Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)

to 0 DAILY STATESMAN, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1913. THE AUSTIN BIG SLUMP IN COTTON; I PRICES STRIKE BOTTOM break in the cotton market today carried January contracts off to 11.75c, or $7.30 per bale, under the recent higher level, and $10.50 per, bale below the high records of season. This reflected a renewal of, heavy general liquidation inspired by the ginning figures published on Saturday and while there active realizing by old shorts, or recent sellers, last prices were within a point or two of the lowest, with the close steady at a net loss of 8 to 20 points, generally 16 to 20 points net lower. Liverpool just about met the local decline of Saturday, and loss the of 7 to market 10 here points opened under over-Sunday selling orders. There was quite a good deal of demand during the early trading.

In addition to covering or profit taking, there active buying by with Liverpool connections which were to be undoing straddles. The gossip was that these straddles had supposed been put out when New York was selling about 80 points under Liverpool and that the buying here this morning represented realizing at the difference of around 115 points. In addition to these two sources of demand support there was some scattering from trade sources and after early irregularity the market rallied to about the closing fIgures of Saturday, It was noted however that the buyslackened as soon as the close of ing Liverpool shut out arbitrage business under and the market then weakened heavy liquidation which was accomby rumors that large local and Southern long lines were being sold panted out. Covering caused occasional slight bulges which met increased offerings and the market reached the low level of the day in late trading when active months sold 18 to 21 points lower. It rumored after the close that the was of the large long lines had been completed during the day's tradliquidation ing while there appeared to be more or less dispute as to whether the Southern selling had been all in the way of long liquidation or partly against spot supplies held in the interior.

Practically all the private news from the South claimed that interior holders were relatively firm in their views and were not meeting the decline in futures. Futures closed fairly steady. Month: Open. High. Low.

Close. December ....12.15 12.18 12.01 12.03 January 11.85 11.92 11.74 11.82 11.78 February March .12.12 12.19 11.99 12,02 12.01 April May 12.10 12.17 11.98 12.01 June 12.01 July 12.10 12.17 11.99 12.02 August 11.90 11.90 11.90 11.81 September 11.54 October 11.40 11.48 11.40 11.41 New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. was under heavy selling pressure today, which put it a dollar a bale below the level of Saturday's last prices. In the morning session no great amount of business wag done and the tone was steady, but after the noon hour heavy offerings appeared, chiefly in sympathy with heavy selling In the New York market, and there was an Immediate weakening.

Some long cotton was thrown overboard, but a good part of the selling was for short account. The opening was steady at a decline of 5 to 9 points on liquidation from the long side. Cables were about as due and a private messages from Liverpool were decidedly bullish in their tone. Brokers had a good volume of selling orders to fill, however, and it weighed against values. First prices were lowest in the early trading as a good demand came from profit-takers on the short side and the market quickly recovered the initial loss and went 3 to 4 points over Saturday's last CATTLE ACTIVE AND STRONG Receipts at Fort Worth Drop to a Low Figure--Hogs Rule a Dime Higher.

FORT WORTH. for were smaller than the Saturday supply, a meager run of 200 head of cattle and 600 calves constituting the entire offering. In view of last week's abnormally heavy crop, however, and the further fact that the holidays are approaching, when poultry and other meats will be thrown into competition with beef, only a small supply was needed. All classes sold on an active and strong market. Threefourths of the day's aggregate consisted of Mexican stuff.

Steers sold at a range of $5.50 butcher cows at $4.00 5.50, heifers at $5.50 6.50, bulls at $4.00 calves at $4.50 7.76. About 1200 head of' hogs were received. The market displayed a good undertone from the outset and general prices indicated an advance a An outside packer took one carload at $8. this being the top for the day. Bulk of sales made a range of The sheep market was nominal: receipts of fresh stuff being limited to eight goats.

I St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Dec. Hogs.

Receipts, 22,000 head; market higher. Pigs and lights, good heavy, Cattle: Receipts, 4800 including 1500 Texans; market steady. Native beef steers, cows and heifers. Texas and Indian steers, cOWS and heifers, $4.00 6.00; calves in carload lots, $6.00 Sheep. Receipts, 2000 head; market strong.

Native muttons, lambs, $5.25 7.50. Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, Dec. Receipte, 8000 head; market higher. Bulk of sales, $7.45 heavy, $7.60 light, pigs, $6.50 7.25.

Cattle: Receipts, 11.000 head, including 1500. Southerns; market steady. Prime fed steers, beef steers. $7.00 'Southern steers, cows, $4.40 heifers, Sheep: Receipts, 10.000 head; market higher. Lambs, yeartings, $5.50 wethere, $4.50 ewes, $4.00 4.65.

Chicago. CHICAGO, Dec. 22. -Hogs: Receipts, 34,000 head; market strong. Bulk of sales, $7.60 7.75; light, mixed, heavy, $7.45 rough, pigs, $6.25 Cattle: Receipts, 17,000 head; market steady.

Beeves, Texas steers, $6.70 7.75; stockers and feedens, $5.00 (07.50; cows and heifers. $3.33 calves, $7.00 STOCKS DISPLAY STRENGTH News From Washington Causes Sharp Recovery After Weakness in Early Trading, NEW YORK. Dec. A further response was made by the stock market today to the news from Washington. Changes made in the currency bill in conference, particularly the defense of the provision for guarantee bank deposits, were to the liking of Wall Street.

From the White House came the news that the policy pursued in the case of the telephone and telegraph would be followed with other company corporations whose operations have brought them to then eye of the Deof Justice that certain of partment these corporations were ready to take the initiative in effecting reorganization. Realizing sales and foreign offerings kept the market in check during the morning, with especial heaviness in a few stocks. Western Union made a new low price, at and Missouri Pacific, at reached the lowest quotation for years. The market turned after word came of developments at Washington. The marked effect of this news was the quick bidding stocks of corporations against which anti-trust suits have been filed, or which have been under investigation by the Government.

Southern Pacific, Reading, New Haven, Can, Harvester and Smelting rose strongly. Early losses were up in most cases, and at the close there were many substantial gains. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value. $2,107,000.

United States fours registered advanced on call. NEW YORK MONEY. NEW YORK, Dec, on call, to per cent; ruling rate, per cent; closing bid, to per cent. Time loans: Weaker; sixty days, 5 to per cent; ninety days, 5 per cent; Mercantile six months, paper, to 5 to 6 per content. exchange: Steady; sixty demand, $4.85.30.

Commercial bills, Bar silver, Mexican dollars, Goverament bonds: Firm. Railroad bonds: Irregular. METAL MARKETS. NEW YORK, Quiet, $3.95 London, £17 15s. Spelter: Steady, London, £21 10s.

Copper: Spots not quoted. December, January and February offered, electrolytic, lake, $15.00 nominal; casting, London, firm; spot, £64 3s 9d; futures. £64 12s 6d. Tin: Weak. Spot to January, $36.62 February, March, $36.75 37.25.

London, easy; spot, £168 5s; futures, £169 15s. Antimony: Dull. Cookson's, $7 7.60. Iron: Quiet. No.

1 Northern, $15.00 No. 2 Northern, $14.75 No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, London, Cleveland warrants, 50s. ELGIN BUTTER MARKET.

ELGIN, Dec. -Butter, 24c. COFFEE MARKET. NEW YORK. Dec.

coffee market closed steady at net lower. Spot No. 7 Rio, No. 4 Santos, mild dull, Corlova, nominal. Constipation Poisons You.

If you are constipated, your entire system is poisoned by the waste matter kept in the body serious results often follow. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and you will soon get rid of constipation, headache and other troubles. 25c at Druggists or by mail. H.

E. Bucklen Philadelphia and St. Louis. BURGLARS FIRE ROXTON STORE Fifty Thousand Dollars Worth of Damage Done and Four Injured. ROXTON, Dec.

-Fifty thousand dollars damage was done last night when burglars set fire to the store of the J. F. Landers Company here. They first robbed the place. During the fire an explosion injured Lim Phillips and three all of whom are expected to recover." Croup 1s a terrible disease, it Croup Cough Remedy.

tacks children SO suddenly they are very apt to choke unless given the proper remedy at once. There is nothing better in the world than Dr. King's New Discovery. Lewis Chamberlain, of Manchester, Ohio, writes about his children: "Sometimes in severe attacks we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery is, we have no fear.

We rely on it for croup, coughs and colds." So can you. 50c and $1.00. A bottle should be in every home. At all Druggists. H.

E. Bucklen Philadelphia, St. Louis. CHANGES AT MARBLE FALLS. MARBLE FALLS, Dec.

-On Jan. 1 a controlling interest in the R. H. Evans Company, incorporated for $100,000, will pass from R. H.

Evans to Charles Schultz Llano. The deal was closed last Saturday. Mr. Schultz also bought the Evans-Ebeling Bank and expects to continue the bank. Mr.

Evans will retire from business and move to West Texas. TRAIN IS DERAILED. MARBLE FALLS, Dec. The mixed train which left Austin at 10 a. m.

Sunday for Lampasas was by a spread in the track near Fairland. No one was injured, but the track was so badiy torn up that the passage of trains was biocked for about twelve hours. Bumped Up Against the Real Thing. "I think I have bumped up against the real thing in Chamberlain's Tablets," writes D. R.

Thomas of Tidioute, Pa. "They do the work and cause 110 unpleasant reaction." In cases of constipation when pills and saline catharties, are used, their use is often by constipation, as they take so much water out of the system. On the other hand, the effect of Chamberlain's Tablets is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize that it has been produced by a medicine, and no reaction follows their use. For sale by all dealers. Swift and Company's sales of fresh beef in Austin for the week ending Saturday, Dec.

20, averaged 9.39 per pound. TO SUPPLY DRESSED TURKEYS, Produce Men Preparing to Furnish Late Buyers at 18c Sell Strong. The local produce men are preparing to furnish late Christmas buyers with dressed turkeys at 18 cents a pound. The Guilheim Produce Company expects to start a force at work slaughtering turkeys this morning. Other houses are preparing to take care of their customers.

With Christmas only three days off there is a good supply of cranberries in stock and they are gelling rapidly at 15 cents a quart. Other vegetables, such as celery, tomatoes and lettuce, are in strong demand with prices quoted at the same figure. Chickens are plentiful and are selling slow. The reason assigned is the strong demand for turkeys, Staples and groceries are unchanged in price. Cotton Seed Froducts.

Cotton Seed Meal, rer ton, $28; Cotton Seed Hulls, per ton, Seed, $20 a ton; Cotton Seed Oil, 40c a. gallon. Lard and Lard Compound. Lard Compound, per tierce basis, 91c; Crusto, per tierce basis, 10c; Silver Leaf, Premium, Leaf, Premium Bacon, 29c; Premium Ham, 20c; Empire Ham, Winchester Bacon, 21c; Empire Bacon, 24c; Dry Salt Extras, 131-6c; Dry Bellies, 14x16, 20x25 Bacon Bellies, 16c. Cheese, Wisconsin cream, per 19 brick, 23c; imported Swiss, 35c; Garlic, per 12c; Chili, per 82c; Kraut, per keg, Salt, per 100 58c; 200 loose, Peanuts, Jumbos, 10c; No.

1 Virginia, 9c; Nuts, soft shelled Walnuts, No. 1 California, per 20c; almonds, soft shelled California, per 24c; filberts. per 15c; Brazil nuts, per 20c; Beans, imported navy, Califernia navy, Black-eyed Peas, bayous, Limas, 7c; garavanzos, Sardines, quarter oils, mustard, three-quarter oils, French imported, Norwegian smoked, $10. Vegetables. Beans, round green, 1-3 Beans, navy, per Cabbage, 100 Chili Peppers, per 32c; small Japan, 20c; Green Chili, per Onions, per Irish Potatoes, $1.05 per Sweet Potatoes, per Green Peppers, per basket crate, Garlic, per Tomatoes, crate, Celery, $1.00 per dozen bunches.

Chickens, Butter Eggs. Fryers, per old hens, a Country Butter, 40c creamery, 40c Eggs, 27c dozen. Canned Fruits. California Canned Fruits, per dozen, cases- Apples, $2.25: Apricots, Blackberries, Cherries, Grapes, Peaches, clingstones. freestones, Bartlett Canned Vegetables, No.

2 Standard 80c: No. 3, sec5c less; Illinois Fancy Corn, $1.10: standard, 90c. Cereals. Scotch- Oats, per case, Cream of Wheat, per case. Grape Nuts, per case, Granulated Hominy, per case, Quality Mills Cream of Corn, per sack, 22c; Hay, Oklahoma, choice prai ton, $17; alfalfa, $21; South Texas prairie hay, $14; Cane hay, $16; Johnson grass hay, $17: Oats, 48c; Bran, $1.46 Chops, per Corn, shelled, per 85c; In car, 65c; Rye, per $1.50: Barley, per Wheat, Mediterranean, per Nicaragua, Flax Seed, per 20c; Turnip Seed, per 50c; Popcorn, per Alfalfa Seed, per Burr Clover, 20 Flour, per bbl.

basis, Corn Meal, sack, 35 60c. Dried Fruits. Prices to retailers: Prunes, 25-1b. box, 30-40s, 40-50s, 50- 60s, 60-70c, 10c; 70-80s, 80-908, 10c; Raisins, loose Muscatel, 2-crown. 6c: 3-crown, 4-crown, 8c; London layer, 2-crown, 3-crown, 4-crown, Apples, new crop Arkansas, 9c; California, 9c; Fancy, Peaches.

25-lb. box, 50-1b. Sugar, Molasses Coffes. Sugar, best granulated, $4.90 per powdered, Syrup. 35c; case, evaporated cane, cans, per case, evajorated cane, 5-gal.

cans. per case, $3.75. TRAGEDY IN NORTH DALLAS Body of Unknown Man With Poison Burns on Lips Is Found, DALLAS, Dec. 22-The body of an unidentified man was found near North Dallas today by pedestrians. There were poison burns on the mouth, but no bottle was found.

The man was apparently about 45 years of age and well dressed. Conquered TOBACCO! days! prolong your Improve health, Believe stomach or kidney trouble, hoarseness, headaches, irritability, Gain nervous lasting worry, heart vigor, weakness. calm nerves, Avoid tetter blindness! mem- FREE ury, clear eyes, superior mental strength. Banish spelizof melanenory; aroid collapse. If you chew, dip snuff er smote pipe, elgarettes, cigars, get my interesting free book.

Just what you have been loo for. Proved worth weighs Sa gold to others: why not you Overcome nicotine habit, start anew and be genuinely happy. Book mailed free. ED WOODS. 534 Sixth Avenue, 1343A New 'ALLEN'S' FOOT-EASE The Antiseptic powder shaken into the shoes The Standard edy for the feet for a quarter century.

30,000 testimonials. Sold Trade-Mark. everywhere, 25c. Sample FREE. The Man Address, who put Allen the S.

Olmsted. Le ROE CATARRH THE BLADDER CAPSULES Rollered la MIDY Bach Cap Hours male bears the Dame of counter Every Woman is interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray Douche Ask yourdruggist for it. Ifhe cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for book. Marvel 44 E. 234 IL.

I. SLAYER PLEADS SELFDEFENSE Tarrant Man Who Killed Uncle and Wounded Constable Says Had to do FORT WORTH, Dec. Selfdefense probably will be the plea of John Lamb, his uncle, John Guest, wounded Constable Emmett Morrison, Saturday and then eluded a posse of citizens. Lamb said Monday that Guest and Morrison had been trying for more than a year to run him out of town. He said they had a run over him until he got tired of it and decided he would not run any more.

There had been a dispute over the division of the Lamb estate. several months, he said, because Mrs. Lamb not agree to give John onefourth of property. They met Saturday and the killing occurred. Lamb said he had previously seen him at Page's store, but they did not have trouble there.

VOLCANIC TOLL IS HEAVY ALL GRAINS HIT TOBOGGAN Huge Corn Receipts at Chicago Pull Down Wheat and Oats in Sympathy. CHICAGO, Dec. receipts of corn here today pulled down prices for all grains. Net declines were as follows: Corn, to wheat, to and oats, to In provisions the outcome was unchanged to an advance of Estimates of the amount of corn arriving in Chicago as high as 1500 carloads. The consequence was a break of more than a cent a bushel in the December, option.

Other months were affected to a lesser extent. Omaha reports of 2,000,000 bushels of corn on tracks there waiting to be unloaded, acted as an additional burden on the prices. Nevertheless shorts failed to smash the market as completely as ing they at had a fair hoped upturn during the last and they coverpart of the session. Snow in the winter crop belt, bined with the break in corn. put wheat bulls at a disadvantage.

Improved milling demand helped make the feeling at the close strong. Oats suffered from the setback in corn, but received support from resting orders. Provisions rose with hogs. Some reactions followed, though because of an expansion of selling on the advance. Wheat: Open.

High. Low. Close. May .91 July Corn: May -69 .69 .68 69 July .69 Oats: May .41 July .41 .41 Pork: Jan. May .20.85 20.87½ 20.80 20.82% Lard: Jan.

10.67½ May 11.02½ 11.05 10.97½ 10.97½ Ribs: Jan. 10.80 10.80 10.77½ 10.77½ May 11.10 11.10 11.07½ 11.07½ CASH GRAIN. St. Louis. ST.

LOUIS, Dec. 22. Wheat: No. 2 red, No. 2 hard, 860 Corn: No.

2, No. 2 white, Oats: No. 2, 89 No. 2. white, 42c.

Wheat: December, May, Corn: December, 690; May, 71 c. Oats: December, May, Chicago. CHICAGO, Dec. Cash-Wheat: No. 2 red, No.

2 hard, No. 2 Northern, No. 2 spring, 89 90c. Corn (new): No. 2, No.

2 yellow, Oats: No. 2, No. 2 white, 41c; standard, Barley, Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, Dec. Cash- Wheat: No.

2 hard, No. 2 red, Corn: No. 2. mixed, 67e; No. 2 white, 70c.

Oats: No. 2 white, No. 2 mixed, 40c. Wheat: May, 86 July, Corn: December, March, POULTRY, BUTTER AND EGGS. Kansas City.

KANSAS CITY, Dec. Creamery, 33c; firsts. 32c; seconds. 80c; packing, 19c. Eggs: firsts, 33c; seconds, 20c.

Poultry: Hens, 12c; turkeys, 17c; springs, 13c. Chicago. CHICAGO, Dec. -Butter, steady; creamery. 22e to Eggs.

Receipts, 4610 cases, at mark, cases included, ordinary firsts. firsts, Poultry: Alive higher; springs, 13c; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 18c; dressed, 22c. St. Louis. ST.

LOUIS. Dec. -Poultry, unchanged, except chickens, 11c; turkeys. 18c; geese, Butter: Creamery, New York. NEW YORK, Dec: 22.

Eggs steady; fresh gathere extras. extra firsts, firsts, seconds, Dr. Hobson's Ointment Heals litchy Eczema. The constantly itching, burning sensation and other disagreeable forms of eczema, tetter, salt rheum and skin eruptions promptly cured by Dr. Hob.

son's Eczema Ointment. Geo. W. Fitch of Mendona, says; purchased a box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment.

Have had Eczema ever since the war, have been treated by many doctors. none have given the benefit that one box of Dr. Hobson'g Eczema Ointment has." Every sufferer should try it. We're so positive It will help you we guarantee it 01 money refunded. At Druggists or by mail, 50c.

Pfeiffer Chemical Philadelphia and St. Louis. WEDDING AT ELGIN. ELGIN. Dec.

Helgern and Miss Agda Anderson were quietly married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson, with Rev.

G. A. Eckman officiating. When it rains do you depend on showeror do you wear Fish Brand Reflex Slicker and enjoy the rain because you're dry and comfortable? Made for zough and ready service, and so waterproof that not a drop reaches you even through the openings between the buttons. The Reflex Edge does it $3.00 at dealer your Satisfaction Guaranteed A.

J. Tower Co. Identified ROWER'S BOSTON by this Canadian Limited mark Tower 919 Toronto Catalog free FISH BRAND Loss of Life on Island of Ambrim Probably Largely in Excess of Five Hundred. quotations. Late in the morning sellrenewed and at noon the ing was 10 points.

the afternoon the loss market stood, at a net loss of about widened to 20 to 22 points. The was close was steady at a net decline of 18 to 19 points. Futures closed steady at a net decline of 18 to 19 points. Month: Open. December 12.18 January 12.25 March 12.14 May.

12.50 July 12.50 High. Low. Close. 12.22 12.08 12.08 12.32 12.07 12.10 12.51 12.27 12.29 12.61 12.38 12.40 12.63 12.42 12.44 SPOT MARKETS. New York.

NEW YORK, Dec. cotton quiet; middling uplands, 12.50c; middling gulf, 12.75c. No sales. Memphis. MEMPHIS, Dec.

cotton quiet and unchanged; middling, Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, Dec. Spot cotton quiet, prices easier. Middling fair, 7.48d; good middling, 7.14d; middling, 6.92d; low middling, 6.68d; good ordinary, 6.02d; ordinary, 5.63d. Sales, 7000 bales, including 6500 American and 500 for speculation and export.

Receipts, 32,000 bales, including 30,600 American. Futures closed steady. 6.59½d; 6.59½d; 6.62½d; 6.44d; MarchApril, 6.60d; Apr 6.65½d; MayJune, 6.65d; June-July, 6.62½d; 6.59½d; 6.44d; Sept.Oct., 6.30½d; Oct. Nov.Dec., 6.17½d; 6.16½d. Orleans.

NEW ORLEANS. Dec. Spot cotton quiet, lower. Middling, Sales, on the spot, 1074 bales; to arrive, 11,892. Low ordinary, nominal; ordinary, 9 11-16c, nominal; good ordinary, 11 5-16c; strict good ordinary, 11 9-16c; low middling, 12c; strict low middling, middling, strict middling, good middling, strict good middling, 13 5-16c: middling fair, nominal: middling fair to fair, nominal; fair, nominal.

Receipts. 10,582 bales; stock, 259,411, Houston. HOUSTON, Dec. spot market, 1215 closed bales; quiet f. o.

and 1201; unchanged. shipments, stock, 172,002. Galveston. GALVESTON. Dec.

-Spot cotton closed quiet, down. Low ordinary, ordinary, good middling, midaling, good middling, middling fair, the spot, 1405 bales; f. o. 666; receipts, stock, 203,993. COTTON SEED PRODUCTS.

MEMPHIS, Dec. New York. seed products: Prime basis oil, 5.80c; meal, linters, New York. NEW YORK. Dec.

Cotton seed oil was active today with prices lower under hedge pressure from refiners, easier crude markets, liquidation induced by prospective big deliveries on January contracts and continued dullin consuming demand. Final prices were 4 to 7 points net lower. Sales, 24,000 barrels. Prime crude, 5.40c; prime summer yellow, 6.60@ 6.75c; December, 6.60c; January, 6.69c; February, 6.84c; March, 6.95c; April, 7.04c; May, 7.15c; June, 7.20c; July, 7.25c; prime winter yellow, 7.25@7.50c; prime summer white, 7.10@7.50c. TWO ARSONETTES ARRAIGNED "Miss Red" and "Miss Black" Appear Barefooted in English Court.

CHELTENHAM, England, Dec. 22. "Miss Red" and "Miss Black," two members of a militant suffragette "arson squad," who had eluded the police on many occasions, were brought up in police court here today on a charge of setting fire yesterday Alstone Lawn, a mansion on the outskirts of this city. The two women, who have been rechristened for police court purposes because they refused to reveal their names, were arrested in the neighborhood of the burned building. Their stockings were soaked with kerosene, which had overflowed from they had emptied on the woodwork of the mansion.

They appeared in the prisoner's enclosure barefooted. They were remanded for further examination. LONDON, Dec. Emmeline Pankhurst, militant suffragette leader, left London very quietly yesterday for Paris, on her way to Switzerland to recuperate from her weakness brought about by a "hunger and thirst strike" in Holloway jail, from which she was released on Dee. 17.

Her departure was not accompanied by any of the usual demonstrations. Rumors were in circulation that relations were strained between Miss Sylvia Pankhurst and Miss Christabel Pankhurst, the two daughters of the militant leader, in consequence of Miss Sylvia's determination to concentrate her campaign in the east end of London and to co-operate with the members of the Party. Miss Christabel disproves of this scheme and is said to be withholding funds. MRS. PANKHURST LEFT LONDON.

Cure Your Cold While You Can. More real danger lurks in a cold than in any other of the minor ailments. The safe way is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as possible. For sale by all dealers. ANOTHER LOBBY PROBE ON This Time Citizens of the District of Columbia Are Involved.

WASHINGTON, Dec. -Investigation to disclose whether a lobby exists to influence appropriations and legislation for District Columbia and business corporations of the city was proposed in a resolution today by Representative Prouty of Iowa. Representative Ben Johnson of Kentucky declared in a speech that public notice given of an organized effort by citizens to prevent the reelection of members of Congress who did not vote in sympathy with certain local questions. PARIS, Dec. eruptions have caused additional destruction of life among natives of Ambrim, in the New Hebrides group of islands, according to a report received today at the French ministry of marine from the captain of the French gunboat Kersaint.

Dipper Point, on the western coast of the island, has been buried beneath heavy fall of cinders, and many of its inhabitants are missing. Two local steamers rescued 1300 natives. No Europeans or Americans are among the victimler dispatches estimated the loss of life among the natives at 500. WH Fine torn an gati Hig Gov him ing ever Stat the sum City sho1 depo to appi the inve terr TI yest ton A Wise Man when He has EnoughI was not Wise I have too Much. The bad spell of weather has had a disastrous effect on the merchant who bought heavily for Holiday trade.

High grade Meerschaum, Briar and Calabash Pipes in cases. Meerschaum, Amber and Bakelite Cigar and Cigarette Holders in cases; leather and metal Cigar and Cigarette Cases all go at 25 per cent discount. Our prices are already reasonable, consistent with the high grade quality. We show more high grade goods in above lines than any two stores in Austin combined. ABE FRANK Driskill Hotel Cigar Store Cigars in boxes of 5 to 100 Cigar and Cigarette Humidors Old Double Stamped Whiskies and Liquors a Specialty Driskill Bar Austin, Texas We Are Seeking New Business And are prepared to care for it.

To the man who is already doing business with a clean, strong bank, we have no word to say; to the other class- do you realize what it may mean to you to have such a connection? Capital 300,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Deposits $4,000,000.00 Austin National Bank HOTEL DIRECTORY BURNET HOTEL CHRISTAL HOTEL tween Burnet is Galveston the highest point Llano-1300 be- Leander, Texas. Large rooms, and beds and good meals. Two dollars feet. Free bus to and from all trains. per day.

Christal, Special attention given commercial Prop men. Burnet, Texas. THE BREDT HOUSE BROOKS HOTEL New Marble Falls, Texas. Meals 35c. building, newly turnished, clean Mrs.

M. D. Brooks, Prop. Meals beds and the best table the market the best the market affords. $1.50 will afford.

Rear of Michel's store. per day. Pflugerville, Texas. New Phone No. 69.

CITY HOTEL THE GOFORTH HOTEL At Weir, Texas, has been reopened, renovated, newly furnished. Rates W. R. Goforth, Prop. Rates $1.00 $2 per day.

Automobile transfer to and $1.50 per day. San Marcos, Tex. adjoining towns. W. B.

WALRAVEN, Prop. Weir, Texas. ANTLERS HOTEL w. P. Walker, Prop.

The summer PLAZA HOTEL AND CAFE resort of Central Texas. Large, airy rooms. Kingsland, Texas. American and Luropean. South side square.

Cool, sanitary rooms Regular meals, 26c; short orders THE COMAL HOTEL Special rates by the week. C. A Brick building, comfortably fur- Hilliard, Prop. Lockhart, Tex nished with all modern conveniences, hot and cold baths. Local and long CHEROKEE HOTEL distance phone 51.

Theo Eggeling, Mrs. L. Prop. Free bus to and from all best the market Ottinger, affords; Prop. Meals comfortable the trains.

Best accommodations for commercial men; free sampla rooms. Texas. rooms, polite attention. Cherokee. New Braunfels, Texas.

SOUTHERN HOTEL THE BURROWS HOTEL J. M. Burrows, northeast curR. H. Garner, Prop.

Meals the ner courthouse square. First-class' best the market affords. Comfort- service. Special Invitation to traveling able rooms Mason. Texas.

men. San Saba, Texas..

Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.