Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf · contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (2024)

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (1)

Prairie Seeds Academy

PSA Lycans H.O.W.L! Our students are:







Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (2)


Table of Contents 1. School Information – Page 2 2. Implementation of Primary and Additional Statutory Purposes – Page 3 3. Student Enrollment & Demographics – Page 11 4. Student Attendance, Attrition & Mobility – Page 13 5. Educational Approach and Curriculum – Page 14 6. Innovative Practices & Implementation – Page 17 7. Academic Performance: Goals & Benchmarks – Page 25 8. Educational Effectiveness: Assessment & Evaluation – Page 43 9. Student & Parent Satisfaction – Page 47 10. Environmental Education – Page 51 11. Governance and Management – Page 52 12. Staffing – Page 57 13. Operational Performance – Page 71 14. Finances – Page 72 15. Future Plans – Page 74

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (3)


1. School Information CONTACT INFORMATION 6200 West Broadway Ave. N Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 763.450.1388 GRADES SERVED - K-12 YEAR OPENED - 2004 VISION STATEMENT Our Prairie Seeds Academy community members are inspired global thinkers, who will understand the importance of inquiry, lifelong learning, intercultural awareness, respect, and adaptability as they become future leaders. MISSION STATEMENT Prairie Seeds Academy, in cooperation with families and the community, provides leadership in rigorous education to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring citizens who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. AUTHORIZER INFORMATION The authorizing mission of ACNW is to ensure quality academic and environmental literacy outcomes for students in Minnesota by conducting effective oversight and evaluation of its authorized schools, providing strategic support to schools, and making informed and merit-based decisions about its portfolio of charter schools. The authorizing vision of ACNW is to authorize a portfolio of high performing charter schools that instill a connection and commitment to the environment in their school communities, while working towards a healthy planet where all people live in balance with the Earth. ACNW became the authorizer of Prairie Seeds Academy in 2010. The most recent three-year contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David Greenberg, Director of Charter School Authorizing Audubon Center of the North Woods Charter School Division 43 Main St. S.E., Suite #507 Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-331-4181

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (4)


2. Implementation of Primary and Additional Statutory Purposes

Key Academic Approaches

How it aligns with PSA’s


How it aligns with PSA’s Vision

How it aligns with Statutory


Gradual Release of Responsibility- this instructional framework purposefully shifts the cognitive load from teacher-as-model, to joint responsibility of teacher and learner, to independent practice and application by the learner. At PSA, all teachers are being trained in Gradual Release by Kristin Scherman and the coaches with ongoing walkthroughs to assess, and coaching to support the implementation of each phase. We are currently in the “We Do” section of the model working on assessing understanding through a variety of formative checks for

“Provides leadership in rigorous education to develop inquiring, knowledgeable…” Within gradual release, teachers model more rigorous, expert thinking for students. Teachers ask robust questions and ask students to justify their thinking. Assessment is woven throughout the model, so students show their knowledge, and teachers are able to modify and adjust as needed.

Inquiry - building higher order thinking skills through robust questioning Adaptability- students learn to grow in their independence in learning.

Encourage the Use of Different and Innovative Teaching Methods - Gradual Release is a structural best practice framework for effective instruction. It can be flexible to meet content demands, while still remaining true to instructional best practice.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (5)


understanding, and differentiation to meet student need.

Family Involvement/ Atmosphere - PSA works on getting more families involved, offers family library nights for the elementary school, EL night, IB night, Hmong New Year, Spring Concert, Senior breakfast and graduation, parent/teacher conferences, and parent chaperones. We have added a parent/family liasion this year.

Intercultural understanding and respect” - With our culturally diverse demographic, family involvement brings a sense of community and interactive atmosphere in an academic related setting.

Intercultural Awareness -our families demonstrate their own culture and intercultural awareness is built in our school community Adaptability- families and students acknowledge various traditions. There is willingness to adjust events to show consideration to families and their own traditions

Improve Pupil Learning - Research in successful schools shows that increased family involvement increases pupil learning.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (6)


Instruction in Hmong Language and Culture - In the Elementary school, all students receive instruction in Hmong language and culture every other day by a Hmong-speaking teacher. In the middle school, students either take Spanish, ESL, or Hmong Language. In the high school, students can chose to take Hmong Language as an elective.

“Intercultural understanding and respect” - Coming from a charter school with a Hmong focus, we are honoring the culture through our recognition of the Hmong Language and culture

Importance of Inquiry - students having the skills to compare and contrast the differences and similarities of the language and culture piece, as well as transferring academic skills from the Hmong language to the English language.

Improve Pupil Learning and Increase Learning Opportunities - when students are strong in their first language, they will be stronger in learning their second language.

Responsive Classroom - The Responsive Classroom approach to teaching emphasizes academic, social, and emotional growth in a strong school community. We believe that how children learn is as

important as what they learn, and that academic

“Understanding and respect”- Modeling respect brings respect. As the approach is implemented, understanding of how children learn is key to respect and higher academic achievement.

Respect- respect of one’s self and respect of others learning styles.

Adaptability- This is a lifelong skill connected with flexibility. Learning about others styles in social-

Encourage the Use of Different and Innovative Teaching Methods - Research based approach is linked to higher achievement, improved school climate and higher quality instruction.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (7)


success is inextricably tied to building social-emotional competencies. Independent At PSA, the Elementary teachers are trained in a week-long Responsive Classroom training. It is evident through teacher language, modeling, offering academic choice, logical consequences, and our behavioral system. research has found that the Responsive Classroom approach is associated with higher academic achievement in math and reading, improved school climate, and higher- quality instruction.

When the understanding of how students learn becomes important to each and every child, then the what they learn can lead to higher quality instruction.

emotional competencies leads to flexibility and adaptability in the real world.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (8)


Positive Behavior Interventions Support - Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture and needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining primary (school-wide), secondary (classroom), and tertiary (individual) systems of support that improve

lifestyle results (personal, health, social, family, work, recreation) for all youth by making targeted misbehavior less effective, efficient, and relevant, and desired behavior more functional.

“cooperation”- PBiS is a cooperative approach via a cohort for leadership; cohesive plan for K-12; positive support; looking for desired behaviors “inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring citizens who help create a better and more peaceful world”- social , emotional and academic success working together

Understand the Importance of Inquiry, Lifelong Learning, Intercultural Awareness, Respect, and Adaptability as they become future leaders - as it is tied closely to individual, personal, health, social , family, work and recreation systems.

Inspired Global Thinkers- The transfer of the individual, personal, social, health, family, work and recreational systems as it relates to a more

global perspective.

Encourage the Use of Different and Innovative Teaching Methods - PBIS is a support system that has cohort support and a 3-5 year implementation plan. Our cohort graduated in 2016, and now elementary and secondary have their own TIER I and TIER II teams to design interventions and plan celebrations.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (9)


At PSA, PBIS is in its 5th year of existence. It is evident through the common area posters, students receiving HOWL’s for positive behavior, the reduction in majors and minors, the consistency in staff handling of behaviors, and behavioral interventions.

Rigorous Core Content with Coaching - ELA, Math, and Science teachers are provided a standards-based scope and sequence, which includes standards, content and language objectives, DOK questions, and assessments. Teachers are trained in DOK questions. Coaches write and provide assessments that

“provides leadership in rigorous education”- Coaches are teachers that work with teachers to build and add rigor into the content “to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring citizens” -Increase in learning and knowledge by adding rigor fits all students needs to

Understand the Importance of Inquiry, Lifelong Learning, Intercultural Awareness, Respect, and Adaptability as They Become Future Leaders- Not only increase learning, but increasing the importance of that learning to become future leaders.

Improve Pupil Learning and Increase Learning Opportunities - consistent opportunities for learning, routines increase pupil learning, bringing strategies to staff to increase learning opportunities to fit the students

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (10)


are written to the rigor of the standard. Coaches observe and coach teachers to improve their instruction.

become better citizens

Community Partnerships/ Volunteer Program We have Career Fairs that bring in representatives from varied professional backgrounds. Our students thrive on the authentic input and broaden their base for possible careers. Our participation with Americorps, MN Read, MN Math, Annex, Project AIM, Waterford Senior Center, Humane Shelter, Feed My Starving Children, Books for Africa, Nature Centers, Girl Scout Connectz Program, VITA, Student teachers, Counselor intern programs, Hamline,

Herzing University, North Hennepin,

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (11)


University of MN, Color Run, etc. all build our community partnerships. Volunteers continue to grow in

number each year. Our students give back in varied ways also. They have participated in jean drives, food drives, making toys for animals in the Humane Society, make quilts and scarves, winter wear drives, American Red Cross Blood drives, gardening, recycling, composting, going to Feed my Starving Children, visiting Waterford Senior Center leading events to name a few.

“Inquiring and knowledgeable” -By

Inquiry and adaptability- Inquiry

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (12)


Authentic assessment/ outcomes: Some of the ways we assess student progress is through the use of student portfolios, providing rubrics for students, student presentations, and various types of projects, summative IB assessments, IB Personal Project for 10th graders, etc.

implementing authentic assessments, it give the opportunity for students to share their inquiry and knowledge in varied ways.

is a way of learning and a behavior that leads individuals to more knowledge. Adaptability allows varied methods to assess authentic learning.

Require the measurement of learning outcomes and create different and innovative forms of measuring outcomes - Ways to assess, measure, and track student learning in different ways, including the traditional way. Not one way of assessment works for all students.

3. Student Enrollment & Demographics STUDENT ENROLLMENT Since PSA opened in 2004, the enrollment has grown each year.. Within the last five to six years, we

have been able to sustain enrollment between 750-800 students. Waiting lists are in place every

year for various grades.

Number of Students Enrolled

2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-19 projection

Kindergarten 44 50 50

1st Grade 48 45 52

2nd Grade 67 49 48

3rd Grade 59 66 52

4th Grade 60 52 60

5th Grade 58 61 60

6th Grade 60 68 58

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (13)


7th Grade 65 58 70

8th Grade 69 65 58

9th Grade 55 69 68

10th Grade 56 56 62

11th Grade 65 52 62

12th Grade 67 69 67


Total ADM (Average Daily Membership) for year



STUDENT DEMOGRAPHICS Our student demographics have remained relatively stable in many categories, such as gender,

White students, and Asian/Pacific Islander students. We have seen an increase in our Special

Education population over three years. We show a decrease in our English Learners due to our

students exiting the EL program.

Demographic Trends

2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017

Total Enrollment 785 773 760

Male 52% 54% 53%

Female 48% 46% 47%

Special Education 8.8% 8% 9.1%

English Learners 55% 44% 42.0%

Free/Reduced Priced Lunch

66% 81% 81.7%

Black, not of Hispanic Origin

19% 21% 23.7%

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (14)


Hispanic/Latino 9.5% 14% 11.2%

Asian/Pacific Islander

66.6% 64% 63.8%

American Indian/Alaskan Native

N/A 0% 0%

White, not of Hispanic Origin

1.2% 1% 0.9%

Two or More Race 0.4%

4. Student Attendance, Attrition & Mobility STUDENT ATTENDANCE PSA knows there is a strong correlation between attendance rate and academic performance. Our

office and behavioral staff work closely with families and students to support attendance and

reduce truancy. PSA has consistently maintained a student attendance rate of above the 90th

percentile over multiple years.

2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017

Overall Student Attendance Rate

93.86% 93.91% 94.64%


Percentage of students* who were continuously enrolled between October 1 of the 2015-16 school year and October 1 of the 2016-17 school year.


*Does not include graduating students

Percentage of students* who continued enrollment in the school from Spring 2016 to October 1, 2016.


Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (15)


*Does not include graduating students


Summer Transfer

s In

Number of Students on Oct. 1

Mid-Year Transfers


Mid-Year Transfers


Total Mid-Year


Mobility Index *(as a percent)

2014-2015 116 782 89 74 163 33%

2015-2016 120 773 60 86 146 29.8%

2016-2017 141 760 46 90 136 31%

* Total mid-year transfers divided by number of students on October 1.

Percentage of students who were enrolled for 95% or more of the 2016-17 school year.


5. Educational Approach & Curriculum

● Pedagogical approach and alignment to the mission

“PSA students are creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The IB-MYP program emphasizes intellectual challenge by encouraging students to connect their studies to the real world. IB-MYP fosters communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement–qualities that are essential for life in the 21st century.”

To accomplish this, PSA students are taught in a gradual release of responsibility model, which offers students high degrees of scaffolding to support them on the continuum of learning. The gradual release of responsibility model allows students to see the teacher model their thinking around a new skill or concept in the “I Do” portion of the lesson, then students are provided scaffolded opportunities to practice what they just learned in pairs and groups with the teacher facilitating the learning in the “We Do” portion of the lesson. Students are then offered opportunities to apply learning collaboratively and with high levels of differentiation in the later part of the “We Do”, before finally moving into independent practice.

This model of instruction provides students opportunities to practice and apply standards-based skills and strategies within a differentiated approach where they are applying to real

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (16)


world higher-levels of thinking that they asked to apply as 21st Century global citizens.

In addition to the gradual release of responsibility, the individual student is recognized

through ongoing data-driven differentiation within the classroom, and through ongoing

community engagement project learning opportunities, all of which invite parent

engagement through various opportunities.

● The instructional program and curriculum. PSA’s instructional program supports a gradual release of responsibility model. PSA’s curriculum across k-12 (i.e Lucy Calkins reading and writing, Collections for6-12 ELA, LLI for k-8 intervention, and Math Expressions etc.) follows the gradual release of responsibility model, as well as aligns to common core standards and MN math standards. In addition, teachers are asked to write lesson plans in a gradual release of responsibility template that includes which standards and benchmarks are being addressed, how they are being taught, and how they are being assessed within the lesson. In an effort to align to instruction and curriculum to Minnesota State Standards, PSA has created scope and sequence teaching documents to guide teachers in how to use the curriculum to meet MN State Standards, as well as benchmark assessments that are given quarterly as a way to gauge levels of proficiency students have towards grade level standards and benchmarks, and to guide intentional instructional decisions that bring students to higher levels of thinking.

Within this process, PSA staff uses ongoing data cycles using FAST data, and other data

measures to reflect on student learning, and build a more intentional and flexible teaching

sequence that builds toward greater levels of student proficiency. This work is done within

weekly data PLC’s.

● Remediation and acceleration practices PSA has designed a highly intentional Multi-Tiered System of Support for reading and math

that provides high levels of scaffolding for students from core instruction, into levels of

intervention that include special education, and English Learner supports. Each level of the

tiers of support provides opportunities for students to move into and beyond grade level

proficiency using research –based best practices including for reading in k-8 Leveled

Literacy Intervention (LLI), co-teaching models, pull- out models, and classes that build

intervention into core instruction, this also encompasses math through an Algebra

Reborn intervention curriculum for tier 2.

Students are offered opportunities for acceleration through honors classes at the secondary

level, and through highly differentiated core instruction within classes at the elementary


Both remediation, and acceleration are determined based on ongoing intentional data

driven planning, which occurs within PLC’s.

● Special Education

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (17)


Using PSA’s MTSS, special education students are supported through an in-addition to model that encompasses the gradual release of responsibility instructional model, as well as supports students learning through highly differentiated scaffolds that move students towards meeting their IEP goals, as they work towards greater levels of grade level proficiency.

In 2017, this includes the training and onboarding of special education teachers in LLI, as an

intervention support. This also includes working more collaboratively with the special

education department on designing and implementing an individual student profile

approach to individualized learning, as well as IEP’s written to reflect standards and FAST


● English Learner

Using PSA’s MTSS, English Language Learner students are supported through an in-addition to model that encompasses the gradual release of responsibility instructional model, as well as supports students learning through highly differentiated scaffolds that move students towards meeting their language goals, as they work towards greater levels of grade level proficiency.

This can be seen through ELL co-teaching models, and ELL pull-out that supports students in core instruction, as well as providing supports in moving students towards greater levels of language proficiency. EL teachers use formative data on an ongoing basis to inform instruction and differentiate based on student needs.

Ongoing monthly EL professional development is provided to all instructional staff to support EL student learning. Additionally, information about state-mandated WIDA standards, descriptors and rubrics and language proficiency levels are shared with classroom teachers to inform non-EL educators.

● Staffing

PSA’s staffing includes staff, and new hires, that not only know and understand the mission and vision of PSA, but are also highly trained in PSA’s vision of carrying out best practice in curriculum and instruction. Ongoing training throughout the year has been given to new hires joining PSA to ensure that they understand the educational approaches and supports used in the school as well as implementation processes, supports, and timelines.

PSA staff encompasses the PSA mission, through such positions as Title 1, ELL, special

education, IB Coordinator, reading specialist, instructional coaches, behavior specialists,

counselors, reading corp, parent and community liaison and various consultants to support.

● Graduation Requirements

PSA’s graduation requirements require that students represent higher levels of thinking

and problem solving that are required by IB, that create not only college and career ready

students, but that also create global citizens that are prepared for the 21st century

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (18)


workforce. PSA has increased its graduation rate from the 80th percentile to the 90th

percentile, and has closed its achievement gap by 10.45 points within the past year.

● School Calendar and Daily Schedule PSA’s school calendar represents not only appropriate, and research supported instructional times, but also includes the appropriate number of days students are in school, with a balance of days where teachers are being professionally developed in research-based best practice that supports PSA’s mission and vision. An assessment calendar is also aligned to this that works as a reminder to all stakeholders. Daily functioning schedules for each school in the district are written to reflect exact minutes per class hour and/or content areas including breakfast and lunch time windows and designated professional learning communities (PLC) times.

6. Innovative Practices & Implementation

● Innovative or unique aspects of the school, especially as they relate to the school mission;

PSA provides students and families a variety of ways to connect to the student’s learning. This is done through such things as home visits, opportunities for parents to volunteer and be a part of PSA programs and processes, and opportunities for parents to connect to the school through various programs that include community representation. With that being said, parent communication is highly valued as a way for teachers, parents and students to connect to instructional programming K-12. In this manner, community support, and parent alignment to the vision and mission of PSA’s success is a highly valuable aspect of PSA.

Using data, PSA is innovative in it’s approach to student centered learning,through the use

of multi-tiered systems of support, and through community based project learning that

helps develop the student as a global citizen.

● After school and/or summer school programs

We have three sessions of after school, which give students extra support in reading and math. Each session is 2 hours long and runs 3 days a week for 5-6 weeks each. Our summer program is 5 weeks long, 4 days a week, and 4 hours a day. It focuses on reading, math, and science.

● Pre-school program (if applicable); N/A Anime Club David Halstead, HS ELL teacher and Karl Hoeschen, HS ELA teacher

● Anime club is a multicultural group in which the students explore a variety of entertainment forms from around the world. Popular forms of entertainment among the students have included Japanese animation, Korean Drama, writing Chinese Kanji characters, and training for entering the League of Legends National Tournament.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (19)


● This year the students focused on many fund raising efforts such as an all-night school lock-in, a raffle contest, an egg roll eating contest, and an end of the year obstacle course and barbecue.

● Parents assisted the anime club for this all night event.

Reading Well by Third Grade

Mindy Hansen, Literacy Coach

All public school districts and charter schools that enroll K-2 students must annually submit data on

reading proficiency for all students in Kindergarten through Grade 3. The data submission should

be completed by July 1 of each year. Additionally, you must submit and post your local literacy plan

on your school website. We submitted a completely revised literacy plan, which now includes our

literacy objectives, assessments, parent involvement, interventions, professional development,

instruction, intercultural competency and equity, and data. Our data and plan was submitted to the

state on June 6, 2017. For data, we reported Spring screening data on on our Reading levels for K-3

students, Spring screening data from the FAST earlyReading for our K-1 students, and Spring

screening data from the FAST aReading for our 2nd-3rd grade students.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (20)


Support for reading by student, staff, and CEO

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (21)


Music Program

Jeff Culp , Secondary Music and Becca Bellman, Elem Music


This year, the elementary music program was busy dancing,

singing, and playing instruments. Our units included a study of

drumming from different cultures, activities using rhythm games,

learning and performing folk dances from different countries

around the world, and learning songs for holidays and special

events. The 3rd, 4th and 5th graders spent much of the fall

working on drumming technique. The secondary music program is charging ahead, with six classes

ranging from Guitar to Music in Film. The 6th class grade plays guitar, learns songs, and earns

different picks to show growth. The 7th grade class plays piano, and composes written music. They

focus on the 8 elements of music to guide reflections and create songs for specific moods. The 8th

grade class performs using their voice. They learn about using projection, tone, and proper breath to

support their voice in all uses. They sing a song of their choice for their classmates, and perform as

a class for the public. The 9th grade class explores music as a positive change, creating a music video

to call others to action. They also create a positive rap verse to convey a message to their audience.

The 10th grade students study music theory and continue to write their own music in different styles

(theme song and blues). The 11th and 12th grade students had a chance to form their own groups in

Battle of the Bands. They picked a name, a style, an image, learned instruments, and performed twice

as a “band.” Also an elective of Music in Film was offered, studying the music of films from Star Wars

of the 1970’s to recent movies like Inception and Interstellar.

Hmong New Year

Jeff Culp, Secondary Music and Becca Bellman, Elem Music teachers

This year, PSA once again held two concerts to celebrate Hmong New Year. The Elementary Concert

was held at 10am, and included special guest dancers from a local dance group, who wowed the

crowd. The elementary students all participated in the program, songs in English, Spanish, French

and in Hmong, a drumming group, and dances to Kpop songs and traditional Hmong dances. The

secondary students put on a fantastic show, with an MC, songs, and dances. The students organized

and rehearsed their performances, leading up to an

audition. Through the audition process, the top

groups were selected and took the main stage. Many

different cultures were represented at Hmong New

Year in performance, art, and the meal served to the

community. The event was a success with many

families attending and also staying to share a meal

together in our cafeterias.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (22)


Hmong Student Organization

Maignia Lo, Media Center

Hmong Student Organization members did fundraising throughout the school year to help fund a

trip to Thailand. Boba drinks, mangonada, spring rolls, eggrolls, fried rice, pot stickers, to name a

few dish for fundraising. 6 students were able to go to Thailand this year. Those 6 students did

community service in Measot, Thailand. They bought school supplies and 3 soccer balls and

donated to Ruamthaipattana 5 school. They got to talk to Hmong Thai students and also taught

them the cha cha slide. The 6 students visited Hmong families at Measot and learned about the way

of life in their village. They also visited Kre Noi and learned about its history and the involvement

of Hmong people with the communists and the Thai government. They had an opportunity to meet

some of the Hmong movie stars and talked with them as well as took pictures with them. When

they came back from their trip, they did a power point and presented to PSA 8-11 graders.

At MSP leaving for Thailand Learning about KreNoi Meeting Hmong movie stars

Spring Concert

Jeff Culp , Secondary Music and Becca Bellman, Elem Music teachers

On May 18th, PSA put on our Annual Spring Concert. The Elementary concert was at 10:00 am, and

featured songs about nature, friendship, possibilities, and dreams. All of the elementary students

participated in the event. After lunch, the Secondary Spring Concert started at 1:30pm, and hosted a

number of performances by the students. While a few

groups came from the music classes offered at PSA, a lot of

auditioned groups and musicians took part. They came in

the form of dances, soloists on voice and instruments, class

vocal songs, and guitar ensembles. The performances were

held in the Secondary gym, and the day was filled with many

Spring-themed activities and much celebration. Parents

were invited, and the whole school was able to participate

due to the concert being during the school day.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (23)


PSiA- Service-in Action

Six graders volunteered at Second Harvest Heartland

and packed a total of 1,548 pounds of food to feed at least 40 families

in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

National Honor Society

Melanie Bradshaw, 6-12 Art teacher and Ashley Conlin, Secondary Science

The 2016-2017 school year brought many new members to NHS. Due to the change in the way

clubs are organized at PSA there was a restructuring of the organization, however we were able to

induct 14 new members, with 3 returners making it a mostly new group. Members of NHS elected

students to officer positions which allowed it to be mainly student led. Students also split into two

committees, fundraising and service, to plan events for the school and community.

The following is an overview of the projects completed by NHS students during the 2016-2017

school year:

● Learning Parliamentary Procedure and Leading the Meetings ● Volunteered at Parent Teacher Conferences

o Students volunteered to check parents in and direct them to conferences as well as serve as translators as needed, although the later service was not used.

● Red Cross Blood Drive (Service) o NHS hosted a blood drive in April. Students recruited donors and volunteered

during the event itself. ● Pennies for Patients Fundraiser (Service)

o Members of the service committee organized a penny drive for the elementary school and a penny wars event for the high school to encourage students to donate to this national fundraiser by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

● Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen o Students planned and organized a volunteer event to a local soup kitchen, however

due to administrative absences the trip was not approved in time and had to be put off until next school year.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (24)


● Students Completed Many Fundraisers to Raise Money for a Retreat Weekend to Audubon Center of the North Woods. Students sold:

o Crocheted Creatures o Images o Snacks

● Audubon Center of the North Woods Retreat o Students participated in teambuilding activities such as a low and high ropes course,

adventure and skills classes like survival skills, archery, and rock climbing, and outdoor education classes about Minnesota animals and wildlife.

Current nursing student at St. Paul College answering girls’ questions at our Scrubs event.

Girl Scouts ConnectZ brings a culturally responsive leadership experience to 2,700 girls

throughout the Twin Cities metro area and southern Minnesota. Under the leadership of trained youth-development professionals, ConnectZ provides girls from underrepresented communities the opportunity to discover, connect, and take action in the community. Through weekly sessions, field

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (25)


trips, college tours, and so much more, Girl Scouts ConnectZ strives to build girls of courage, confidence, and character.

36 6th-8th grade girls participated in Girl Scouts ConnectZ – Hmong Women’s Circle in the 2016-17

school year at Prairie Seeds Academy. They tackled topics on friendship, bullying, respecting ourselves and others, personal values, and goal setting. Girls also participated in our yearly Cookie

Sales, where they developed essential skills such as goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics. They celebrated the cookie season with a trip to the Great River Water Park. Other events girls attended were: You Snow Girl, Leadership and Layups

with the Timberwolves, Scrubs, and summer camp!

10 9th-12th grade girls participated in Girl Scouts ConnectZ – Hmong Women’s Circle this year at

Prairie Seeds Academy. Our high school troop tackled topics on college and career readiness, self-

esteem, personal goal setting, current issues in the Hmong community, and race relations in

America. Our high school troop also participated in Cookie Sales with the middle school girls and

celebrated with a day exploring downtown Minneapolis. Other events girls attended were: You

Snow Girl, Hmong Women’s Circle Overnight at Hamline University, our 2 day 1 night In-State

College Tour to colleges in and around Duluth, and summer camp!


Athletic Director- Victor Vondracek

We started out the fall with our boys and girls soccer programs, along with our girls’ volleyball

program. For our volleyball program, we actually had the opportunity to run a junior varsity

program this year for the first time that it was maintained throughout the entire season, allowing

more playing time and opportunities for our younger girls. Our boys’ varsity soccer program won

the championship in the first ever Twin Cities Athletic Conference soccer tournament consisting of

twenty-two (22) competing schools which was held at the Blaine Sports Complex.

Our winter sports season consisted of a very busy boys’ basketball season. The team had one girl

join this year due to not being able to maintain a girls program. Senior Brian Robinson eclipsed

the 1,000 point club for his career ending with 1,518 points making him PSA’s all-time highest

scorer. PSA won the Twin Cities Athletic Conference championship which was held at the Colin-

Powell Center. The team ended up making to the Section 4A championship for the second straight

year. Coach Quincy Caldwell was voted by his peers as Head Coach of the Year in the TCAC.

PSA’s spring sports season has turned into our busiest season yet. We are now participating in

boys’ volleyball, sponsored by our conference consisting of five (5) schools, along with flag football

(JH), boys and girls track and field, and girl’s badminton.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (26)


7. Academic Performance: Goals & Benchmarks


Contractual goals:


World’s Best Workforce (WBWF) Goal Areas:

● Ready for Kindergarten [R4K]: All students are ready for kindergarten. ● Reading Well by 3rd Grade [RG3]: All students in third grade achieve grade-level literacy. ● Achievement Gap Closure [AGC]: All racial and economic achievement gaps between students

are closed. ● Career and College Ready [CCR]: All students are career- and college-ready before graduating

from high school. ● Graduate from High School [GRAD]: All students graduate from high school.

Indicator 1: Mission Related Outcomes

Goal: Over the period of the contract, Prairie Seeds Academy will successfully implement its school

transformation plan that will produce significant gains in student achievement within two to three years.

WBWF Goal Areas Addressed by this Goal: Identify the WBWF goal areas that are addressed by this

contractual goal.

Key Measures & Results for this Goal:

Measure 1a.1 In FY 17, the school will successfully implement the Turnaround Plan (included in Exhibit


See Exhibit S

Measure 1b. From August 2016 to January 2017, students will demonstrate high levels of engagement

as demonstrated by teacher scores on the Charlotte Danielson rubric- item 2b “Establishing a Culture for

Learning.” In at least 70% of observations, the score earned on the rubric will be at least a 3.

K-12 Walkthrough data for 2016-17

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (27)


This data was collected by academic coaches during their unannounced walkthroughs throughout the K-

12 school, using our Google Forms. Student engagement is at 76.5% for satisfactory (proficient and


Formal Observation Data for 2016-2017

Elementary: Secondary:

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (28)


This column of a larger tracking document show the scores of our Elementary teachers and Secondary

teachers on their Fall Formal observation. The teachers are observed on the Charlotte Danielson rubric,

and this cropped section shows only the scores for 2b - Establishing a Culture for Learning.

There were 18 Elementary teachers observed and 19 Secondary teachers observed for a total of 37

teachers. Of the 37 observations, 4 fell in Basic or partially Basic. 33 fell in Proficient or Distinguished,

or a combination of the two. 89.2% of the formal observations in the fall were in Proficient or above.

The chart below shows the total of all of the observations for the year, both formal and walkthroughs

that earned a score of proficient or above:

Walkthroughs Formal Total observations in Proficient or above

29/39 = 74.4% 33/37 = 89.2% 62/76 = 81.6%

In indicator 1b, we have surpassed the Exceeds Target of 80%.

Measure 1b.2 From August 2016 to January 2017, the number of behavior referrals for minor disruption

will decrease 5% when compared to August 2015-January 2016 as tracked by SWIS data software.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (29)


2015-16 School Year Data

2016-17 School Year Data

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (30)


The number of referrals for minor disruption (M-Disruption) for K-12 from 8-15-15 to 1-31-16 was 350.

The number of referrals for minor disruption (M-Disruption) for K-12 from 8-15-16 to 1-31-17 was 148.

We reduced the number of minor disruption referrals by 202 referrals, or 57% of the original number.

Minor Disruption has also dropped from our top referred behavior in 2015-16 to our third referred

behavior in 2016-17.

In Indicator 1b.2, from August 2016 to January 2017, the number of behavior referrals for minor

disruption will decrease by 5.0%, our data reflects that we have met and surpassed the Exceeds Target,

our minor disruptions has decreased by 57%.

Indicator 2: English Language Learners

Goal: NA on the 16-17 contract

Indicator 3: Reading Growth

Goal: Over the period of the contract, students at PSA will demonstrate growth in reading as measured

by nationally normed assessments.

WBWF Goal Areas Addressed by this Goal: Identify the WBWF goal areas that are addressed by this

contractual goal.

Key Measures & Results

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (31)


Measure 3.1 By January 2017, at least 40% of K-5 students who scored in the 5th-95th percentile range

on the Fall FAST earlyReading or aReading will meet their Winter scaled score target as determined

using the 2016-17 earlyReading and aReading FAST norms.

Kindergarten 13/27 made their FAST Winter Early Reading target = 48.1% of students made their target.

1st Grade 6/27 made their FAST Winter Early Reading target = 22.2% of students made their target

2nd Grade 9/35 made their FAST Winter aReading target = 25.7 % of students made their target

3rd Grade 19/45 made their FAST Winter aReading target = 42.2% of students made their target

4th Grade 14 /42 made their FAST Winter aReading target = 33.3% of students made their target.

5th Grade 26/ 51 made their FAST Winter aReading target = 51% of students made their target

K-5 Total: 87/227 K-5 students made their Winter Reading target. This is 38.3% of students. For

Measure 3.1, we are Approaching the target of 40%.

Measure 3.2 By January 2017, at least 40% of 6-8 students who scored in the 5-95th percentile range on

the Fall FASTaReading will meet their Winter scaled score target as determined using the 2016-17

aReading FAST norms.

6th - 8th grade total: 68/ 160 students in 6th - 8th grade met their Winter FAST Reading target. This is

42.5% of the students. For Measure 3.2, we are Meeting the target of 40%.

Measure 3.3 By January 2017, at least 40% of 9-12 students who scored in the 5-95th percentile range on

the Fall FAST aReading will meet their winter scaled score target as determined using the 2016-2017

aReading FAST norms.

9th -12th total: 86/ 152 students in 9th-12th grade met their winter FAST Reading target. This is 56.6%

of the students. For Measure 3.3, we are Meeting the target of 40.0%

Indicator 4: Math Growth

Goal: Over the period of the contract, students at PSA will demonstrate growth in math as measured by

nationally normed assessments.

WBWF Goal Areas Addressed by this Goal: Identify the WBWF goal areas that are addressed by this

contractual goal.

Key Measures & Results for this Goal:

Measure 4.1 By January 2017, at least 40% of K-5 students who scored in the 5th-95th percentile range

on the Fall FAST earlyMath or aMath will meet their Winter scaled score target as determined using the

2016-17 earlyMath and aMath FAST norms.

(Total possible for all are scores eligible scores from fall scores ranging 5th-95th percentile)

K: 9/35 = 25.7% met winter FAST earlyMath norms target

1st: 16/36 = 44.4% met winter FAST earlyMath norms target

2nd: 14/45 = 31% met winter FAST aMath norms target

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (32)


3rd: 33/47 = 70% met winter FAST aMath norms target

4th: 12/42 = 28.6% met winter FAST aMath norms target

5th: 13/49 = 26.5% met winter FAST aMath norms target

Total k-5: 97/254 = 38.1% We are approaching the 40% target.

Measure 4.2 By January 2017, at least 40% of 6-8 students who scored in the 5-95th percentile range on

the Fall FASTaMath will meet their Winter scaled score target as determined using the 2016-17 aMath

FAST norms.

6th: 11/52 = 21.1% met winter FAST aMath norms target

7th: 22/52 = 42.3% met winter FAST aMath norms target

8th: 29/57 = 50.9% met winter FAST aMath norms target

Total 6th -8th: 62/161= 38.5% We are approaching the 40% target.

Measure 4.3 By January 2017, at least 40% of 9-12 students who scored in the 5-95th percentile range on

the Fall FAST aMath will meet their winter scaled score target as determined using the 2016-2017 aMath

FAST norms.

9th: 33/56 = 58.9% met winter FAST aMath norms target

10th: 17/45 = 37.8% met winter FAST aMath norms target

11th: 20/39 = 51.3% met winter FAST aMath norms target

12th: 29/46 = 63% met winter FAST aMath norms target

Total 9th -12th : 99/186 = 53.2% We have met the 40% target.

Indicator 5: Reading Proficiency

Goal:.PSA will meet the Reading Action Plan SMART Goal included in the Elementary School’s Record of

Continuous Improvement Schoolwide Plan submitted to MDE.

WBWF Goal Areas Addressed by this Goal: Identify the WBWF goal areas that are addressed by this

contractual goal.

Key Measures & Results for this Goal:

Measure 5.1 The percentage of each student enrolled October 1 in grades 3-5 at PSA who are proficient

on all reading accountability tests (MCAII, MTAS) will increase from 19.4% in 2015 to 24.0% in 2016.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (33)


For Indicator 5, grades 3-5 decreased from 30.1% in 2016 to 27.8% in 2017 on the MCA’s.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (34)


For indicator 5, in grades 6-8, we decreased from 26.9% in 2016 to 21.5% in 2017 on our MCA Reading


Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (35)


For Indicator 5, grade 10 had an increased from 32.5% in 2016 to 40.8% in 2017 on the Reading MCA’s.

Indicator 6: Math Proficiency

Goal: PSA will meet the Math Action Plan SMART Goal included in the Elementary School’s Record of

Continuous Improvement Schoolwide Plan submitted to MDE.

WBWF Goal Areas Addressed by this Goal: Identify the WBWF goal areas that are addressed by this

contractual goal.

Key Measures & Results for this Goal:

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (36)


Measure 6.1 The percentage of each student enrolled October 1 in grades 3-5 at PSA who are proficient

on all reading accountability tests (MCAII, MTAS) will increase from 28.1% in 2015 to 33.0% in 2016.

For Indicator 6, grades 3-5 increased from 32.5% in 2016 to 33.7% in 2017 on the Math MCA’s.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (37)


For Indicator 6, grades 6-8 decreased from 23.6% in 2016 to 19.4% in 2017 on the Math MCA’s.

For Indicator 6, grade 11 increased from 6.9% in 2016 to 18.6% in 2017 on the Math MCA’s.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (38)


In indicator 6, we had an increase from 6.9% in 2016 to 18.6% in 2017 in MCA Math.

Indicator 7: Science Proficiency (and Growth)

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (39)


Goal: NA on the 16-17 contract

For Indicator 7, grade 5 increased from 23.6% in 2016 to 35.1% in 2017 on the Science MCA’s.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (40)


For Indicator 7, grade 8 decreased from 10.8% in 2016 to 3.4% in 2017 on the Science MCA’s.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (41)


For Indicator 7, grade 10 increased from 18% in 2016 to 20.8% in 2017 on the Science MCA’s.

Indicator 8: Proficiency or Growth in Other Curricular Areas or Educational Programs

Goal: NA on the 16-17 contract

Indicator 9: Post Secondary Readiness

Goal: Over the period of the contract, students at PSA will demonstrate readiness for Post-Secondary


WBWF Goal Areas Addressed by this Goal: Identify the WBWF goal areas that are addressed by this

contractual goal.

Key Measures & Results for this Goal :

Measure 9.1 As of January FY17, at least 75.0% of students identified as seniors in the fall of the

school year will be on track to graduate in the Spring of 2017 as measured by completion of

required credits.

Prairie Seeds Academy’s post-secondary readiness goal is an important focus for our school

to ensure our students are college and career ready. We have a total of 58 seniors with a

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (42)


current schedule from the fall of 2016. As of quarter 1 and 2 (from August 29, 2016- Jan.

31, 2017) we have a total of 56 out 58 seniors that are on-track to graduate in the spring of

2017. For indicator 9, we have exceeded our goal at 96.5%. Our actual graduation rate in

June 2017 was 93% and increase in 8% from June 2016, which was 85%.

Indicator 10: Attendance

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (43)


Goal: Over the period of the contract, students at PSA will attend the school at high rates.

WBWF Goal Areas Addressed by this Goal: Identify the WBWF goal areas that are addressed by this

contractual goal.

Key Measures & Results for this Goal:

Measure 10.5 From August 2016 to January 2017, the school’s average attendance rate will be at least

90.0% based on local school-level data.

Prairie Seeds Academy has a large student population with high attendance rate, from elementary to

secondary. School attendance plays a large factor in students succeeding at Prairie Seeds Academy. For

indicator 10, we have exceeded our school attendance goal rate at 95.1%.

Indicator A: Federal and State Accountability – World’s Best Workforce

Schools should provide a summary of the World’s Best Workforce data profile including:

● 3rd grade reading scores ● 8th grade math scores ● Teacher equity data ● Achievement gap data ● Graduation rates


Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (44)



SMART Goal 16-17 goals 16-17 goal results

All students in Third grade achieving grade level literacy

The percentage of each student enrolled Oct. 1 in Third Grade who are proficient on reading accountability tests will increase from 32.7% in 2016 to 40.7 % in 2017

The percentage of Third Grade students enrolled Oct.1 who are proficient on reading accountability tests in 2017 was 17.5%

All students in 8th grade achieving grade level math scores

The percentage of each student enrolled Oct. 1 in 8th grade who are proficient on math accountability tests will increase from 26.2% proficient in 2016 to 31.2% proficient in 2017.

The percentage of 8th grade students enrolled Oct. 1 who are proficient on math accountability tests in 2017 was 23.3%

A decrease in teacher equity data (inexperienced, core unqualified and taught out of field) as it relates in a charter schools

29% inexperienced teachers in 16-17 1 % classes taught out of Field 0 % core class taught unqualified

Close the achievement gap(s) among all groups (gap pts)

With a score of 10.45 points/0.2176 score Elem 13.5 points/ 0.1495 score MS 18.35points/-0.1033 score HS

All students graduate 80% of the students enrolled as seniors in the fall at PSA will graduate in 2017

93% of students graduated from PSA with a high school diploma.

8. Educational Effectiveness: Assessment & Evaluation

Using multiple assessment points from FAST, MCA, ASSESS NOW, LLI, GRR RUBRICS, WIDA, and standards-based Benchmark Assessments, the team identified the following

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (45)



Reading: ● Full implementation of the gradual release model with 12/19 or 63% of the Reading

teachers demonstrating proficiency. ● Full implementation of grade-level standards-based common benchmark assessments with

98% of teachers administering the assessments and reviewing the data to make ongoing instructional and intervention decisions.

● Full implementation of a tracking system using multiple student data points towards grade-level proficiency through data walls that record data, and data cycles used to implement best practices that move students towards greater levels of grade level proficiency.

● Based on multiple data points, created and implemented standards- based intervention groups to move students to increased levels of standards-based grade-level proficiency through a multi-tiered system of support including the use of LLI, and co-teaching models with special education and ELL supports.

● Full implementation of Lucy Calkins standards-based Reading Units of Study and Writing Units of Study, as well as Words Their Way curriculum, with 17/20 teachers showing proficiency.

● Full implementation of the Collections curriculum at the secondary level with 3 out of 3 teachers showing proficiency.

● Partial implementation of in class literacy specific interventions at certain grade levels. These interventions are established based on FAST data, and are flexible and ongoing based on student need.


● Full implementation of the gradual release model with 8/13 or 61.5% of the math teachers demonstrating proficiency. 2/13= 15.4% partially proficient, 1/13 or 7.7% not proficient.

● Full implementation of grade-level MN Mathematics standards-based assessments with 12/13 or 92.3% of teachers administering the assessments and reviewing the data to make ongoing instructional and intervention decisions.

● Full implementation of a tracking system of using multiple student data points around grade-level proficiency.

● Based on multiple data points, created and implemented standards- based intervention groups to move students to increased levels of standards-based grade-level proficiency.

● Full implementation of Math Expressions curriculum with all 11 or 100% of math teachers showing proficiency in K-5 and ⅔ or 66.7% fully working from math curriculum in grades 6-12.

● Full implementation of taking FAST aMath and earlyMath assessments and using data to drive instruction in various ways (creating team improvement plan goals, differentiation with instructional grouping, tracking student FAST math growth norms)

● Purchased and have partial implementation of computerized Math software program DREAMBOX that measures student usage of math tasks by standards per grade while engaging students in math tasks with auto-adjust complexity technology.

Using multiple assessment points from FAST, MCA, GRR RUBRICS, WIDA, and standards-based Benchmark Assessments, the team identified the following CHALLENGES:


● 5 teachers are partially proficient in gradual release of responsibility, and 2 teachers

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (46)


are not proficient in gradual release of responsibility.

Addressing the Challenge: We are addressing this challenge through ongoing coaching, and teacher observation of coaching ideas/feedback. Teachers who are not proficient in gradual release of responsibility are being provided opportunities to see peer teaching models, and are provided with a more one to one teaching/coaching model to help move them into greater proficiency.

● 3/13 elementary classroom teachers are partially implementing Lucy Calkins

standards-based Reading Units of Study, and 1 teachers is not proficient. Addressing the Challenge: We are addressing this challenge through ongoing coaching, and teacher observation of coaching ideas/feedback. Teachers who are not proficient in gradual release of responsibility are being provided opportunities to see peer teaching models, and are provided with a more one to one teaching/coaching model to help move them into greater proficiency.

● 1/13 teachers are partially implementing Lucy Calkins standards-based Writing

Units of Study, and 3 teachers are not proficient.

Addressing the Challenge: We are addressing this challenge through ongoing coaching, and teacher observation of coaching ideas/feedback. Teachers who are not proficient in gradual release of responsibility are being provided opportunities to see peer teaching models, and are provided with a more one to one teaching/coaching model to help move them into greater proficiency.

● We have trained teachers on, and are beginning the implementation of, guided reading. So far, low levels of implementation have been seen due to, in part, a high level of focus on gradual release of responsibility and implementation of a new curriculum in reading and writing.

Addressing the Challenge: We are addressing this challenge through ongoing classroom walk-throughs to identify specific need, and then plan to pull elementary together to do some deeper training based on what the walk-through data shows, and based on teacher feedback. From there, we plan to develop a more individualized coaching support plan to help support teachers through the process of implementation.

● Some students dropped in proficiency from Fall to Winter, as shown on the FAST

Reading assessments and benchmark assessments. Continued professional development, and ongoing coaching on data-driven instruction is planned to help address this concern. Addressing the Challenge:

We are addressing this challenge through continued professional development with teachers around the data, as well as ongoing individual coaching on data-driven instruction is planned to help address the concern. Teachers are re-assessing students that they feel could have done better, but maybe didn’t try etc.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (47)


● Fountas and Pinnell phonics curriculum has been purchased, and teachers have received training. elementary teachers are in the process of initial implement.

Addressing the Challenge: We are addressing this challenge through meeting with k-2 teams to dissect the curriculum with them to help get them started . We have provided a very clear initial implementation pathway for them to follow, and to embed into instruction. Specifically, we would like to see this used within guided reading to support. This is our phonics curriculum, so implementation is required within core instruction by all k-2 teachers.

● Mid-year turn-over of our 8,9, 10 ELA classroom teacher, as well as two new ELA

teachers this year making the whole department new.

Addressing the Challenge: This challenge has been addressed as ELA teachers have been consistent now over the course of the past month or so. The teachers that have been at PSA all year have had multiple coaching opportunities to help move them forward with the Collections Curriculum. They also have strong co-teaching in place to help support differentiation within instruction. All three teachers are also actively meeting, and collaborating with each other around instruction.

● Refining the role of Tier 1+ EA’s continues to be an ongoing discussion with all


Addressing the Challenge: This challenge is being addressed as we look to refine our MTSS tiers. Within MTSS, we are looking at all resources, and teachers as we continue to refine how we are maximizing all resources to best meet the needs of students based on what the data says. This includes training EA’s in LLI as one intervention model, continuing to use EA’s as instructional supports within the classroom, and continuing to train EA’s on instructional best practice, and intervention components.

● Meeting the needs of our below grade level students, while maintaining the rigor and

extension of grade level proficiency for students who are at or above grade level k-12

Addressing the Challenge: This challenge is being addressed as we look to continue to refine our core instruction through high levels of data driven differentiation. Part of this work includes continued conversation around data, and what the data is telling us that students need. The other part of this work includes looking at ways to highly differentiate lessons to move students into greater levels of proficiency while providing rigorous instruction.


● FAST Math growth norms scores that fell under the 5th percentile range and those

who topped higher than the 95th percentile range had growth that was difficult to measure without norms target scores included from the University of Minnesota and FAST administration.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (48)


Addressing the Challenge: We are addressing this with communication to FAST administration and the UofM to see if there are other possible measures that can be officially set from FAST to use for those students who are under the 5th percentile and over the 95th percentile.

● Winter session of FAST aMath scores declined across the board as did the amount of students who fell in the College Pathway category (the exception of 3rd grade).

Addressing the Challenge: We are addressing this with a teacher sample of FAST to target the types of questions that are asked on the FAST assessment. Additionally, math groups have been reconfigured with teachers and educational assistants based on the winter FAST results. Furthermore, we plan to discuss FAST results in depth with teachers during a team improvement goal revisit session to determine what this means for our students and determine ways to support students moving forward.

● Regarding MTSS Multi-tiered system of support, we had some unforeseen staffing setbacks that left us in need of a Math Corps tutor, elementary grades Algebra Reborn Intervention, and for a period of time, a high school Educational Assistant for math. Our site did not receive another Math Corps tutor for the remainder of the year from Americorps. The Algebra Reborn Intervention was also not able to fulfill grade 3-5 with another qualified tutor from their organization.

9. Student & Parent Satisfaction Above are the entire results of student and parent surveys. PSA continues to show positive

responses from families and students at the school. This year shows increased growth in many

areas, including safety in the school. The parents/families showed increased trust in the

school, particularly in the area of safety.

PSA has had consistently positive feedback across the years. When compared with other

schools, this is a strength for PSA. Students, families and staff have positive and constructive


Parent Survey

Yes No Don’t know

My student’s reading has improved this year. 81% 8% 11%

My student likes to read. 74% 18% 8%

What language does your student feel most comfortable reading in?

English 92%

Hmong 6%

Spanish 1%

Other 1%

My student’s writing has improved this year. 76% 10% 14%

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (49)


My student likes to write. 67% 23% 10%

What language does your student feel most comfortable writing in?

English 99%

Hmong 1 %

My student’s math skills have improved this year. 80% 10% 10%

My student likes doing math. 77% 15% 8%

My student has improved in science this year. 55% 7% 38%

My student likes science. 69% 5% 26%

My student is learning about the Hmong culture. 81% 10% 9%

My student is learning about other cultures. 59% 16% 25%

My student believes that he/ she can do well in school. 87% 5% 8%

My students likes to go to Prairie Seeds Academy. 95% 2% 3%

My student feels safe at school. 92% 2% 6%

My student has friends at school. 94% 4% 2%

The teachers at school care about my student. 91% 2% 7%

I have a set place for my students to study at home. 91% 9% NA

I help my student with his/her homework. 91% 9% NA

I make sure that my student goes to school daily. 99% 1% NA

It is important to me that my student goes to school every day.

99% 1% NA

I attend parent- teacher conferences. 98% 2% NA

PSA has helped my student make better decisions socially—with friends, peers, learning.

89% 2% 9%

My student knows where to get the support he/ she needs at PSA.

79% 3% 18%

My student can name a teacher/ staff member that they can go to for their needs. (extra support)

85% 2% 13%

School staff has a positive impact on my child’s behavior. 90% 3% 7%

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (50)


The teacher(s) tell me about my child’s academic progress, challenges, and successes.




I feel well informed about what’s going on in the school. 85% 7% 8%

Elementary Student Survey

Yes No Don’t know

I think I am a good reader.

80% 20%

I like to read.

72% 28%

My family thinks I am a good reader. 77% 23%

I think I am a good writer. 66% 34%

I like to write. 74% 26%

My family thinks I am a good writer. 69% 31%

I think I do well in math.. 78% 22%

I like math. 83% 17%

My family thinks I am good in math. 78% 22%

I am learning new words in Hmong. 89% 6% 5%

I am learning new things about Hmong people at school. 95% 5%

I like to read in Hmong. 48% 37% 15%

I am learning about other cultures. 82% 18%

I like my school. 90% 10%

I feel safe at school. 83% 17%

I am learning a lot at school. 94% 6%

I have friends at school. 94% 6%

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (51)


The teachers at school care about me. 98% 2%

I do my homework. Right after school 48%

After I eat dinner 30%

Before I go to bed 22%

I have a special place at home to study. 76% 24%

My family makes sure I do my homework. 91% 9%

My family makes sure I get to school on time. 97% 3%

Secondary Student Survey

Yes No Don’t know

I think I am a good reader.

80% 20%

I like to read.

48% 52%

My family thinks I am a good reader. 73% 27%

I think I am a good writer. 65% 35%

I like to write. 61% 39%

My family thinks I am a good writer. 65% 35%

I think I do well in math.. 70% 30%

I like math. 56% 44%

My family thinks I am good in math. 73% 27%

I am learning new words in Hmong. 81% 19%

I am learning new things about Hmong people at school.

74% 26%

I like to read in Hmong. 36% 64%

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (52)


I am learning about other cultures. 80% 20%

I like my school. 70% 30%

I feel safe at school. 76% 24%

I am learning a lot at school. 80% 20%

I have friends at school. 94% 6%

The teachers at school care about me. 80% 20%

I do my homework. Right after school


After I eat dinner


Before I go to bed


I have a special place at home to study. 64% 36%

My family makes sure I do my homework. 87% 13%

My family makes sure I get to school on time. 99% 1%

10. Environmental Education

The mission of Prairie Seeds Academy’s authorizer, the Audubon Center of the North Woods, is to instill a connection and commitment to the environment in people of all communities through experiential learning. ACNW defines environmental education as the implementation of values and strategies that foster learning and create environmentally literate citizens who engage in creating healthy outcomes for individuals, communities, and the Earth. The overarching goal of environmental education is an environmentally literate citizenry. The test of environmental literacy is the capacity of an individual to work individually and collectively toward sustaining a healthy natural environment. This requires sufficient awareness, knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order to create a healthy planet where all people live in balance with the Earth. Activities Director- Victor Vondracek

This year at PSA, our EE team has taken on the task of incorporating a big “recycling culture”, school

wide. As a school we have taken numerous steps to introduce recycling to our students as many of

them know about recycling, but not the deep concerns and effects that can be beneficial.

We surveyed all K-12 students to see how many students know how to recycle and if they are doing

it at home. Staff used the data from the surveys to incorporate recycling and environmental topics

into their respective curriculum. There was an addition of new garbage and recycling containers

school wide to help improve waste and recycling sorting.

PSA brought in Tim Pratt from the city of Brooklyn Park’s recycling center to present to both our

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (53)


elementary and secondary students. Our elementary students got to see a brand new recycling

truck as well!

Every Thursday PSiA (positive students in action) has students that go from room to room and

collect all recycling to help with our student engagement. We are currently working with Tim Pratt

from the city of Brooklyn Park recycling center to work out an arrangement where our students

will bring all the gatherings from their collections to the weigh station to see what happens to the

waste, and to record the weight. A new way to recycle at PSA is that we have started recycling milk

cartons for all grades during all breakfasts and lunches. One of our assets at PSA is our outdoor

classroom. When weather permits, teachers use it to take their classes out for various instructional


11. Governance & Management


The school board demonstrates the capacity to effectively govern by the board composition,

election of board members and trainings. Meetings are conducted and documented within the

laws, rules regulations and provisions. Policies, school performance (academic, environmental,

financial, operations), progress and bylaws are all a part of the standard for the PSA Board.

The board holds management accountable for outcomes. The board had meetings monthly

plus multiple extra meetings most months. In order to meet the demands of ACNW, the extra

meetings required time from committees and the entire Board.

The Prairie Seeds Academy Board of Directors met monthly in open public meetings and

fulfilled their role providing governance, financial oversight and adherence to the school‘s

mission and vision. The Board followed an orderly process utilizing Roberts Rules of Order

and complied with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. The Board published all Board meeting

notices, agendas and minutes. Announcements of meetings were posted on the school‘s

designated bulletin board and the PSA website. All printed meeting material was available for

review by members of the public. Meeting minutes were posted on the school‘s bulletin board

and on the school website. PSA updates its bylaws regularly to ensure that they are aligned

with the most current Minnesota law governing charter schools and Minnesota nonprofit

corporations. The PSA Board reviewed existing Board policies and updated them, as needed, to

align with applicable law.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (54)


Board Membership Table:

Member Name

Board Position


Date Elected

Date Seated

Term End Date

Email Address



Chair Teacher May




June 2017 [emailprotected]

Jeff Culp Member Teacher May 2016

June 2016

June 2019


Xee Vue Sec Parent May




June 2017 [emailprotected]



Treas Comm







Dec 2016


Becky Buckley

Member Comm Member

May 2016

June 2016

June 2019 [emailprotected]

Sue Moua Member Comm Member

May 2016

June 2016

June 2019 [emailprotected]

Melanie Bradshaw

Member Teacher Appoint 12/16

Dec 2016

June 2017 [emailprotected]

Ger Yang Ex-





Choua Yang

Ex- Officio

School Leader


DeGune Lee

Ex- Officio

School Leader


Board Training and Development

Board training and development continues. The Board looks to secure this training on a yearlong

calendar with the trainings named, presenters named and date specific.


Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (55)


Board Training – 2016-2017

Initial Training

Initial Training




Original Date


Board’s Role & Responsibilities

Employment Policies & Practices



Mindy Hansen

7/2014 7/2014

St. Thomas University


St. Thomas University


St. Thomas


Jeff Culp 7/2013 2//2013

St. Cloud


St. Cloud


St. Cloud

Felicia Perry

7/2014 7/2014

St. Thomas University


St. Thomas University


St. Thomas


Xee Vue 7/2014 7/2014

St. Thomas



St. Thomas






Tzianeng Vang

7/2015 9/2015

C. Spiker


C. Spiker


C. Spiker

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (56)


Becky Buckley

7/2016 2/2017 J .Martin

2/2017 J. Martin

3/2017 J. Martin

Sue Moua 7/2016

2/2017 J.Martin

2/2017 J Martin

3/2017 J Martin

Melanie Bradshaw

12/2016 2/2017 J.Martin

2/2017 J. Martin

3/2017 C. Herdegen, BKDA

Annual Training

Annual Training – FY16

Board Member Name

Date of Training

Training Title or


Presenter or Trainer

Jeff Culp 06/08/2016 Financial C. Herdegen, BKDA

Mindy Hansen 06/08/2016 Financial C. Herdegen, BKDA

Sue Moua 06/08/2016 Financial C. Herdegen, BKDA

Felicia Perry 6/08/2016 Financial C. Herdegen, BKDA

Becky Buckley 06/08/2016 Financial C. Herdegen, BKDA

Ger Yang 06/08/2016 Financial C. Herdegen, BKDA

Choua Yang 6/08/2016 Financial C. Herdegen, BKDA

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (57)


Annual Board Training – FY16-17

Board Member Name

Date of Training

Training Title or Topic

Presenter or Trainer

Mindy Hansen Lomen

02/07/17 Governance and Personal

Jim Martin

Jeff Culp 02/07/17 Governance and Personal

Jim Martin

Becky Buckley 02/07/17 Governance and Personal

Jim Martin

Melanie Bradshaw 02/07/17 Governance and Personal

Jim Martin

Sue Moua 02/07/17 Governance and Personal

Jim Martin

Additional Board Training – FY16-17

Board Member Name

Date of Training

Training Title or Topic

Presenter or Trainer

Mindy Hansen Lomen

03/07/17 Board Finance C. Herdegen, BKDA

Jeff Culp 03/07/17 Board Finance C. Herdegen, BKDA

Becky Buckley 03/07/17 Board Finance C. Herdegen, BKDA

Melanie Bradshaw 03/07/17 Board Finance C. Herdegen, BKDA

Sue Moua 03/07/17 Board Finance C. Herdegen, BKDA

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (58)


12. Staffing

All positions are advertised as they become open. Ed Post,, PSA

website are the most commonly used for posting positions. Each person is interviewed by the

Principal. We seek to have staff that believe that all students can learn.

2016-17 Licensed Teaching Staff

Name File # License and








Include information

regarding special

licensure (e.g.,

Community Expert) or

other relevant


Rasamee Vang 475966 KG Teacher R

Courtney Anderson 486916 KG Teacher R

Pahoua Xiong 497106 1st Grade Teacher NR

Shannon Baker 431207 1st Grade Teacher NR

Katie Terhune 462760 2nd Grade Teacher NR

Jennifer Wagner 484319 2nd Grade Teacher R

Holly West 445543 3rd Grade Teacher R

Pang Mua 429558 3rd Grade Teacher R

Abigail Konold 489347 3rd Grade Teacher R

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (59)


Carolyn Holmes 470798 4th Grade Teacher NR

Allison Witt 474665 4th Grade Teacher NR

Kristie Flemming 271791 5th Grade Teacher R

Julie Anderson 484370 5th Grade Teacher R

Levi Peterson 463677 MS Humanities R

Chee Vang 489388 MS English NR

Alec Englund 496275 MS Science NR

Joe Taran 488703 MS Math NR

Karl Hoeschen 479994 HS English R

Nicole Wagner 480863 HS English R

Chelsea Roering 482092 HS Humanities R

Jacob Hinz 493249 HS Humanities R

Samantha Entinger 494413 HS Math R

Laurie Erkkila 310966 HS Math R

Christopher Flores 498934 HS Science R

Ashley Conlin 488378 HS Science NR

Rebecca Burken 463212 Elem Phy Ed R

Caryn Chalstrom 486842 Sec Phy Ed R

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (60)


Rebecca Bellman 469383 Elem Music R

Jeff Culp 447556 Sec Music R

Lindsey Graske 480983 Sec Spanish R

Richard Hawj 995999 Hmong Culture and


R Community


Melanie Bradshaw 489218 Sec Art R

Kyle Krause 490769 Sec Visual


R Variance

Andrew Anderson 331860 Elem SpEd R

Rachel Arel 461047 MS SpEd R

Jenny Haynes 344891 HS SpEd R

Rachel Jensen 468966 MS SpEd R

Patricia Cunningham 451984 KG-12 SpEd R Variance

Rose Johnson 452210 KG-2 Reading NR

Amy Claussen 463439 3-5 Reading NR

Meredith Folger 486403 Sec Reading NR

Abigayil Cisek 497619 KG-2 EL NR

Alexandra Hunter 495341 3-5 EL R

Brody Derks 443217 MS EL R

David Halstead 433703 HS EL R

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (61)


* R = Returning, NR = Not Returning

Percentage of Licensed Teachers from 2016-17 not

returning in 2017-18 (non-returning teachers/total

teachers from 2016-17 X 100)


2016-17 Other Licensed (non-teaching) Staff

Name File # License and Assignment 2017-18




Ger Cha Yang 366846 CEO R

Choua Yang 365058 Principal R

Mindy Hansen 442626 KG-12 Instructional Coach NR

Mai Thao 443594 KG-12 Instructional Coach R

Kita Vang Her 383180 IB Coordinator R

Annessia Xiong 490882 KG-8 Guidance Counselor R

Beth Hajek Nelson 431361 9-12 Guidance Counselor NR

* R = Returning, NR = Not Returning

2016-17 Non-Licensed Staff

Name Assignment 2017-18



DeGune Lee Dean of Students & Director of

Building Operations


Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (62)


Crystal Vang Director of Business and Human



Mong Vang Transportation and Building

Operations Manager


Victor Vondracek Athletic Director R

Jeanene Miller Academic Coordinator NR

Andrew Gorrell Academic Advisor & DAC R

Sam Wakefield Behavioral Specialist NR

Maignia Lo Media Support Specialist R

Teena Ting Yang Media Support Specialist NR

Youssef Darbaki Student Support Specialist R

Christina Suos Registrar R

May Lee Special Programs Coordinator R

Fong Moua Receptionist & Web Master R

Teresa Long HR Generalist R

Yer Syhaphom Behavioral Office Assistant R

La Lee Custodian R

Jack Chung Custodian R

Norma Montoya-


Custodian R

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (63)


Sokurt Suos Bus Driver/Custodian R

Paul Thao Bus Driver/Custodian R

Kham Vang Bus Driver/Custodian R

Ricky Yang Bus Driver/Custodian R

Paul Xiong Bus Driver/Custodian R

Cha Lee Bus Driver/Custodian R

Tong Xiong Bus Driver/Custodian R

Long Her Bus Driver/Custodian R

Ge Thao Bus Driver/Custodian R

Ker Thao Bus Driver/Custodian R

Richard Lee Bus Driver/Custodian R

Gregory Pickett Paraprofessional R

Yer Moua Paraprofessional NR

Steve Lee Paraprofessional R

Colleen Lee Paraprofessional R

Lavee Kong Paraprofessional R

Laura Ranieri Paraprofessional NR

Shang Song Paraprofessional NR

Jing Peng Paraprofessional NR

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (64)


Adreanna Manirath Paraprofessional R

Yari Vang SpEd Paraprofessional NR

Christina Thao SpEd Paraprofessional R

Lucy Lee SpEd Paraprofessional NR

Shao Chang SpEd Paraprofessional R

Sherry Marsh SpEd Paraprofessional R

Chrissy Yang SpEd Paraprofessional R

Stella Amiths-


SpEd Paraprofessional R

Koob Vang SpEd Paraprofessional NR

Maijoua Vui SpEd Paraprofessional R

Natalie Brownson SpEd Paraprofessional NR

* R = Returning, NR = Not Returning

CURRENT YEAR - 2017-18 Staffing

2017-18 Licensed Teaching Staff

Name File # License and




Include information regarding

special licensure (e.g., Community

Expert) or other relevant


Abigail Fickle


489347 KG Teacher

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (65)


Courtney Anderson 486916 KG Teacher

Holly Domeier 491708 1St Grade

Timothy Schneider 488873 1st Grade

Rasamee Vang 475966 2nd Grade

Jennifer Wagner 484319 2nd Grade

Holly West 445543 3rd Grade

Pang Mua 429558 3rd Grade

Jessica Anderson 499653 4th Grade

Logan Goldberg 499690 4th Grade

Haley Keyser 4th Grade Variance

Kristie Flemming 271791 5th Grade

Julie Anderson 484370 5th Grade

Levi Peterson 463677 MS Humanities

Mai Xie 377538 MS English

Sandra Hill MS Science Variance

Daniel Roddin 454638 MS Math

Karl Hoeschen 479994 HS English

Nicole Wagner 480863 HS English

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (66)


Chelsea Roering 482092 HS Humanities

Jacob Hinz 493249 HS Humanities

Samantha Entinger 494413 HS Math

Laurie Erkkila 310966 HS Math

Christopher Flores 498934 HS Science

Joel Blanchfield 250750 HS Science

Rebecca Burken 463212 Elem Phy Ed

Caryn Chalstrom 486842 Sec Phy Ed

Rebecca Bellman 469383 Elem Music

Jeff Culp 447556 Sec Music

Lindsey Graske 480983 Sec Spanish

Richard Hawj 995999 Hmong Culture and


Community Expert

Melanie Bradshaw 489218 Sec Art

Kyle Krause 490769 Sec Visual



Andrew Anderson 331860 Elem SpEd

Rachel Arel 461047 MS SpEd

Jenny Haynes 344891 HS SpEd

Rachel Jensen 468966 MS SpEd

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (67)


Patricia Cunningham 451984 Elem SpEd Variance

Brooke Herran 500775 KG-2 Reading

Tyler Sassaman 435081 3-5 Reading

Katie Horecka 403060 Sec Reading

Holly Krech Thomas 504700 KG-2 EL

Alexandra Hunter 495341 3-5 EL

Molly Naylor 504697 MS EL

David Halstead 433703 HS EL

2017-18 Other Licensed (non-teaching) Staff

Name File # License and Assignment Comments

Ger Cha Yang 366846 CEO

Choua Yang 365058 Principal

Mai Thao 443594 Assistant Director-


Mary Maggie Greene 324671 Elem Instructional Coach

Kita Vang Her 383180 Assistant to Admin and


Brody Derks 443217 MS Instructional Coach

Kelly Convery 464592 HS Instructional Coach

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (68)


Annessia Xiong 490882 KG-8 Guidance Counselor

Sara Kawale 485780 9-12 Guidance Counselor

Sue Yang 462028 Data Specialist

2017-18 Non-Licensed Staff

Name Assignment Comments

DeGune Lee Dean of Students & Director of Building


Crystal Vang Director of Business and Human


Mong Vang Transportation and Building Operations


Victor Vondracek Athletic Director

Cyndi Moua Parent/Community Coordinator

Andrew Gorrell Academic Advisor

Steve Lee Behavioral Specialist

Maignia Lo Media Support Specialist

Shao Chang Media Support Specialist

Youssef Darbaki Student Support Specialist

Christina Suos Registrar

May Lee Special Programs Coordinator

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (69)


Fong Moua Receptionist & Web Master

Teresa Long HR Generalist

Yer Syhaphom Behavioral Office Assistant

La Lee Custodian

Jack Chung Custodian

Norma Montoya-Zavala Custodian

Sokurt Suos Bus Driver/Custodian

Paul Thao Bus Driver/Custodian

Kham Vang Bus Driver/Custodian

Ricky Yang Bus Driver/Custodian

Paul Xiong Bus Driver/Custodian

Cha Lee Bus Driver/Custodian

Tong Xiong Bus Driver/Custodian

Long Her Bus Driver/Custodian

Ge Thao Bus Driver/Custodian

Ker Thao Bus Driver/Custodian

Richard Lee Bus Driver/Custodian

Colleen Lee Paraprofessional

Tracy Moua Paraprofessional

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (70)


Sherry Marsh Paraprofessional

Gregory Pickett Paraprofessional

Christina Lee Paraprofessional

Lavee Kong Paraprofessional

Erin Sollund Paraprofessional

Adreanna Manirath Paraprofessional

Alanna Yang SpEd Paraprofessional

Yee Her SpEd Paraprofessional

Stella Amiths-Darbaki SpEd Paraprofessional

Kekeli Christianson SpEd Paraprofessional

Christopher Jones SpEd Paraprofessional

Chrissy Yang SpEd Paraprofessional

Tser Cheng SpEd Paraprofessional

Kalia Lee SpEd Paraprofessional

Heidi Singleton SpEd Paraprofessional

Maijoua Vui SpEd Paraprofessional

2016-2017 Teacher Professional Development Activities:

Provide the professional development activities completed by teachers in 2016-17. Especially

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (71)


highlight professional development activities that focused in whole or in part on developing quality assessments and measures of student outcomes.

Time Trainings

Opening Weeks Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Data driven instruction International Baccalaureate (IB) Guided reading EL training Differentiation of Instruction

Lesson Planning Gradual Release of Responsibilities Scope and Sequence/ Standards

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Q-Comp FAST Assessment School-wide Assessment Suite OSHA/ Medication

Weekly throughout the school year

PLC Staff Development includes but not limited to:

Monday: Varies by time of year: Progress Reports, PBIS Data

(monthly), Student led conferences, updates on Authorizer, Team

Improvement Plans, Minor/ Majors, Committees, SST, Observation/

Evaluation, MCA Testing. OLPA. FAST, Hmong New Year, IB, ELL

(monthly), Interaction strategies, Comprehensive Needs Assessment, etc. Tuesday: Data one week/ Model of lessons by current staff

every other week

Wednesday: Collaboration/ Lesson Planning

Thursday: Collaboration with Specialists, EA, support staff

Friday: Collaboration/ Lesson Planning

During Common Preps: Meeting with Academic coaches on a monthly basis to check in, plan, look at data, and answer questions

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (72)


October PBIS Data driven instruction

Gradual Release Responsibilities Professional Development Plans (PDP) Team Improvement Plans (TIP) Environmental Education

Benchmark Assessment

November Infinite Campus – gradebook EL Training Student Support Team

Data driven instructions IB Assessments

February Data cycle process created in a new way with Consultant Gradual Release Responsibilities

March Data cycle with Consultant follow up; all teachers bring data and analyze with support of Academic Coaches, consultant, etc.

May Consultant- Final data cycle, School wide work and planning

for next year, PBIS, SWOT Analysis of school year in PLC’s

13. Operational Performance

Provide a narrative that describes school operations and provides relevant data that addresses a

number of areas related to school operations. These may focus on certain elements reviewed in the

ACNW Operations Performance Evaluation; however, do not simply copy and paste the entire ACNW

evaluation. Consider information that your stakeholders will find interesting.

● Health and safety at the school Health and safety at the school continues to improve. Our safety, as measured by student and family surveys, has increased. We continue to track our SWIS behavioral data for PBIS, and each year our behavioral referrals are declining. The continued relationships with the students and families help to put all PSA stakeholders into the situation of caring and support each other. ● Transportation A part of the school operations includes Transportation. Many families find transportation to be a very important part of the school operation. This is a strength of Prairie Seeds Academy. The school has its own buses and drivers that are committed to the students and families. A vendor provides service for PSA also. They are held to a high level of accountability to our families by the transportation coordinator. ● Facilities

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (73)


One of the high needs at Prairie Seeds is more parking. Due to expanding our staff, the street in front of the school being limited to No Parking on either side during family events, we are in need of more parking. ● Food service programs The food service program has been consistent with the state and with the vendor. Our families are still held to the requirement of completing forms based on family income. PSA chooses to offer free breakfast and lunches to all students in the school. ● Due process – student discipline data Due process in the student discipline data is supported by statute, the Dean of students, administration, as well as by the school attorney. This process is revisited yearly to make sure that all parameters are well within the limits of the law. Information is given to all families at the beginning of every school year and posted on the website to increase awareness of the process for all stakeholders ● Parent engagement PSA invites parents to become active stakeholders in their child’s learning. We have EL parent nights and Title meetings for parents. Home visits are encouraged to build relationships with families. Library night January 2016 showed increased attendance. A new strategy that increased attendance was the app, “Remind”. Student-led conferences have increased attendance at conferences too. ● Community engagement PSA includes community members as one of its stakeholders. The local community and the metro community that represent the demographics are also included. The PSiA activities include nearby Prairie Seeds Academy businesses, charities and service learning. Our PSEO works with the local Herzing campus, North Hennepin, Hennepin Technical College, and the University of Minnesota. The school interacts with the community events with Brooklyn Park Police and Fire Departments, as well as the great community of the metro via Hmong Spelling Bee, cultural events and field trips, service projects, environmental and opportunities as they become made available to PSA.

14. Finances

The school contracts with BerganKDV to provide accounting and financial management services for the school. Questions regarding school finances and for complete financials for 2016-17 and/or the budget information for 2017-18 should be directed to:

Contact: Chuck Herdegen, Senior Financial Manager

Phone: 651-463-2233, ext. 233

Email: [emailprotected]

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (74)


Information presented below is derived from preliminary audit figures. The full financial audit will be completed and presented to Minnesota Department of Education and Audubon Center of the North Woods no later than December 31, 2017.

FY16 Finances Fund 1 Fund 2

Total Revenues 9,669,175 486,000

Total Expenditures 9,341,733 486,000

Net Income 327,342 0

Total Fund Balance 6,493,888 0


The school did not reach its enrollment targets for the year (727 actual ADM compared to 729

budgeted), however more English Language Learner students were served than projected in the

budget, so state aids exceeded amounts estimated in the budget. The school did not rely on a line of

credit or any other short term borrowing to meet cash flow needs during the year.


General Fund

General Education, Charter School Lease, and Facility Maintenance aids slightly higher than budget

due to the number of English Language Learners being served. The school did spend more on

special education programs from what was projected, hence there was a corresponding increase

from the budget for state and federal special education aids. General Fund revenues came from the

following sources:

State Aids and Grants: $9,141,970

Federal Aids and Grants: $476,202

Fees Collected and other Miscellaneous Revenues: $51,003

Food Services Fund

The programs operated in the Food Service fund did not operate on a break basis, requiring a fund

balance transfer from the General Fund. The school receives state and federal reimbursem*nts for

meals served to students. During the year the Food Service fund had revenues from:

State Sources: $31,751

Federal Sources: $432,869

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (75)


Sale of Lunches and Other Local Revenues: $541

Transfer from General Fund: $20,840


General Fund

The school’s largest expense was for employee salaries and benefits ($5,260,128), an increase of

9% due in part to additional positions added during the year and improvement in employee

compensation. The school’s second largest expense was for the lease on its school building and

improvements ($1,528,815). Other expenses incurred by the school were for:

Purchased Services (including building utilities): $1,882,134

Supplies and Instructional Materials Purchased: $450,180

Building Improvements and Equipment (including technology equipment) Purchased:


Memberships and Other Fees and Fund Balance Transfer: $66,450

Food Service Fund

Expenses in the Food Service fund for lunches, breakfasts, and after school snacks served

consisted of:

Meals and Other Supplies Purchased: $485,360

Other Fees: $640

Net Income and Fund Balance

The net income of $327,342 in the General Fund resulted in an ending fund balance of $6,493,888 for the year, or 66% of current expenditures. The school’s fund balance continues to remain strong, and exceeds its fund balance goal.

15. Future Plans

PSA followed a plan laid out by its authorizer. A management company was brought in after

numerous committee and Board meetings to meet the timeline and plan of ACNW.

The future plans are in conjunction and working with the management company. Many of the

systems brought to PSA include data. Student related systems include IXL and Viewpoint.

Continuation of the use of FASTbridge brings new connections to the prediction of at risk through

college prep. Data will be placed on a data wall with analysis and insert of in class data from

authentic assessment with the classroom experience.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf· contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (76)


Coaching model has become instructional as opposed to literacy/ math content. This model will

help support and sustain implementation of best practice, as well as to provide a foundation of

instructional stakeholders that are deeply invested in bringing the vision around implementation of

best practice to life, while maintaining and growing the culture and community that PSA has


Goals have been adjusted and revised with the support of Thrive Education working with ACNW.

Prairie Seeds Academy - 2016-2017.pdf · contract (2013-2016) expired in June 20, 2016. We currently hold a one-year contract with Audubon Center of the North Woods. David - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.