoh 64 '3 Fall of rain in inches, per square foot 0'lB Ditto ditto In tons, por aero 16 tona. D.

Smith, J.R.A.B. WOLVERHAMPTON. County Court Bankrupts. The bankrupts who camo up for their last examination, and received their orders of discharge at the County Court, on Monday, were Mr. H.

G. Hllditoh, supported by Mr. Langmm, and unopposed Jamos Voyce, supported by Mr, Bartlett, SBd unopposed John Smith, supported by Mr. Barrow, and unopposed and Elohard Wylde, whoaa cose was supported by Mr. Langman, and not eppoSfld.

Tll0uia3 L. HJatt, who was supported by Mr. Barrow, and opposed by Mr. Bartleet. was ordered to pay 20.

into Court, and then receive his dlsahiirge; WEST BROMWI0H. BOARD OP Guardians, The uBnal weekly meeting of tbe Board of GuaidiaDa waa held yesterday, at the Union Workhouse, There were present Messrs. Briggs (Chairman), Lloyd, Freer, Edmunds, Bissell, flwindley, Knowles, Matthews, S. Leoo, Plild, Hampton, Wilkes, Brough, and B. Horton, The weekly returns showed that the number of inmates was 621, asalnat 375 in tho sponding week of 'Inst year.

Tho number of out-door recipients was 3.270, at a cobI of 270. 13s, 01. There was no business ol importance beyond tho appointment of a shoemaker as training master in the houBe, Kg Temj'ejutube. 3 Dale. I tillS 29'6t2 64 0 63-1 10'9 D7'7 60 0 0 125 2o 68'7 49'8 I 17 0 08'7 48 9 0'0 i 29717 60'8 48'7 12'1 1098 43'2 0'025 130 102 01-2 41 2 20-0 1 108 2 33'0 O'O I 30101 Go '2 39-7 18-6 88'Z 33 0 .0 0 I 20 978 61-0 48-9 15-1 89-6 47'0 O'O 29-808 62-2 43'6 18'0 I 8f5 44 0 O'O Oillnknoone onereu.

Thalia taken and offered, Armourer offered. Moutgoubert taken and offered. Owain Glyndwr taken, Maid of Masham filly off orod. Cannon Ball taken aud offered. La Dauphine taken.

PROGRAMME FOR THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY). liorsos maraon rj nave uiiiruu. The Castle Bellino Stakes of 30 aovs two year-olda 7st 31b, three Ost lllb, four Oat 121b, flvo 10at, six and aged lost 21b; soiling and other allowances tbo winner to bo sold for 150 bovs. hall a mllo straight. Tho Two-Year Old Selling Stakes of 5 sovs each, with 30 added; colts Bat 101b, fillies, Set 71b penalties and allowances tho winner to bo sold for 80 aovs Althorp Park Stakes Course.

The SjIORTn HANDICAr Of 6 SOYS oach, 2 It, with 40 added, for si lb 85 11) 11 (I 7 5 10 PioR Tnrpm -Deceiver Jeannio Deans MllRfl 10 8 6 0 7 7 Verity Boiie (actress "Alarmist Fair Star Maosderwen uausuurweu ri nf 10 a.ivn each. 2 ft to 0 12 the fund), with 100 addod winners oitra tho second to save stake Bponccr i'laie course st lb st lb (1 10 0 10 6 10 (Veda Catton Philosopher Limner "Rotty Ulan Lady Diana -Splendour Hernnnianus -Liquidator -Choral Sultana Admant Kcttloliolder -Laird ol Scotland I 12 I 7 I 6 1 2 Diadem -Alarmist Triana Wild Blood -Lyci inula Chateaux Maigaux Festival "Ro'l Call -dearaan Ransom 'Atreus "llignionette -'Cornet sPoro -4n ufi' Demon 0 10 7 7 7 7 7 4 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 0 7 0 7 0 ll 11 6 0 I) 0 a 6 (i 5 0 3 5 12 5 10 Thorndyko 0 10 Tho Fawsiev Plate of 80 sovs Handicap winnors oxtra Spencer Plate courao. stlb 1) 12 a 4 8 3 8 0 7 13 7 12 7 12 7 12 stlb 7 10 7 9 7 5 7 i 0 13 0 7 5 7 "Volunteer Mr. Pitt Vespasian Master 'Willie LaBdloifl "Veda duch*esa Commissioner a 4 4 3 4- Queen ol the Isles Meannic Deans Professor Anderson "Amour rropro Musa Broach of Promise Jfutrlmont "Mistletoe uisueioe "i mdi nrlrinri in a ITflnnifan fit 7 11 "Alarmist 7 6 sovs each, i ft (to the fund) winners extra Spencer 1'Jato tource. Volunteer -Salliot- -Wariior -Raven -Landlord -Commissioner "duch*ess -King of Spades "Jcannle Deans Deceiver -Catalogue "Amour Propre Bt lb 9 12 0 0 8 7 7 13 7 13 7 12 ago 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 stlb 7 0 Sfiipio Thermometer -Peggy-.

-Dutch Admiral -'Veriiy- Broach ol Promise-Roving Maid -'Phantom Sail -'Little Ragamuffin Nutriment- Alarmist 10 7 1 7 Us, Mnta 'Lady Diana in rrtif KO addod winners extra the aocond to save his stake; Nortiwoip- u.nno nm.rua Inn mili-fl) 15 SUU3. WI10IU1U uumvp st lb age at id Roma Mail Train Honeymoon Cezabol Nutrition Edgbaston -C by Leamington Annie Laurie 0 by Promise Land Aupert'a dam-Pimto Chief 'Oilcnil Violent Wild Moor Rabbit Trap -Orno Hawthorn 8 7 7 18 7 7 7 6 7 5 7 4 7 2 7 0 12' 0 12 fl 10 0 3 4 0 4 Ojideii op ItoNNiNo. Norlkampton. 1.30; llarleston, 2.0 SeUiug, 2 30; Shorts, Cnstlo, Corporation, 4.0 Fw-sley, 4.30. AnniTioNAL Annn-ALs Snuff, Verity, Hay-market, Expectation, Lady Zetland, Phantom Sail.

Master Wllle, Salliot, Breach of Prom. Dick Turpiu, and Pair BcttATcnan. Corporation Plate, duch*ess; llarleston Nursery, Laird of Scotland. ll 100 8 20 1 20 1 5,000 25 1,000 15.

Birmingham Daily Post from Birmingham, West Midlands, England (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.