The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


W. JAGKSON--W. A. EDGAR WIN KING OF FINE SPORTS IN FORM Veracious Third at Sandown Park Galloping in brilliant style, J. Lubransky's King of Sports, one of the successful Sports Girl family, won the main event at Sandown Park coursing yesterday.

The even-money favorite, Veracious, was third. fi I 1 -s ri i 11 Veracious may have been He was squeezed at the start, and, los ing ground, was unfavorably placed most of the way. He eased in the betting from 6 tn 4 on to his starting price of evens. Roy Mlnda, a kennel companion of Veracious, was a hot favorite for the Dandcnong Handicap on the circle, but was beaten into second place by the to 1 chance General Goldsmith. Four favorites were successful tn the eight races.

Results: STRAIGHT TRACK. Banyan Trial. MrB, D. Carter's Ready Mac (Just Ready Gloria Mac) (61), 1 Vops Choice 1.12). Marenjio (fll).

3. Mv Vir ginia, Sleeping Sam. Ladies' Man and Somu Tonic slso started. Half length; head. 16 7-16 Sec.

Boxes: 7, 4. Yarraman Trial. Misa A. Fennell'a Lorenzo (Andy's Choice Dunollici (evens). Kn- PdVOUT (71) 2: Wild Rnh liy ll .1 Vlnllc.

Glen, Mermaid, Dcvondalc and Era also 31 a rir a. tnree lengins; icngtn. is a-S sec. Boxes: 1. 0.

7. Boisdale Trial. R. K. Addison's Thirtv Pieces (Heritage Maharatta) (21), lj Typical Discussing proapects here during the State amateur foursomes championship at Victoria are (from the left), N.

E. Brookes, P. F. O'Collina, W. A.

Robinson and E. A. Fisher. THE TWO CUPS Luke The Ripper Anticipates the Start and Wins Easily Luke the Ripper had the River Stake (2) which was run on the circular track, won before it had really started. Drawn on the extreme outside, he anticipated the start, and was three lengths clear before the field had gone 20 yards it was from that point no race.

Jumping clear out of the box, Pretty Bobby, who started favorite for the second division of the River Stake (1) (circular track), made his opponents look like novices. He was never in danger, and passed the judge with an official margin of four lengths to spare It was nearer ten. Another all-the- way win was scored In the Carlton Trial by Yalchris. This dog, by My Chris Micawber, had lengths to spare when the field came into view, but he eased perceptibly when he caught the pacemaker and had onlv half a length to snare on the past from Indent. The equal favorite for this race, Lorenzo, was never a possibility.

CIRCULAR TRACK. 10 River Stake (1). First Division: F. Hull's ZinRari (Herotrlm Vambunna i Chrissie's Promise (72). Dulcio Goldsmith (7li.

a. Callcnte. Chromium, Son-nle AR.iln, Allan Scott and Argentine also started. Head; two lengths. 20 sec.

Boxes; 2' 101Rlver Stake (1). Second Division: V. Prcity Bnhuy (Brlerly Lad Rye Speck) a1), 1: Irish rttar (21). 2: Alhaditya fiRlt. a.

Darohln Dlnny. Slick Andy. Lad- rlie's son, khu mpus hi started. Four lenpths ID lfi-lH Se'. mixes; a.

10 River Stake 12). N. ChlsholnY Luke The Ripper (Father's hnoisieps -uraomro Lass) (Ul). 1: Ken's Kreucer C2). 2: Carl Reeklaw (141).

3. Rex Micawber. NlfMJ Boy, Black Wave. Nestle Micawber and Urst STATE FOURSOMES COSTLY LAPSE A. W.

Jackson (Kingston Hcnth) and W. A. Edgar (Commonwealth) won the Victorian amateur foursomes uolf cham pionship at Victoria links yesterday after' havinti been runncrs-up in the previous I two years. Both are lormer singles cham pions of Victoria, while Jackson has won the National Foursomes four times, Perhaps the most unfortunate pair was J. M.

Gillies and W. A. Higglns (singles defender), of Kingswood, In the morning they opened with some spectacular golf and were 3 under 4's for six holes. Then they played erratic ally for the remainder to finish with a 79 In the afternoon they returned to par golf and recorded the best round of the day 72. The carrtB returned by Jackson and Edgar; Tnrt: A.M.: 445.34ft.

315 37; 51.434,1543(1. 73. P.M.: 345.354,35537; 4 14.435.355 ill 74. Jackson provided the brilliance in the morning, and Edgar was outstanding In the second round, and provided the recoveries which enabled them to maintain trie ieau. Edgar start 3d by sinking an 8-lont putt nt the 11th, and another from 13 feet at the lBth.

He was not certain from the teen, In tho afternoon Edgar was through the jreen from the 1st 1255 yards, but Jackson came -hack "dead" for the birdie 3. Jack-ion then hooked the second at tne 3rd, ami cut to bunkers at the 5th, but atoned by driving well nt the 6th. After being one under Bogey on the return, Edgar badly cut tils drive at tho 15th, to run up a 5, while Jackson failed to reach the short leth. How ever, Edgar chipped to a feet, and Jackmn eank the putt. The 18th seemed destined to prove disastrous, when Jackson's drive tailed to tho tea tree, and was iorcea to use his putter in a lolt-handed style for the recovery.

Jackson then pulled to the bunkers, when Edgar came out to 9 feet. His partner made amends for the previous mistakes by xiutttnit accurately for a Bogey a. Hlgglns and Gillies played tne ilrst nine in 334. 314. 4M 3H.

out oroKe aown coiniiii-ieij the 6th. Bunker play proved their oown- t.ill. They took two to get out al the short 7th. then took three trom the edge of Sth and 9th. Their putting continued to he bud on the return, whlie they showed lIHie confidence In the remainder of their game, Great Recovery Their afternoon figures were: 345,344, 345 35: 454.435.3543772.

It was a great re covery after the morning catastrophe, and it was not till they were informed of the good roi-nd of the Jackson-Edgar combination that they "let up." Even then their game did not deteriorate. Gillies was a great steadying Influence In the afternoon. His average- length straight game offset any inclination by Hlgglns to wander. Hlgglns was through the first from the tee, but Gillies came bacK Brilliantly to narrowly miss getting' tho 2. Although Gillies was bunkered at the next, Hlg- fins played a No.

2 Iron perfectly to 12 feet of the pin. They reacnon tne otn mi yarns and Sth 1463 yards) in two for birdies. lies missed a 10-foot putt at the 9th. Their first hole over par was at the 11th (3'JU, yards), where Hlgglns puanea to tne rougn, u-nt in thft imnkers. Again, at the 15th, Gillies put his shot through the green to another stroke.

He was brilliant at the 17th, when he drove: over the trees to snonen niggms approum. He misBed the 8-foot putt. A lo-iout ouit onnhlrri thnm tn finish With a bfrdio 4, and to record the best scoro of the rtfonlorB A Klnz and L. G. Jftck- nn (Kingston Heath) wasted many strokes Inmirrarl nnnnllinn when Kind's dl' VO was OUt of bounds at the 3rd.

King disappointed on the greens in me ammoon. mu.w with rounds of 75, 78. Putting Failures H. L. Williams and H.

It. Payne were "accompanied by I. D. Rhodes and L. Duffy.

Thev comprise four of the leading putters In the State, but yesterday all failed on the greens. Williams Impressed throughout, hut Favna was far below his best, and occasion ally duffed shots on the fairway. Some of the finest hitting of the day was seen when Williams drove a great ball from the 17th tee nd followed this up by putting a long iron shot to within 8 feet of the pin after Payne had duffed on the fairway. Payne then missed the putt. William.

MnH V. T. Wlshart Kin EH- wood) were round in 78 in the morning, then narrowly missed a 2 at the 1st in the afternoon, when Williams lipped the cup from 15 jeet. Tney looK Ii to get om oi ouniter hi I ha 1nr fnr a hurl ft. Wlshart then sank 8- foot putts at the 6th and Sth to enable them equalling the 'best card of the day, but Williams missed an 8-foot putt nt the 12th when lippoa me cup, men misfra jus lairwny ehot at the 17th.

They finished by three-putting the ISth. Some of the best golf of the day was played bv A. Prlre and P. Wfsrher (Kewi nt the close of their morning round. A 15-foot putt by Wlsrher gave them a 2 at the Iflth.

then Price followed this bv Finking one from 8 feet for a birdie 4 at the lone 17th. They were on for 2 at the 18th for their third successive birdie. They were round In 7(1, but failed In the afternoon to run up an 83. Details: FOURSOMES' SCORES. A.

W. Jackson-W. A. Edgar, 73, 74 147 J. M.

Glllies-W. A. Hlgglns, 79. 72 151 h. G.

Jackson-A. J. King, 75, 78 153 1. D. Rhodes-U A.

Duffy, 75. 79 154 S. Williams-w. D. Wlshart, 78.

78 134 H. R. Payne-H. L. Williams, 76, 80156: HEADACHES NEARLY DROVE HIM MAD Now Completely Changed by Kruschen The writer of the following letter suffered from liver trouble, constant headaches, and an unhealthy load of excess fat.

Read how he cured his headaches toned up his and lost 86 lbs, of fat all with the same remedy: "I was so stout that my general health was completely undermined, I had constant headaches that almost drove me crazy, and I suffered from a continual feeling of H-'erishness. I weighed 16 stone 5 lbs. I began to take Kruschen Salts, and, after 10 or 12 days, my whole being was completely changed. My liver does not bother me any more, I feel younger and more active, my headaches are gone. Yesterday, to my great delight, I found that I now weigh only 18 stone 11 ID.

jVl.A.L. Headaches can nearly always be traced to a disordered stomaeh, and to the unsuspected retention in the system of tagnaiing waste material which poisons the blood. Kruschen Salts removes these poisons prevents them forming again and so brings lasting relief from headaches, Burkeland's Chief at White City Burkeland's Chief returned to the winning list by scoring impressively in his heat and the final of the 80 Handicap at White City last night. R. Prlce-P.

Wlscher. 76, 83, J. M. Ball- Iteu-1. H.

Whltton, 82. 7715(1; A. Smith-U. Kutllvan. bJ.

(( lfu: u. it. lienns, 81, 83: B. W. Cutler-It.

C. Tucker, 83. It. a. ttuxion, a.

itoss, ju, tti a. PleasnL'e-E. G. SchlHDD. 81.

86. L. 1). Hnrdle-K. H.

Anderson, 85, 82167; P. Wflhon-K. Ij. Sinude. 83.

85. K. Jamlson-H. Mitchell. 79.

89168, it. Li. itimer-r. u. riini, an, bo; n.

iirKiinm-F. Spenco, 83, 86169; J. 8. Campbell-W. Cfimnboll.

82. 88. D. P. DouEliton-l).

Kendler, 87, 83, R. J. Pnrlsh-J. Brownell, ii j7o; a. ifisner.

a. nuoinoun, 8S lRd: W. A. Flavell-F. Brunnilic.

87. 95152. FERRIER IN FORM Round in 69 in N.S.W. Amateur Championship SYDNEY, Monday. In his morning round in the New South Wales amateur golf championship at the New South Wales club to-day, J.

Ferrier, holder of the national open and amateur titles. returned a 69, which was three under par. To-day was the first round of the match play over 36 holes, Ferrier having an easy win against F. Tollott, 8 and Tho only surprise was the elimination of J. C.

Barkel by J. S. Carroll. Ferrier, In his present form, seems certain to take the title. with A.

T. Waterson, T. Tanner and D. J. Davles having the best chances of the others.

There was an unusual mistake In the match between A- C. Black and A. Taylor, which was officially recorded as a win for Black, and 3. Black won the 32nd hole and Tay lor, thinking he had been defeated, shook hands, and the two players left lor tho club house. There, however.

It was discovered that Black was only dormle four. It was ruled, however, that by leaving tho green Taylor conceded the match, terrier staged a typical finish to hla morn- Ing round by hoi inn a chip shot from the 34. F. Tollott, Davie. 7 anrf 8: ll.

Loncworth a. F. w. xicpnerson and A. N.

Waterson d. H. O. Davles. 7 and k.

j. invrrmti fl. and J. O. Lemon d.

R. T. Sheppard, 6 and Heard d. E. Trennery, 5 and 3: P.

Sydney a. h. m. uuuer, a and t. Tanner d.

H. W. Rowan. 5 and D. J.

Davles d. H. J. Benjamin, 4 and P. Clapham d.

F. Snowden. 2 and 1: 3. S. Carroll d.

J. C. Barkel, 2 and P. F. Hughes d.

B. Q. nwinc, 1- up, warier tu. Jj. Appeny.

1 up. The draw for to-morrow Is: J. Ferrier v. P. Clapham, J.

O. Lemon v. A. C. Black, R.

J. Witnycombe v. T. Tanner, P. Sydney Jones v.

ii. w. rniiiipn, j. a. v-arrou v.

rt. lonc-worih. F. K. Hpadlam v.

D. J. nnvlon. Hughes v. P.

Heard. E. Carter v. A. N.

aierson. AUSTRALASIAN. Morning. Stroke: Firth (10), 65: J. O'Callaghan (10), 67; Rider (25), 68; C.

Co pel find (14), 72; Macaulny (12). 72. Afternoon, Bogey: Connor (2), 2 up; J. S. Ryan (11), 1 up: F.

Bridges (13). 1 un. Club Chamnlons Semi-final: E. O'Connor d. E.

a. Roherts, ann j. wiison a. i. i-ouisnam, ana 4.

TALBOT. Men's Handicap: L. O'Donnell (16), 77; L. Potter (22), 79: E. Stowe (40), Associates.

Miss Andrew (45). 8t: Mrs, Stanford (42). 83; Miss Howard (26), 86! Mrs. A. R.

Wilson (27), 86. KEW. fiuc( rnv. FoiimomnN Bent Cross: Mrs. J.

D. CarlsonMm. A. 3. Arnnlt.

fit). Best Net: Miss McAliece-Mrs. Talnsh (18), 72, won on count back: Mrs. C. Roche-Mrs.

Rennlok (3M. 72. But Nine Holes Out: Miss Nash-Mlss Delllt, 33. In: Mrs. Revcll-I Mrs.

Oallachcr. 3S. won on count hack: Miss: nn mnieion-miss BODernKi, a.i. tuning: Airs. i-evey.

wext week, Mrs. Nunan's tropny. BOBBY LOCKE IN ADELAIDE ADELAIDE, Monday. Bobby Locke, South African professional golfer, arrived to-night by plane from Perth. He will play an exhibition match to-morrow with W.

Harvey against C. L. Wlnser and W. Ackland Horman at Seaton, and on! Wednesday at Kooyonga with R. Stewart! against w.

a. Kymin and B. cnristic. IF WILSON BEATS STARR Bouts With Visiting Boxers The Stale middle-weight champion. Jack Wilson, who has fully recovered from his fractured left hand, haa been informed by Mr.

R. Lean that If he defeats Jim Starr, the State heavy-weight title holder, at FJtz-roy on Friday, he will match him with 8yd Brown (Jamaica), Allan Matthews (U.S.A.) and Atlllo Bahatlno (Puerto Rica). Wilson, who trained yesterdav at the police barracks with Alf Lewis, said that he had rennatedlv chnllenH Fred Hunnohtrrv tmt ueen avotaea. Amateur Contest To-Night Several State and Australian champions will be seen In action at the senior amateur boxing and wrestling championships, to be IIXIICIUCII (U-11 1 Kill. N.

Lork And J. T. vhn nrnvlrlofl a necii uhi" in me receni novice iiKni-weigoi Show Day "Curtain-Roiser" V.C.A. versus Sub-District The 1038-30 cricket season has been provided with an interesting "curtain miser" in the show holiday gome (Sep tember 2U), between a Victorian Crlckot Association team and one representing the Sub-District Association.

The match will take place at the Albert ground. The sub-dlstrlct selectors have named 15 nlnvcrs from which twelve will later Do selected, inc v.u.a. selectors nave selected twelve men with "twelfth man" to be named on tne day of play. K. Rigg''(e.) 1'.

Blames K. Ureg'iry K. linker I. Lee W. I'enrioo F.

Hides J. Led ward M. Sievers K. Tnorn K. Miller B.

Scott SUB-DISTRICT. T. Lahitf (c). J. Wrinlil fi.

WilKon V. Huntington L. James A. JncK il. Barker T.

Lannen K. McCutcheon J. Pitt L. Garnar H. Gay E.

Lee J. Barnes A. 0 1 liver The pennant cricket season begins on Saturday, October 1. N.S.W. Representatives SYDNEY, Monday.

At the monthly meeting ol the New South Wales Cricket Association to-night R. A. Oxlade, P. M. Cush and K.

O. E. Johnson were plected to represent New South Wales .11 the inter-Slate conierence to dc neiti at the conclusion of the meeting of the Board of Control which commences on Thursday. McKinnon Club Trophies won last season were presented at the annual meeting of McKinnon Cricket Club as follow: A Orado: Batting. J.

Hall; bowl' inc. M. Yates; special trophy, A. Deans. Grade: Battlns.

W. Robinson; bowling, R. rinnott r.radn- Rntlitip It. T.emhke: bowl ing. J.

Lord; all-rounder. F. Moore. The club mis entered teams for tnree craues in me Huntlv association competition. Otlicc bearers: President, Dr.

S. L. Gcrmon: vice-presiuenis. Messrs. u.

aioorc, neaner, itleliairts. Brownlce, Maplebank and Cr. Barr; iion. secretary, Mr. K.

assistant secretary, Mr, a. Lemhke; treasurer. Air. r. Leader.

Allocation of Pitches Cricket pitches under the control of Moorab. bin council have been allocated as follows tor the com lot: season: Tucker-road Reserve: Main oval. McKinnon clubs A and teams: I'cmro niich Vi'Klnnnn team and Ci.u.u.u.r. corner, aeniiciK'i P.A.t.H. and HenueiKtt rresnyienans.

uem-loiL-h Ht.s.-rvp- Hpntlcluh ANA. iiml BetitleiRh Footballers. West BentleiKh iteforve: wurrlnals anil west ucutieign ciuok Mourabbln Reserve: Moorabbln A and earns. 11 Illicit Hecrealion Reserve: Moorab- bin team and Buntlelgh M. U.I.O.O.F.

Chel-icnlinm park: No. 1 pitch, Bcntlelgh Free (inrdeners and Cheltenham Club: No. 2 pitch, St. Matthew's A and teams. Fees for homc-and-liomo matches were bxed at Jul nor tm.

with the rxi'CDtlon nf West Bent Iclgli Reserve for which the charge will be 4. i iv per maicn. NKWSTKAD. President. Mr.

R. Mcllwrlelt. secretary and treasurer, Mr. E. Harris.

The rluli has dec fled to to tho Kewstearf nnrf District which will Include teams irom Main on, (iinitiiorn, uiyucsuaie, tiarmgiuip, Camnbelttowii nnd Newstead. Mr. J. Powel was elected president of the association, with Mr, H. Ha user Becretary.

Tho association Is ntllliate with the V.C.A. Matches will commence on ucionur 10. OUYKN. The dlslrict association elected the iiiiiutt ma- rresHicm. Air.

j. j. it. uiUCBliie Mpcrelary and treasurer, Mr. R.

Eld ridge; match committee, Mecsrs. R. Eldridge, J. J. L.T.A.V.

PENNANT Women's Finals Women's Pennant. ff finals yesterday resulted: Grade. Sectional ORCHARD 3-7-57 d. ELSTERNWICK 3-fl-(15. Misa B.

Jack in I Mm KmTIr H-4. Mrs. Proudfoot lost to Misa Watson, .1 11, 0-0. i.iiea lost 10 fc-iiunK l-ft. 1-rt: Mm.

rt Mm rt-4. Doubles: Mrs. Proud foot-Miss Jack lost airs, nunK-Aiiss ataon. u-B. B-1, -l-o; Mrs Jack-Mrs.

Yatea d. Mrs. Frazer-Mrs. 0-0, o-z. LAURISTON 4-10-74 d.

COBURG Fcihers (L. lost to Mrs. Sucden. ft- 3-0; Mrs. Stuart lost to Mrs.

McLaugh lin. u-i, i-w; mra. tarcnam a. Mrs. men, o-u; Mrs.

jenrey i. Airs, con-Pi'luie. B-l, Doiihies: Mrs. Wareham-Mra, Jeffrey d. Mrs.

SUKden-Mrs. Vines, 8-3, -4: Mrs. aiuart-MIss Fethers d. Mrs. Mc- uoti.iinine, e-o.

t(-a. BRUNSWICK 1-9-63 d. EAST CAMBER WELL li-4-53. Mrs. McC.ulrc (B.) d.

Mrs. nwnnn, 0-1, n-4 Airs, 'iavior lost to Little. 3-fl. fi-4. 2-0: Mm.

Tlvnn lnat tn Mr. White, 4-6, 0-: Mrs. Oliver d. Miss Harper, 6-3. Doubles: Mra.

ver-Mrs. Mc re d. Mrs. Swann-Mrs. White.

8-1, 8-2: 1. Tavlor-Mrs. Dixon d. Misa I.ittl.Mn narper, 0-0. Draw for Thursrlay: orchard v.

Brunswick, Laurlston Laurlston, a bye. A rir.nlft Vnnt IVnrtnnsrtn Rlnnlna Ruith Ynrrn Camborwcll, Kooyong. unute sectional Finals, Elimination Round (Wednesday). Catnberwcll (Sec. 1) v.

Lyn- 2) V. Methodist (Sec. 1, Cambcrwell. Grade Sectional Final (Thursdavi. Cten.

ferric Hill (Sec. 1) v. Yarraville Citizens Ulen Iris (Kcc, 1). Olenfcrrlc. Congregational Churches A Grade: Collins-st.

A 47 games d. Collins- st. 40: C'well 63 d. E'wlck A 37; E'wlck 45 d. Wyclif 39.

Grade: E. St. K. 44 d. Colllns-st.

34; Prahran 52 d. Brighton A 33; nury (i. Augustine 25; Gardiner 52 C'well 30: Malvern 43 d. Wvclif 34. Grade: uiirnincr io a.

u. iiuntiy a w. Ainivern JB ii, oury Huntiy a 41 a. franmn Si, OtIYEN. This season's appointments: Pre sldcrtt.

Mr. J. M-iugliton; secretary, Mra. J. Houghton; treasurer, Mr, R.

Witsnn. MURTOA. Railway Cluh. Prec irient. Mr 3.

G. Thomas; secretary. W. Hudson; assist, ant secretary, W. Poiiaru; treasurer, Davey.

POUT FAIRY. Ellerslle citih omcers: Pre sident. Rev. H. M.

Brady: hon. escretary. Mr. T. Digby: executive, Messrs.

W. Caddy. R. kciiv. bt.

t'atricK ciun omciais: (resident, Rev. Father Manning; vise-presidents. ubv. it, t-rowo aim ir. j.

i-iniun; nun, fcc rotary. Mr. J. Ma lone: assistant hon. sccre tii ry.

Miss M. Donnhue. Two tenms will be cntcrcu in me pennant competition. AMATEUR ATHLETICS Essendon Club Announcement that the Essendon Amateur Athletic Club would only enter two teams in the V.A.A.A. track competitions for next sea son was made at tho annual meeting of the club last night.

This Is In consequence of the modification ot tne grading system used last season, Tho annual report stated that the club had had a successful track season, and had nur. ilcipatcd in three, gradea. The committee was uruini uiai 11 r-sctnaon couiu ooiain per tnj.nent ur.tde team it would have do dim cuiiy winning a premiership, The A grade team's Inability to reach the four was con- sicJticd to be due to the eaitoees 01 11s sprint team and the fact th a successor to R. Morgan nad not been found. N.

Prunty 11,111 nullum in KuiiunK uva lines in tno cluo ciMiinmunshiu. A. basscd. the vlce-cau- tain, represented Australia in the six miles i-'vem nt tne empire uames, ana was tne urst AuMtuiian competitor to llnlsn. Thu crusj-cuiintry season disclosed several wt it nonces both on and off the held, stated iho report.

As a result of this lack of administrative enthusiasm by many members tne duo suilcied on thu liclti. In the inter-club competitions, both cross-country and track, reliance wns Placed a few mcmbern to produce ouislantiin cttorts. With a revitalised Li-ntnuuce hiiu uciier accommoaation in ine new Stan a sunstaniiai inuieasB in memiier- ship wa, anticipated. Truphles: Five-mile cniimpionsnip, a. ji.

uiisseu; seven-mile aiampionHhip, A. 11. Uassed; points competi most improved 'novice. J. Murphy; 'most con-HiKlent utniete.

R. Alcmery: Newman Cup, Ofllcc'rs: Chairman. Air. A. MeKwan: Hnnrn.

tnrv. Mr. D. M. Cronin: caul 11 in.

Mr. W. J. uiiiKDi vicu-capiain, mi, 11, unssea; social jitLit-i'iry, ah. uttiweu, viiininiiiee, Aiessra.

r. f-'llzprnlrt. V. 'dinner. J.

Thirknll. n. Kitm- and Kennedy; selection committee, Messrs. iiurKc, a. uaniiea ana ai.

jiaruiman; nnnui cappers, Messars. D. M. cronin and titer. Bowling Greens Opened COBURU.

The green was declared open by the mayor (Cr, Cole) before a large gathering, including several councillors and their wives, Tho president (Mr, Heymcnt) and Mrs, Heymcnt welcomed members and visitors. ine mayoress inrew me urst jaen nd Mrs. Keyment the Ilrst bowl. Mtxert- ntiK was indulged In by members and mi tots. Ainongfit tnuse present was Mr.

ti. Mills, rcprotmliiig the V.U.A. CAULKI ELI). There was an attendance of about at the opening of the greens. Tho newiy ciccicci prcamem, nir.

a. noKnit ex end i-il welcome lu members and visitors, ne latter including otiieinis trom several 01 The V.U.A. was reureaented bv Ci'gglo, who congrn tula led the club on Its npleuilid appointments, and formally declared 1110 greens ior tnv seaaon, Mrs. tiennoi, wile of the vlce-nresldenl. throw tho nnd Iho president a wife groined the Urst howl.

On the croquet side Mrs, Pic, president of the section, hooped the Ilrst ball, nnd mc resiieci ive cretns were mane tun nan nf hv nlnvrm. Mel mil menta were Bdrvcd in tho spactnus club hall, tho florai decorations In which were greatly admired. HEW. Playrro seelcted for the first pennant match: No. 1 Tenm: Bennett, Bushby, Cum mins, Uiivies, i- raner, iiamoicion, Hansen, McfiiiiivifLy, worris, I'inKney, iieicniorn, Hiiif.

I), iavior. Troon. Tllinua. Wood. No.

2 Batten, Cooh, hnuld DoldNmllh, Kane, Lee, Mann, ATfimiedun, Miinni, Mcnenry, mcuiiii, Parks. PriK hard. C. Rendle. Rutherlnnd.

A. Taylor. No. 3: Coleman, Cnrnall, nasli, O. L.

Praxer, Hayes, Pollard, Stirling, Sleven.i. Wall. Warry, C. Walnon. No.

H'lllerns. Ilever. Curtain. Cluirslon. Hleken.

Hon ley. Ilnrvev. McLean. Aoss, Treieart BIRTH OF GRANDCHILD Worn on Admits It Led to Trouble ai Kitimv notice court yesterday, before Mr, Hammond, P.M., Mrs. Betty Whltlock.

of Fiuroy, was charged with living assaulted Senior Detective Biddtngton aud wllh having used Indecent language. Detectlv (J. aniu p.m. on HBiunwy ii" Kltiroy, nwr unuu I of Senior Detective Blddington. He heard a man's voice raised in anger language usea.

w.i dwelling, they saw a man named Charles WhltiocK, nusoHiiu struggling with a man and woman. Tne woman waa lying on her back In tho yard, and other women were screumlng. Delertiva Blddington caught Whltlock by the arm. and he struggled violently as ho was n-moved irom uihuiimli (hen ruahud no and si ruck Blddington everal times on the and usea inueconi. house she struck witness In the eye and kicked ihim.

Tre street at the time the woman was ocing uruuEm to the police station. Whltlock and his wife appeared lo be mad from the effects of drink, and the place waa ke bedlam. Mrs. wniiiucw ciirred at a celebration due to the arrival her first granacnim. ura l- her two sons-in-mw, uu The men were Oghllng tn the yard, and she turned the nose on mem She denied having assaulted the police and having used the language.

A fine OI i was uuiuwu GAMING RAID Charges Against 44 Men ti firrest of 44 men, following a poiu-a raid on a club In Clifton Hill, was described In Colllngwood COUri, yesiunmy. 1 1 "ir Corgan Coalos, of Ramsdon-stresi, Cliftgn Hill, was charged with having had the cure and management of a common gaming huuea at promises known us the Clifton Men's Cin an.n'.rarade. Clifton Hill, on August 27. Charges of being found without lawful exnie on premises suspected of being a common gaming house, were Drougni to umw men. Senior ConstaWe R.

Kerr-Taylor said tn it about 2.40 p.m. on August 27. he and other pollco went to the club. As they neared It several men standing outside ran to the cl ior, calling out "Hero thoy come." The door was closed from Inside nnd had to be broken be. fore they could enter.

In one room three billiard tables, and In Iho next a table, a blackboard which had Just htvn wiped with a wet cloth, and two A hole in the lloor contained a dish about 4 Inches of paper uh in it. A Ifnr.t room, which could be entered from Hie back yard, waa connected with the second by two sliding doors. Peep holes had rut In back and front doors ot tho prctiitM-i, The front windows were coven-d wstji ire, and tho back door wus lined wllh sheeting. Bars and bolls were to innlj back and front doors. Senior ConstnMi? Henderson brjko the sliding doors connecting ilie econd and third rooms, and found an eltr-trie buzzer connected with the front door.

(Ire was burning In dudi In the corner of the room. Papers bearing names of and forms similar to those 1y makers were nlso found. When mieMi inert at the City Watch House, Coates said he waa the steward of the club, but did nm litimv what the other men hnd been doing. Constable T. U.

Melkle said Unit Ontd told him he went to tho club to play luiuanls with a friend. Ho had been given keys of the club to open and ekij-o it, ntM omployed for the afternoon as a billiard marker. The charge against Coates was illsnued. William Leslie Jackson, of Burke-road. Kist Malvern, proocss server, was lined 1' 1 being on suspected premises, and the chariies against the other men were adjourned until October 3.

LIQUOR AT GOLF CLUB Manager Fined 25 for Sale Without Licence A charge of selling liquor without a was brought against John Maurice, manager of lvanhoe Golf Club, ut court yesterday. Constable H. Haag said that atut l'J p.m. he with oth poiicerueu th lvanhoe Golf Club. At the jorker rwni he heard a man ask Durant for hottle of beer.

Durant look a nt beer from a locker and received It. Witness then bought two bull Ion vi from Durant for 13 each. When the police came in Durant hnd live i beer In his possession. Seven more found In his locker. Senior Constable J.

Kgan said that told him he was selling the lieor f-r own bene flt, and the sales had notiihig tu witn the cum. Durant was convicted and titled Drove at 62 Miles an Hour At the Chelsea court yesterday Tiinnu William l'ower, of Barnes-grove, Chcla. m.ij fined 3 for driving a motor vehicle on ivim Nepenn-road, on August at a danuff is speed. Police evidence was that they were to drive at "A miles an ur to oviTi.ike Power, whose speed through was till hour. Carried Torch on Bicycle Carrying an electric torch does not a cyclist from the responsibility ot regulation light on his mncliine was by Mr.

Pyvla, P.M., at St. Hilda c*nt ms- terday. when a youth was charged with mg rumen an unlighted bicycle. Constable Iturton snld that when he defendant on August 2d he was carr iik torch. He tnitl witness that he had rei-fHwiiy asked his employer, the owner of the to provide a lamp for It.

A fine of UO was imposed. Betting at St. Kilda At St. KlldJI rolirt VfMlnr.lnv l.nrlmor Mnrtr aien Huntly-road, El wood, was charged with having used premises la Aclnnd-street, St. Kulda, known as the Colorado Ciud, purpose oi Dcuing, ConntnlilM llavinii ntH ihnt nn he went to the club with other police.

They piece. Corrlitnn said he had not accepied bell nitty. A fine of 0 waa Imposed. Early Morning Incident At Brunswick court yesterday, be tore Mr. Jackson, P.M., Charles Williams.

Mitchell street. East Brunswick, wns charted witn having -used obscene lamcuace in Ktnev-road. Brunswick. First Constable Williamson said at a.m. on Sunday he was on duty with the pitrol opposiie me tram sheds, when he raw Williams and another man.

They had a third man backed up against a fence. The ililrd man wife was on the footnath cnlltnu lor help, Williams was dancing round and throw. mg nis arms nbout, nnd waa calling out in ft loud voice. Tho third man said he was walking along the street with his wife, when Wil liams, vsho waa a total stranger, simltc her. He-told Williams to mind his own Innh ss.

Williams said he did not speak to the woman. He had been drinking, and was very sorry for what had taken place. a une or 0 was imposed. STEELE'S LAST MATCH Wants to Beat Das Ray Steels will have his inst V.cii.inn wrestling match on Saturday against Arjan uaa nefore leaving for Now Zealand. sought the as both contests l(1 ncy tnulled In a win oach.

Steele elm ml is the better man. Daa is due here or plann to-day. Helore ho left for Sydney, Uroiher Jn" thnn said he desired a return contest wtui Samttiy Slein, ns he considered tnr'.i was his ravor until a penalty nil ai awarded against him. O'Shocker and Junalhan mnv meet on Oc tober 1. Brother Jonathan Wins in Sydney BY DNF V.

Brother Jonathan (1T.S1 l't Arlan Das fl7.4) In a wrestling match st the Ruahciiltcra' Bay Sladlum on Moti'ln night, hy two falls to one. A record rrti for thle season watched Iho contest. Jonathan look, the first rail with a body press in thrM round afier Das had fallen over the referee. Una emnillxeri In the. fllM allrr a series or dumps, with a body press.

In nrxl round t)ns became entangled In ami jonotnnn lumpen on nun nrn es. and. rirancinir him Into Ihr nil'hlie ni and bod'y press. Weight-Lifting Records Two Australasian middle-weight weigh'' HflltiBj records were oftlrially broken at Trojan club, Blind Insittuto oymnasium. Anderson (II st.

7) raised IKS'i, tw "'i inralrh. and 2114. Iwo-hand lerk. The preyim rex-orrls wers held by K. navies, of Adeinio" Fire nrlnde.

national middle-weight chair.piw Teams In New Sections Coburg's Steady Climb The constitution of the Amateur Football Association provides that at the end of tliu season trie two highest teams In each sec tion (except A section) shall be promoted to the section above, and the two loweit teams relegated to the section below, for the next season's competition. According to this rule hangeH will be made In the four amateur. sections as follow next season. SKCTION: Klsternwlck and Parkdale relegated to suction SKCTION: Old Melburnians and Coburt; promoted 10 A section; Kast Malvern and National Bank relegated to section. ShCTION: University Kluos and Old Xaveriuns promoted lo II section; Bouih Caul- ueia nnu uien iiuntiy rcieK'iieti 10 secuon.

SKCTION: FairUeld and St. Paul's pro-moled to section. The best record for promotion Is thai of Couurg, which was in section this year. anil win no 10 a section, for inree years this team naa had pnimotl at the end of each season. Old Melburntans return to A section after only one year In B.

uavinu been nmvea aown ai ine ena 01 ine iuj i sea son. GEELONG SECONDS Keen to Win Fifth Pennant GEfcLONO. Geelong Football Club will now turn Its attention to the second eighteen league premiership. Last Saturday, In the1 preliminary Una), between Colllngwood and Geelong, Geelong was convincingly successful, and will piny the winner of the match next Saturday between Colllngwood and Foots- cray. The grand final will ho played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on tho afternoon ol the Melbourne Show day holiday, on Septem ber 29.

Geelong won its fourth second league premiership Inst year, when it defeated Col' ling wood. Tuohlll, who played hla first game with the League side on Saturday, will be eligible for Geelong in the grand final, as will Howard, who was nineteenth man on Saturday for the, senior team. Geelong will train at Corlo oval on Tuesday and Thursday evenings this week, at the week end and on Tuesday even Ing next week. PORT FAIRY TRIBUNAL Bessiebelle Protest Dismissed PORT FAIRY. The independent tribunal of! Port Fairy District League dealt with a pro- test by Bessiebelle against Korolt being awarded the grand final premiership match on the ground that the Koroit club during the last few minutes fielded It) men.

It was alleged liy Hesaieuellc that tho nineteenth man cut on 10 ute licit! ucioru an injuren man Umpire Thomas reported nlaver of Kirk slall team for allegedly striking a Korolt layer durlni: the Korolt-Klrkstall match. There was no appearance of the Klrkstall line the club 2. Any dividend payable to iirK-stsn nun win uc wnnneiu until ine piayer is pronucco. GLENELG FOOTBALLERS Visit to Melbourne On a visit to Melbourne, Glenelg football ers wiil arrive hero next Saturday. They will be the guests of Mr.

J. J. Llston, president of the V.F.A., and Dr. F. Hartnett, the Camherwell president, who took a learn froml iamnerweii 10 uieneiB in aurusi.

tne party will be civen a civic reception bv the Lord Mayor nt 11 a.m., nnd on Sunday will be taKcn on a motor tour in tne runs. PROTEST UPHELD lllabarook Awarded Premiership CRESSV. At delegates meeting of the Western Plains Leagtij a protest lodged by Illaiirook against Beeac for playing K. Collyer In the grand final was heard. Collyer had played with Beech Forest without having ob taincd a clearance or nermlt from the lencue The protest was upheld, and Ilia brook awarded inc premier imp.

A financial statement showed that Icauiie had a credit balance of nnd aivir.enn 01 j. a nu was ueciarea ior eacu ui tne six ciuDs. Hickey Will Play Again GEELONG. Rumors that Reg. Hickey, captain and coach at Geelong.

nnd Tom wuinn. vice-captain, contemplated retirement from the game, were denied on Monday by the sec retary of the club, Mr. Ivo Olbson. Hickey said to-day that he would play next Reason, when he hoped to lead the premiership side. JACKSON AND BURTON Outstanding Half-Milers G.

W. Jackson and O. S. Burton wt-re the outstanding pertormers at White City last night, when the heats of the ilrst of the seasons distance handicaps, a 100 half mile, were decided. Burton took the first heat In effort less style at cramped odds.

He moved Into second position at tho bell lap, and then took charge 300 yards. Burton could have clipped many yards off the 2 mln. 0 sec had he been extended. in the fourth heat Jackson ran a well-judged race to mow down the leader. Feme in iho straiKht nnd record fastest time.

Ol the hack-markers. J. C. Downie was im pressive, lie Unished on strongly In fourth (Jijiuu jii uiu iiei wun oy uorion. 100 WHITE CITY HANDICAP.

Half mile. HEATS. First. O. S.

Burton. 20 1: E. K. Walker. IR.

It. K. Pnnn. ii Wmip yarns, lime, i nun. sec.

winner, favorite, to 1 on; Walker, 3 to pope, (J to 1. Scratched: A. E. Loughlin. occonu.

ij. Turner, ix, 1: L. Blater. 1. it.

u. ai evens, 3. vara una half. Time, 2 ruin. 7 sec.

Winner, 3 to 1 Slater, 3 to titcvens, favorite, 2 to 1 on, jjcr.itched: Q. A. Lawson. Third. -E.

J. Watson. 40. 1: H. Richard- son, 47, A.

J. Bird, HH, 3. Foot. Time, mm. sec.

winner, iu to Kicnarason, 2 to 1 on. favorite: Bird, lu to 1. Kourtn. u. w.

u. jai-Kson. an. 1 w. Ferrie.

10. 2: J. T. Kenrnov. 2d.

3. Knur yards. Time, 2 mtn. fi sec. Winner.

5 to rerne, iu 1 ntanivy, iu 1 on, lavurite. To-morrow's Runners SS0 Yards Handicap. Stewart, Harrison, Moon, Butler, Clarke, Foley, Bchellenbergcr, Whelan, Delaney, Simmons, Baker, Bull, Bendle, Sims, Baker, Plowman, Ellis, Buckler. Kennedy. Smith.

Allen. Tvan. Nuifent. aunneberg, Hitchco*ck, Peart, Hall, Trotter, uoiuns, Asnton, uryan, ttyrne, wnite. BARNET GLASS RACE Mountain Grand Prix "160" A start will bo made nt A.4n a.m.

on Sat' urdny from the Exhibition Building, Mel bourne, with the Bamot Glass Mountain Grand I'rlx of 100 miles. The riders will bo divided into three grades. Groups will be controlled Studlcy Park, Kew, where they will bo despatched according to handicaps. The route will ho through Box Hill, Blackburn, Llllydale, llealesviiic, Narociuong, liuxton, Alexandra, Vin Plnwerdale. Kinulnltn Writ.

W)iiiMnu flnlKhlnic oimoslie the l'rcston town hall. 1'rlzcn total 200, of which ISA is cash. The winner 10 receive i.ot antl liarnct huh 011 11: second. 2.Y nnd third. in.

Priie are given ior mc utbi six to nnisn, and the uint inri'c in emu hio uireo Cranes, for rasiest time the award In 2o. Many ntner special prizes will be given, and sprint nrlzei" for each grade at Hcalcsvllle, Alexandra anil ica. Colac-Melbourne Evtry State Is expected to be represented In the Colao to Melbourne amateur 120-mile handicap on Saturday, October 8. The race Is nromoted hv Hnrtlev'a Snorts Stores. The Victorian jim-rans rnnmpioninip win nn run in conjunction, and has so far attracted an entry 01 jnu.

Nicholson to Use 292-Mile Course The holder of iho world's 12 months' record, O. Nicholson, has resumed training for it Irrular record attempt nn one of the sporting fixtures of the Geolona Centenary celehrntlnns. on October til Nicholson will set new figures for nn unassisted ride over a circular course ot approximately -tvt mnen. Aurie's Star to Run in Quality ADELAIDE, Monday. Mr.

Q. W. Bad- man said to-night Hint ho Intruded to run Aitrln'. fltnr In Mm, ftnalltv flanrtiran at Moonro Valley on Saturday. i 1 i iifi 1 't 'it.

-r' ii fill it St: 5 ill! 1 IK 52). 2: Initial (71), 3. Hertnltmei, Decent. I'anam and thnmeter also started. Two and a half lengths; Itfc length.

101 sec. Boxes; Mentone Trial. J. Tail's General Mieawbnr (My Chris MIch wrier Gay Jtsmar (evens Wonder Lady (81), 2: Fulfilment (511, 3. I.Mriv fmh.

rrinilcv Jni'lc. lrradeeent and Fast alno started. Neck: 'A Icnu*th. 16 3-16 sue. Muxes; 1, t.

Mulgravc auke. J. Lubransky's King of Sports (Hertlagc Sports Girl) 131), Af-rprmtlftn iSti. 2: voriteloiis (evens). 3.

8ha- sianeo. iseca; lennin. id sec. ou; o. CIRCULAR TRACK.

Railway Trial. L. V. Newman's Uneeda (Mlramond- Nerudal (21), Thelray (4li. 1- tj.HiP MnM .1 Tru Crista.

Blue Foy. Wild Mln. t-lylng A I vie and Yaloo also S. 7. 3.

Park Stake. H. Despard'a Bachelor King Master Arms Bahelor's Girl) (72). 1 Spons Master (74), Yadillah (31), 3. Kaminda, Stratto, Ripple Foot, Yarcol Hnd fiyinc i.ticy aiso ainrien.

utsn nnu n. nnu, Dandenong R. Maidme'nt's Gens ml (Tnldnml'h iPharmlnda Joan Goldsmith) IB yds. t.Vl). Roy Minda.

12 yds. (ft4 Kareena. 14 Gay Andy, 12 Queen of Sports. 12 also started. Two lengths; length.

24 3-19 sec. Boxes: 1, 6. 4. Claim also started. Two lengths; five lengths.

10 in-IB sec. Boxes: (. 13 River Stahu (3). Morkom's'' Gay I'arrie (Lay Mick Mossgell) (ft4). Earl ii.

'n il. (911 3 Man. Coin, Trlx'le Goldsmith ond Gladful also startert. Hair lengm; icngm. -m bck.

16 Knc'ourage Hurdle. J. Hayea'a WHkle'i Orphan (Wllkle AKaln Tyneslde), 13 yds. i a ii i i mil QpriiciTlna 1 1 villi. JW2.

1 Another 'Boy. 14 yds. (41), 3. Syndicate (21 1. Leon.

Silvio. Gessell. Ambrose, and Green Flash also started. Head; head. 21 15-16 sec.

Boxes: 3, 8, 1. STRAIGHT TRACK. 10 Brnyhrook Trial. Mrs. R.

Millard's Royal Romance Final Cristo rrue nomancei Hercules (R2), Lone Watch. Tubby 'e Pride, Honsatlon and Harmony Lad also etiirteu. Half length, four lengths. 14 1-16 sec. Boxes: 10 Carlton Trial.

W. Sullivan's Yalchris (Mv Chris Micawber Smart Gull) (72), indent (51). Queen Footsteps (41). 3. Lorenzo c72).

Last Request, Mils Rrlfter, -i-l, Irl.hman anl Ptf-n-Pflt ft HO Started. Half lcncth. one length and a half. 13 12-16 sec. Boxes: n.

t. 10 Brunswlrk Kncourage. Mrs. M. Sahl-strom's This Time (Keen Micawher--Fadle Beaufort) (02) and W.

Stubbs's Cornice (Mirknroo Clever Mary) Rll, neaji neai. Clan Haven (evens), 3. My Virginia. n.mndflv nnrl Carliroe nho started. I'ead iicat, two lengths.

13 13-16i Time (fl4 on), Cornice (evens), 2. Neck. sec. t5 Flemington Novice. C.

H. Porrlne-ton's Ugly Mick (Lazy Mlck-Mocsgell (fiU 1- Blsck Abbott (fl4). 2: Partlieon (41). 3. jaCK h.asiroic.

ruiiKiiirm, now and Suspect alfo started. Neck, head. 13 15-16 sec. Boxes: 6, 1, Z. i oorrv'i Plmnre.

Klleen's Pal (21 rniiiu'a R.n ami HamhtinC Gold also started. Two lengths, two lengths. 22 sec. Boxes, 4, 6 3. Fourth Heat: Mra.

J. J. Brown's Burke land's Chici (Gipsy cniei v.n avanu, i yils. (52). 1: Bonnie Jean, yds.

(3D. 2: Jewel's Best! Some Gift, Vl'cnnna and High land Ladv ats started. NOCK, nan lengm. 22 sec. Boxes, 2, 3.

Final. Burkeland's Chief, 7, yds. (71). a iRn 9- Pat. A yds.

(121), 3. Jiuncharm, Watchford, Dart, He Did, Ronnie Jean anu inn iruimi Length and a half, half length. 21 3-5 sec, Boxes, 4, 7, 6. WHIPPKT RESULTS. Mlchell Stake.

120 Yards. W. J. Wcbher's Old Wellington (Honnn Silvan r-nncreiw, yds. 151)7 Top Air.

3' yds. 17 If). 2: i niirAi tTlA. Dark Rr s. Nosredna.

White Gold, Westwlnd andFcho nlso started. Length, length. 7 4-ft sec. Boxes, 5, 6. 8.

amlts 190 vnnl. Mrs. K. Mai cnlrri's' Don's Pal (Silver Lad Canberra), 4 yds. (evens urown uin, yi.

6- Pinin Hull rv. viU (.121. 3. Silver Gold. Moon Glow, Bonnln's Chance, Fidelity and Top Hat also started.

Head, head. 7 4-5th nee. Boxes: fl, 7. 2. Whippet Hurdle.

120 yards. H. Fornarlck's vi. ift4 St vie Phlt.

5 vds. (31). Aco High. yds. (31), 3.

Gothic Light, Princess Het, Red Rnhln and Achilles also started. Head, half lengttl. 7 s-iutn sec. Tottenham Stake. 120 years, H.

Pearce's! H.E.S. (Harry Kungas supi, ZTi yos. (eii. uay ueu, yos. uii, aioiioo inn, im vds.

1311. 3. Cherrv Klnc. Silver Pnn- roai lovnnsi. Ton Kicht.

Silver Hns nnd Ulllion uin bib'J unrirn, imii icngiir, neca, 7 4-5tn sec. uoxea; i. COUKSING INNOVATION. Dalhousle Coursing Club has decided upon an Innovation which every greyhound breeder will appreciate. On Saturday, October 1, meeting will he held at Sandown Park, and it will be confined to events (or saplings only.

This meeting will give owners and trainers unique opportunity of educating puppies to lie reai cuiumirms or piumpion coursing, hix siaKes win ne run, ana a piennrui supply well-trained hares will bo available. Owr and trainers are advised to get in touch with RUGBY COMPLAINTS Middle Park Grounds Players Injured Serious complaints that the playing areas at Mlddie Park for Rugby football were tn a dangerous condition, and tho cause of many serious accidents, were made by Mr. Mould, referee, to the council members last night. He urged that the park committee be asked Lo improve the ground. A motion was carried to that effect.

Mr, Mould said that he witnessed an accl dent on Saturday, In which a player caught hia foot in a erack In the ground and sus tained a compound dislocation and fracture of the ankle. No. 2 ground. In his opinion, was certainly anylhtng but conducive to safe "rugger." IT ho were a plnyer he would not Play on such a ground. The present state of the grounds was due to mismanagement, Tho cnalrman (Mr.

A. Mlehnpiist uni.i thai thu union had repeatedly applied to the trustees without satisfaction. Mr. Pcnwill said a delegation should wait on the parks committee. In his report of his vtslta to Sydney and na vitionan selector on ins A us trallan committee.

Mr. rhnmi anirl mm nn. iter tho conditions prevalent this season, theie were two representatives of Now South Wales, one from Queensland and one from Victoria, With a New Hollltl WaIhh nmrlnil an nhili-mnn uimno uuworRanio. no nau ir ou to con nee them that certain Victorian players were Mr. R.

F. Dodds said the whole position Women's Baseball The annual meeting of the Victorian Wo- men's isaeohall Association waa held last night at the Y.W.C.A., and bolh winter and summer sections of the association were repte-tented, This a the Urst annual meeting to he held since the formation of the two sections, nnd the secretary (Misa M. McDInrmed) presented a most satisfactory renorl. There were at present, she said, sixteen learns in the association ten winter end ls summer teams, and (ht formation of the winter teams had proved a great step In the anvnncemcni oi interest in Victoria In baseball for women. Particularly was this notice-able mong women who nlaverf crink in i he summer, and cricketers, although the i' amc Minerva greatly, nan proved adept at the game, with excellent results.

The balance sheet showed a credit of 4 V. and expenses nil, a position financially which Is rather unique among sports associations. Till) new Constitution. Whim Nnnltna In hnlh sections ot the association, was read hy the secretary. Wllh Iho addition of a motion lhat if tho umpire is Into for a match, the en plains have the power to choose an umpire trom anyone nn tho ground the constitution was passed as It was compiled.

Offlco bearers sleeted Ior (lis coming year were: President, Mrs. o. Peat Held; vlr-e-prceldcut. Miss L. C.

Mills; secretary, Miss m. MciJinrineui ann iroaaurer, Miss Trior Two Rlrls rlrtlnn tflnrtem cycle from Perth to Sydney Anna Kfcnln and Vera Hunting have been de-Invert in their time, table by strong head winds. They were exacted to rcacb Southern Cross last First Forfeits First forfeits for Melbourne and Caulfleld Cups and the Contain Stakes are due on Monday next at 2 p.m. RACING NOTES Avondale (N.Z.) Guineas The Avondale (N.Z.) Guineas, run yesterday, resulted: Philcourt, Rus sian Ballet, Olympus, 3. Won by a head.

Time, lAa. Kyneton Club New season membership tickpts will De required for the meeting of the Kyneton club, to be held on October 4. Entries ior tne nxture close on Monaay next, Stable Changes The Fleming ton trainer G. A. Alesslo has put into work a smart looking: thrcu- year-old colt by Son o' Mine from Golden Burra.

T. Glennon has token in hand Ballet Girl. Ascot Show Day Meeting An advertisem*nt inviting entries. which close at 3 p.m. to-day, for the race meeting to be held at Ascot on Thursday, September 29 tShow day) appears in this issue.

Work at Mentone Working ten feet off the running rail Miss Verbi E. Preston) and Exmoor (L. Weatherall) stretched out over six furlongs in 1.20, while Aerostat, ridden oy xi, Jinevut, suppea over nan a inuu in ouii at Men lone yesterday morning. Golden Queen's Trial The only horse to make time at Epsom yesterday was Golden Queen, who ran six furlongs, 42 feet out from the rails, in 1.22'e. Golden Queen is encased in the Arundel Maiden Handicap at Moo- nee vaney to-morrow.

Fortissimo Breaks Down Fortissima, an odd-on favorite, who was beaten out of a place in the Novice Plate at Narnargoon yesterday, broke down badly in the near foreleg, and will not race again for some time. Although the horse appeared nil rmht Immediately after the race it was with difficulty that his trainer, T. Dynon, the well-known cross-country rider, coaxed the, which was. walking on three legs, up to cne train, un detraining at oauinem the services of a float had to be obtained to cet the animal a short distance tu ms ttaoie. Sprints at Remington At Flemington yesterday morning there were a few time-making sprints.

On the Tan. Two Furlongs: Hostilius and Henry Tudor 25 Nellie Black 26, Apollo 27. Three Furlongs: Equatis tP. Simonas) 37, Clonea 40. Four Furlongs: Gaybrook (A.

Lodders) 51 with Stoic (A. Dcwhurst) assisting for the first 2 in 251a. Pib roch (E. O'Sullivan) 54, Kiorena about evens, and then three in Eight Furlongs: Brian iT. Gritliths, light wtfignu, moving niceiy, 1.47; nelson Kelly) 1.52.

LaUtUS 1.54. MunlHrenr striding, last two in 29. On the Band. mree Viliius sprinted three ana Aiorvren galloped seven in BILLIARDS CHAMPIONSHIP Marshall in Form BRISBANE. R.

Mamlmll, West Australia, tho British Empire amateur chamnion. Ilflhed a commanding lend asalnsi J. Harris; iBouin Australia) in tho ilrst session ol tho Australian billiards championship on Monday. Marshall scored very lust, running up 667 In fis minutes. Harris finished with only 1UU.

Aiarenaii average for the session exceeded 1 1 Mfir.Bh!il1 I'lav). 007; Hnr- Returned Soldiers' Snooker Prahran 3-3R0 v. Preston 1-327: Marks tFran.) 88 Smith (Pres.) 87, Clark 112 v. Anderson 83, Lelnhton 88 v. Woodllcld 02.

Mountain SB v. Allen 6.F. Box Hill 3-448 v. ColllnKWood 1-388: Grlfllths (B.H.) 108 Blakey (C.) 145, Henderson 105 v. Kltldes oi, Hiiers lit v.

iacey bi, Vivasn 124 V. BrouKh canlficlii v. Mayo (Caul.) 13 McKclIar ICamb.) iHLimiuouii 1,1 v. gj, piicn 1U Jarman 3, Taylor v. Trciraskla 66.

Brunswick 4-444 v. Hawthorn O-Xiu: Smith Walker 83, Robinson 124 v. beano 70, Jen- ninjis iuu v. HO. Meiimurnc a-428 SandrlnKhnm Klnu (M.t OA v.

Ni'phuo (R.) 113, Empcy 130 v. Davles 7U, ciiiuiu eo v. iKifswincHia at, jtyan jiiu Kelly 84. Fairfield 4-4. v.

Cu llnuwunrf 0-2UT, Blackeby tK.) 117 v. ltedtern (C.) 7ft, KlrtinR in v. uracc ut. Hen v. liuir 4i.

uutiiD- bell B8 v. Fetlts 8ft. Northcoto 3-4211 V. Port urancniiowcr (W.) oa Camphell (P.M.) 132, Poribury 144 V. New 70.

Groves 80 v. Howlelt 73. llouo 130 Knlsht Hrutiswick 1--AR( v. Predion 2-361): Qarth (B.) 83 V. Sharkoy (P.) B7.

Jeffries 80 v. vi, iji v. -xieniieii Milltcnn 102 v. McDonald 101. SI.

Kllria 3-440 v. Ricnmond 1-270: uonon (Ht.K.) m. v. Hhonnard (It.) 67. Hosklna 128 v.

Klnnna Ban 44, Hanncn 13ft v. Styles 82, Oray 7S v. ouitimn HanuniiRnnin 2-40 v. iiaw- thnrn fV.nen (R.) 123 v. Peart (H.) ft).

Doyle 09 v. McCormaek 127, Mi'Cnrliiy walker 111, ateiiiien no v. cooper Fleminpton 3-4R3 v. Knscndon 1-200: Clark' son (F.) 134 Tlerney (E.) 62, Kddy 12i v. Russell ft4.

Hallett 129 v. Linton 0U, Plun trol 71 v. Barton 04. Prahran 4-418 v. Oak- leiph 0-381: Mahbutt (P.) 103 v.

Moore (O.) Shmv Hi Hiiirhinfion 114 v. Revnolils 103. ttox Hill v. iincnion ii-jiu: itusi im.ii.i v. Duncan (B.

too. Nlmmo 115 v. Hansen fi8. Denman 133 v. Kelly 00, Howell 00 V.

Law- ton 79, Hnuin v. normcoie 0-216: Wildintt (S.m.) ll v. smnn (N.j 4W, Wtlkina 178 Munlon Fuller 131 v. nniiahv RH. Rniindcm v.

flolt ft6. Mel- bmirne 4-300 v. Brifthlon 0-278: Thompson 92 v. McFarlnne (B.) 71, King 81 v. Duncan Gardiner 104 v.

Neale Miller 119 la ifenre u. SQUASH RACQUETS BRITISH M.P. TO PLAY Captain V. Cflr.nlet, M.P., a member of the British delegation to the Commonwealth Relations Conference at Sydney, has arrived Melbourne. Caplnin Caznlet Is former amateur squash racquet champion of Ureal Britain, and one of tho Onest exponents of here, arrnnKomontB have been mado for him to piay at KOyni Meinour ne irnnis 10-day.

Ho wlli meet J. 3. Waison, holder of tno Australian proiemiimiu iiuu, ui. o'clock, AJ.C. Scratchings A.J.C.

All MKETINO. -Old Rowley, Tuckorbox, Hiramroy, Crodttnp. a.j.u. Derby. Yellows lone.

nimcrtck Stakes and Canonburj Owned by Mrs. J. Brown, Burkeland'sl Chief, who Is trained by her son. created a good impression when he won at nis first start, but his form since then had not been so good. Last night, however.

he proved his class by beating a smart field in the final. Results: STRAIGHT TRACK 2S0 Yards). 12 Siimthlne Stake (1 K. Halllday's Hunnv mil (Sunny invoi uimonni l'V-Charge (31). Victim (51).

3. Manngo, Patricia, Son's Hope, Cinderella and Joy 8 Pal also started. Two lengths, two lengths. 13 3-1U sec. Boxes: 6.

8, 3. 12 Sunshine stake (2). I. Rennold's An-namorc (Andy Vcrset (64), 1: Boy (71), Andros (51). 3.

Kelly IMwnllKht. Echuca Lad and Flash Prongh also started. Keck, length. 13 1-6 sec. Boxes: 2.

4, 3. 12 Trial Stake. Mrs. D. Vance's Tn nutate (Taronua Joan of Arc) (21).

Lven Lad-dio (21). 2: Pharlandcr (72), 3. Another Victory, Bilalbo. Dorothy Dee. Onka Lad and St.

Rockne also started. Neck, three lengths. 13 3-10 sec. Boxes: 6, 2, 3. CIRCULAR TRACK (400 Yards).

50 Handicap. First Heat: S. Johnson's Watchford Dart (Andy Lynn Sweet Lyes), 7 vds. lfi1). Ideal Pat, 6 yds.

(72), Mlnda Star. 7 yds. (1UI), 3. Aldcrshol (52) Screen nt Major, Olglc nnd Tnlgana also started. Head, two lengths.

22 1-5 sec. SKond'HeaL-A. H. Cooke's He Did (Mon, -Buckland's Gap), 7 yds (41), Hun Charm. 7 yds.

(Kl), 2: Mon Laddie, 6 yds. I0'4i. 3. Twilight. Kerry.

Recompense and Blonde Rose also started. Head, two lengths. VrdM Boy (Don-old Neway-Lassie Bell). 6 yds. (52), The Trump, 4 yda.

(51), Flying Girl, 7 SAILOR LAD-ANITA Selections For Gracedale To-day Hallor Lad. on the straight, and Anita, circle, may he tho host invesimenta at Park this afternoon. Sailor Lad Is a smart N.C.C. performer, wnnsi Anna rcccmiy won impressively ai nnim wu. of eight events is an attractive one, nnd excellent racing should bo witnessed, Selections: Trial (ll.

Circle. Murka or Tobaraccl. Trial (2). Circle. Flashing Fluke or Little Tom.

Trial 3), Straight. Fan Fan or oomen swan. Trial (4), Straight. Cenovla or Leo'i De sire. Trial (5), Circle.

Anita, next Red Glow. Novice, Circle. Kentucky Blue or Spotted Boy. Trial (6), Straight Leoma or Strange Footsteps. Novice, Straight.

Sailor Lad, next Desert King. To-morrow's Grodings Grading! for to-morrow night's meetings at Napier Park and White City are: NAPIER PARK CIRCULAR TRACK. 272 Commemoration Handicap (310). Eleventh Heat, 10 Dulcie Goldsmith, Fawn Rebel, Farlda, Judge Dickens, Latest Report, Mickaroo, Plum King, Say What. Twelfth Heat, 9 Yds.

Bill Goldsmith, Car-warp, Cnlasto, Ikey, Innls Bradford, Little Fella, Regal, St. Curia, Thirteenth Heat, fl Yds. Brazilian. Cnssis'm ii ii, iarK jimmy a Desire, Robust, Slick Andy. Thirty Pieces, Turk's Delight.

Fourteenth Heat, 9 Yds. Harmony Lad. Hydroplane. King Thrill, Lady Rankn. Lone Watch.

Mystic Gold, The Irishman, Ztngarl. Fifteenth Heat. Cubby Mac, Lady Talking. Ioch Haven. 10; Blue Hero, Trlrkenum Lad.

7: Gav Andv. Golden Crum. Jack Km. cote, 4. 10 Torquay Hurdle (310).

Cnrn Brne.i Coburg Laddie, Folly's Image, Garrlo, Ulen- STRAIGHT TRACK. Trial (3), 300. Beau Rand, Coin, auess-o-Ornph, Lorenzo, On the Warpath, Prlnre Midas. Rex Micawher. Rnmn'i rirnriinn.

A.K. Andy Vale. Trial (2), 3oo. Alhenry, Fulfilment, Good Ihln. t.n rnrnhlnn Misa Hrlvuap Manohiv (1), 300.

Flood Area, Humorous, Kenny Boy, Mllnnchant, Noble Memories. On the 8n.unre, Our Choice, Sparkling Hock, A.E. Jewel's Mac. WHITE CITY STRAIGHT TRACK (250 Yards). 50 Handicap, of Four Heats and a Final.

Firit Heat: Stella's Pal. Golden Leslie, Vlckers Burning cinders. Noble. I1. Hccond Heat: Collector.

Valiant. Rebel Glen, Beverlie Mac, Booty's Best, 7: Oark Bits. 5-Irish Girl. Ring.iroorna. m.

Third Heat: Austin, Highway, Nlghtguard. Kingawood, Doris Buna, 11. roiinn iieai strnnKe Footsleps, Rtaek Jawk. The Night Patrol, Spotted Andv, lanax, Guy Fox, fi; Red Princess, Margo, CIRCULAR TRACK (550 Ynrds), 13 SunBhtno Stake (. Khony Otrl', Term vfr l.nwhi 1'avlllon, Yarlna, Gladness, Charmalne.

i2---nnon Ball. Hash King. Atdo. Blue and Gold. Dusky oirl.

d'Arr, Kitty's Pel. Knight, snik-Harry Gavin, Bluey a Best, Bustler'a Best. WHtPPRTS. nS'ihy" y' dny Pretty Rose, Cloud Calare, White Henther, Hare Dash, orcrn Stripe. Hprlngheel.

Sflyj" Nevado, John n' U' Star Uvor, Toltenhnm Stake'. Rare Thought. Mnreh Gifi. AS' HUa, Dn ACt' GLISTENING BEAUTY 1W Bring Beauty, Brightness and Colour into your kitchen by re-covering its drab walla with "TILXIX" the Marble-finished Wall Panel. is always Artlsllo, Immaculate, Hygienic TO CLEAN I Available in 8 colourful patlsrna.

Easily erected. Only a fraction ol the cost ol tiles. Prrt of lllmlrtliJ ptmphlit in tolourPf tut Foil Frnl JAMES HARDIE COY. PTY. LTD.

CITy RO. CLARENDON STH. MELBOURNE (Bnx 4070, C. P.O., Melbourne) 3L MARBLE-FINISHED WALL PANEL Obtainable from leading Storekeeper and and New Timber Merchant throughout AuttraUm Zealand Auorapson, niiKini. mum.

wnn ivi ana std respectively.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.