Legacy of the Last Librarian (RWBY/BookofHours) (2024)

[X] Plan Secret Sauce
- [X] [MISSION] Protect Rescue Workers (400 Lien Pay + Goodwill)
-- [X] Mettle (Forge 2, Edge 1) + Mass Shadow (Sky 3, Winter 2)
- [X] [MISSION] Protect Lab Reconstruction (Pay Depends on Danger+10000 Lien/Week Flat Rate)
-- [X] Mettle (Forge 2, Edge 1) + Hearthfire (Heart 3, Forge 2)
- [X] [MISSION] Assist Dust Prospectors (Pay Depends on Service)
-- [X] Health (Heart 1, Nectar 1, Scale 1) + Aura (Edge 6, Nectar 5, Scale 5)
--- [X] See if you can ask the plants if any of the soil tastes... Dust-y?
- [X] [MISSION] Extermination Mission (Pay is based on Kills)
-- [X] Ereb (Grail 2, Edge 1) + Rites of the Hunt (Edge 5, Heart 4)
- [X] [MISSION] Help with Construction in Kilcornan (2500 Lien)
-- [X] Chor (Heart 2, Grail 1) + Sweet Farewell (Moth 3, Forge 2)
- [X] [BUILDING] Fill the Pit with water and make a pond (0/2) (0 Mats)
-- [X] Health (scar) + Hearthfire (Heart 3, Forge 2)
- [X] [RESEARCH] Glossary: Pyroglyphics
-- [X] Mettle (Forge 2, Edge 1) + Hearthfire (Heart 3, Forge 2)
- [X] [RESEARCH] Glossary: Ink Skills
-- [X] Fet (Rose 2, Moth 1) + Aura (Edge 6, Nectar 5, Scale 5)
--- [X] If we're researching the Ink-making skills from the game and only get to read about one, focus on Inks of Power (Rose/Scale)
- [X] [RESEARCH] Continue Reading the journal
-- [X] Health (Heart 1, Nectar 1, Scale 1)
- [X] [RESEARCH] Skill Theorizing: Aura Blade (Edge/Knock)
-- [X] Shapt (Knock 2, Forge 1) + Aura (Edge 6, Nectar 5, Scale 5)
--- [X] Silvis's idea of "channeling our Aura along our weapon to improve [its] sharpness and penetration ability" (colors added)
- [X] [INVESTIGATIONS] [HOMETOWN] Visit one of the three Towns: Draíochta (Requires 3 EoS)
-- [X] 2x Wist (Winter 2, Lantern 1) + Fet (Rose 2, Moth 1) + Sweet Farewell (Moth 3, Forge 2)
- [X] [INVESTIGATIONS] [GLAMOUR] Research legality of Drug facility, maybe report to Authorities
-- [X] Phost (Lantern 2, Sky 1) + Sacra Solis Invicti (Lantern 3, Sky 2)
- [X] [INVESTIGATIONS] [GLAMOUR] Monitor Comings and Goings at Beaufort Manor Estate
-- [X] Phost (Lantern 2, Sky 1) + Rites of the Hunt (Edge 5, Heart 4)
- [X] [INVESTIGATIONS] New Investigation: Giant Snake
-- [X] Trist (Moth 2, Moon 1) + Mass Shadow (Sky 3, Winter 2)
--- [X] WHO: Titan Taijitu
--- [X] WHAT: Why it's so passive (for a Grimm), the conditions under which it will become aggreessive
--- [X] WHY: It's simply unwise to leave a giant snake like that unchecked
--- [X] REASONING: Suspicion of Scale affecting its behaviour, desire for safe Place of Power access
--- [X] Mass Shadow mostly here for emergency evac
- [X] [TALK] Ren
-- [X] Chor (Heart 2, Grail 1) + Sweet Farewell (Moth 3, Forge 2)
--- [X] Float the idea of paying for their immigration, mention the other [TALK] action we're doing
- [X] [TALK] Taiyang Xiao-Long
-- [X] Shapt (Knock 2, Forge 1)
--- [X] Ask what kind of process we'd need to go through to find a sponsor for Ren and Nora
- [X] [TRAINING] Commit Timekeeper's Watch (Moon 2, Sky 1) (Requires 100 Combined Sky or Moon Essence) (Write In Source)
-- [X] Trist (Moth 2, Moon 1)
--- [X] Use our two relevant Places of Power to start siphoning Essence into Timekeeper's Watch
- [X] [TRAINING] Decent Training (3 XP based on Skill) (d20-4) (T1 Injury on Failure)
-- [X] Ereb (Grail 2, Edge 1) + Rites of the Hunt (Edge 5, Heart 4)
- [X] [COMMUNION] With the Last Librarian's Echo
-- [X] Shapt (Knock 2, Forge 1)
--- [X] Methods of counterspelling magic


Cait went to join the rescue workers for another week of sifting through debris, but when he arrived at the arranged meeting point, he found only dejected-looking volunteers. One of the workers noticed Cait's arrival, pulled him aside, and said, "The searches have been called off. Anyone not found is presumed dead and eaten. It's been too long for any survivors to still be trapped, and it's unlikely we'll find anyone, even if they got lucky and awakened their Aura. Thanks for your help. Here's your pay. We're heading home tonight."

Having said his piece, the volunteer sat back down and held his head in his hands. (560 Lien, 1 x Winter Experience Gained)

Cait is assisting with the reconstruction of a research lab. While not directly involved in the building, he regularly patrols and guards the workers, ensuring their safety as they focus on their tasks. As they are currently on week three, the foundations are laid, and the focus is on building materials for the walls and the basics of the electrical systems rather than any earthwork or heavy machinery.

The research lab is situated on the outskirts of a dense forest, with towering trees providing a natural canopy. The air is filled with the scent of fresh wood and the sounds of hammers and saws. Workers, dressed in rugged clothing and safety gear, move efficiently.

Cait hears a faint gnawing sound coming from a cluster of cables nearby. He approaches cautiously and finds a beaver-like Grimm chewing through the power lines. Its glowing red eyes snap to him as he draws his weapon.

With swift, precise movements, Cait dispatches the Grimm, its body dissipating into black smoke. He inspects the damage, noting the frayed wires and exposed circuits. As he inspects the cables, a worker comes by, curious about the loss of power, seeing them cables and the fading mist, she remarks "These beaver Grimm are becoming a real problem."

Looking back at the worker, Cait responds, "They appear often, do I need to be on lookout for them?"

The dusty and stained worker shakes her head, "they never appear more than one at a time, if they come across a person, they attack immediately, thankfully the nail guns we use have enough a punch to kill them. But the ones who start chewing on cables from the generators are the most annoying, the cables are expensive to replace so frequently and their small enough no one really spots them until it's too late."

Cait stands up and draws Season's Greetings, the weapon flowing into its Spring form. "I was hired to protect the work site, I'll patrol a little more around the generators to keep these vermin away. You have a good day alright". Cait resumed his patrol, passing by the generators more throughout the week, catching a few dozen of the beaver Grimm over the next few days. At least until they got the permanent generators installed in the building and took away the temporary generators. (16800 Lien, 2 x Edge Experience Gained)

Cait is hired to help a group of prospectors search for Dust mining sites. As the sun rises, casting a golden light through the thick canopy of the forest, Cait walks alongside the group, his senses attuned to the natural world around him. His druid sense is useful for navigating the dense woods, but underground, it is less effective.

The air is crisp and fresh, with the scent of pine and damp earth. Cait, dressed in his usual rugged gear, moves with the grace of someone who is at home in the wilderness. The prospectors, however, are a rough-looking bunch, their eyes constantly darting around, and their conversations filled with hushed tones and glances over their shoulders.

Cait couldn't shake the feeling that these men were a bit shady. Their eagerness to find Dust seemed driven by something more than just profit. Despite his misgivings, he had agreed to help, hoping his abilities would prove useful.

As they trekked deeper into the forest, the leader of the prospectors, a grizzled man with a perpetual scowl, approached Cait. "We're looking for any sign of Dust deposits. Your semblance can help with that, right?" he asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"I can ask the plants," Cait replied, though he knew that the plants' responses about underground substances were often vague. He reached out with his druid sense, connecting with the flora around him. "Anything taste dusty around here?" he asked silently.

The plants responded in their usual manner, indicating that all the soil tasted dusty to them. Cait sighed, knowing this wasn't the specific information the prospectors were hoping for.

After several hours of fruitless searching, the grizzled leader approached Cait again. "So, did your plants find anything useful?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration.]

Cait shook his head. "The plants only said that all soil tastes dusty. It's not specific enough to pinpoint any Dust deposits."

The leader scowled, clearly disappointed. "Well, thanks for trying," he muttered, handing Cait a small pouch of Lien as payment. "But I think we'll manage on our own from here."

Cait accepted the payment with a nod, sensing the dismissal. "Good luck," he said, turning to leave. As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel relieved. There was something unsettling about those men, and he was glad to be parting ways. (490 Lien, 1 x Scale Experience Gained)

Setting out to hunt down some Grimm, Cait finds the target, a Nevermore that has grown to the size of a cat and killed a child playing nearby. Cait managed to find it easily enough, his semblance guiding him directly to its nest. Unfortunately, that's where Cait's luck ends as Cait's arrow misses and after a battle that was basically the Grimm and freelancer missing each other, the Nevermore chose to fly away, Cait's passing arrow failing to hit once more. The Grimm having gotten away, Cait dejectedly returned home, not yet having a skill that would allow him to fly after the Grimm. (No kill = No Pay, 1 x Heart Experience Gained)

Cait managed to help a few hours with lifting some machinery for Kilcornan before returning back home. (3500 Lien, 1 x Moth Experience Gained)

Between missions and other projects, Cait took trips to the Singing Stones on the cliffs, and the Oxbow lake to gather the essences forming there.(Committing 14 Combined Moon and Sky/Week 14/100) (1 x Moth Experience Gained)

Rather than using buckets, Cait used his Aura enhanced strength and the empty water barrels he owned to bring large amounts of water from the river back to his new pond. If took a few dozen trips but the whole was only half filled with water when he was done. Not to mention that he noticed that a portion of the water he had brought had already seeped into the surrounding ground, lowering the water line a little bit. (1 x Moon Experience Gained)

Taking a break from moving water barrels, Cait cracks upon the Journal for another day of reading. As he opens the book ready to read about one of Rev's skills, a lone burst of energy pops free of the book, Cait panics as the energy swirls around the room like a deflating balloon, before the energy pops into a sparkle of flashy red and purple sparks, little streamers of light trailing down to his floor. Cait thinks he hears the echoes of laughter on the wind as he sits back down to read the journal, a small smile on his lips, it was a funny prank after all.

Pyroglyphics: The Art of Writing with Flames – By Sir Aiwass Asag

Pyroglyphics, an arcane and enigmatic discipline, is often described as "One script that all the world must read, even the blind, and it is written in flames." This ancient art encompasses the creation and manipulation of fire to produce dazzling displays of lights, colors, and infernal detonations. However, beyond the spectacle lies a deeper, more profound practice that intertwines philosophy, alchemy, and divination.

Philosophically, Pyroglyphics is rooted in the teachings of Ithastry wisdom, which emphasizes the certainty of change and transformation. "Stories written in fire end all the sooner... but are remembered all the longer," capturing the ephemeral yet enduring impact of fire's mark. The text of the Book of Cinders takes as its theme the motto of the Society of the Noble Endeavour, "ALITUR PROPRIIS IGNIS CINERIBUS" - "a fire by its own ashes is nourished." This motto serves as a gateway into discussions of alchemical techniques, suggesting that from destruction and consumption arises renewal and strength.

Occultly, Pyroglyphics is shrouded in the esoteric practices of teframancy—divination from ashes. This practice reveals hidden truths and foretells future events through the interpretation of the remnants of fire, underscoring the connection between destruction and revelation. The Book of Cinders describes the process of refining iotic essence, known as "the root of the Great and Exultant Ink Orpimental," through the application of Forge, a fundamental force in Pyroglyphic arts. This essence, derived from various liquids through alchemical refinement, is vital for advanced Pyroglyphic rituals.

In the Opus Magnum Caeruleum, Pyroglyphics is further explored in the context of the "Great Work in Azure." This venerable text, predating notable Pyroglyphicists like Ambrose Westcott by centuries, anticipates and undermines many later conclusions. It outlines the creation of "blue gold," an essential component for a perilous Rite that allows a practitioner with sufficient mastery of Forge to transcend and become a Name—a powerful and immortal entity. However, the text withholds the final step, warning that the consequences are too dire, relegating the practice to theoretical study only.

Thus, Pyroglyphics stands as a testament to the transformative power of fire, merging the philosophical certainty of change with the occult practices of alchemical refinement and divination. It is an art that balances the beauty of creation and the inevitability of destruction, inscribed in the ephemeral yet eternal language of flames. (2 x Forge Experience Gained)

Having finished his reading on fireworks, Cait wonders if the colors and bits of ashes he say from the firework meant anything. Looking over the ashes he hadn't moved, Cait sees the ashes have arrayed themselves into the shape of a Nevermore, or perhaps a crow or other form of Corvid. Shrugging it off for now, Cait resumes his readings.

The Blood of the World, the Inks of Calyptra – By Sir Aiwass Asag

The greatest and most secret truths can only be recorded by the Librarians of the Watchman's Tree—under the shelter of the Tree's branches, and only in the sanctioned inks called encaustum terminale. While some secrets can still be spoken in certain ancient languages, it is perilous. These secrets are the world's blood, and to speak them aloud is to shed that blood. We who are silent have always known this.'

Calyptra, the mystical force that binds these three inks, enhances their abilities and ensures their safe use. This veil of protection and empowerment allows the inks to fulfill their purposes without causing unintended harm. Through Calyptra, the inks achieve their full potential, embodying the ultimate expressions of power, revelation, and containment.

Encaustum Terminale: The Ink of Power

Encaustum terminale is the most potent and guarded ink, wielded by the Librarians of the Watchman's Tree to inscribe the world's deepest secrets. This ink is used exclusively under the Tree's branches, symbolizing its sacred and perilous nature. Crafted through a process known only to a select few, encaustum terminale embodies ultimate power. It captures and contains the most profound and dangerous knowledge, ensuring that these truths are preserved without unleashing their full potential on the world.

Marakat: The Ink of Revelation

Marakat, another of the great inks, is revered for its ability to reveal hidden truths. Crafted from the liquor named leathy and refined in the presence of the Nectar aspect, Marakat is particularly valued by the Priestesses of the Knot, who find its creation more accessible due to their unique arts. This ink illuminates secrets and grants insights that are otherwise inaccessible, making it indispensable for those seeking enlightenment and discovery. Marakat's revelations are used in rituals and writings that delve into the deepest mysteries of existence.

Orpiment Exultant: The Ink of Containment

Orpiment Exultant is the ink of containment, used to bind and secure powerful forces and entities. Historically, this ink was drawn from the veins of Forge-long entities, though it can now be refined from iotic essence using advanced alchemical techniques and the jewel-science. Orpiment Exultant is essential for rituals requiring the stabilization and control of energies that could otherwise prove catastrophic. It ensures that dangerous knowledge and forces remain safely contained.

The various Inks are only permitted their strength by Calyptra, for it is because of Calyptra that the Inks are needed, but it is only through Calyptra that the Inks have their power.

Turning the last page on the descriptions of the inks, Cait turns out most of the unnecessary information, like the color, consistency, and taste of the inks in favor of the actually important information. Reading through some of the powers of the Inks, particularly the power that allowed Rev to store a fireworks spell in the journal, Cait can't help but wonder if he could make them himself. His thoughts are unfortunately interrupted by Rev's presence, when Cait get's a feeling that the inks would not work as the law's that empower them aren't present, but that Cait could always try to make something using local laws. (1 x Winter Experience, 1 x Lantern Experience, 1 x Rose Experience Gained, Research Option Gained)

Next up on his reading list, is the end of Rev's seconds year at Hust House.

December 25, 1937 AD

Another Christmas at Hush House. Quiet and eerie as always. MCO Constanse Lee visited regarding the casket again. Nothing new there, but I hired her to tutor me in Killasimi. Dinner with Denzel was pleasant. His stories about his latest travels kept the evening lively.

January 7, 1938 AD

Spent the day with a local poet deciphering the webbings in the map room. Removed Van Lauren's seal—progress at last. The rector and I cleared the atrium of the chapel, though the shadows halted our advance. Tea with the Killes afterward, their warmth a welcome contrast to the cold mysteries of Hush House.

January 18, 1938 AD

Found letters from Van Lauren while perusing old tomes. His seals are everywhere, his motives obscure. Perhaps his letters hold clues. Discovered recipes for Inks of Revelation—potent tools for restoring the castle. Also delved into Viennese Counundra, shedding light on my enigmatic sponsors.

February 3, 1938 AD

Read Lady Eva's Etterly After, ostensibly for duty. Discovered a cleverly hidden cipher for crafting Inks of Containment. Her intrigue knows no bounds. Meanwhile, continued studies in Julian Coseley's treatise deepened my understanding of arcane histories.

February 15, 1938 AD

The Reckoners' sale of stolen years to Orson Welles led to chaos in the US. As he accidentally used them Moth and Nectar to manipulate minds and cause a panic, requiring drastic measures by the American Nocturnals. Meanwhile, unrest grips Central Europe with the Anschluss, as more Worms cross for Nowhere. (2 x Moth Experience Gained)

While researching a method to enhance his blades with Aura, Cait discovered that Aura already played a pivotal role in the creation of modern weapons. In the process of making these weapons so they could be enhanced by semblances, aura was utilized to imbue them. It's part of why all Hunters say that their weapons are an extension of them. As a result, the owners of said weapons, passively reinforced them with Aura. If Cait wanted to enhance the cutting and penetrating abilities of his blades, he would need to put even more into them and bring it forth.

However, the challenge lay in the delicate balance of energy expenditure. Rev discovered that while aura could indeed enhance a blade's capabilities, the demand on one's aura reserves to create an aura blade was significantly higher compared to just using dust. Dust, in its elemental forms of lightning, air, or water—offered comparable effects in combat scenarios without draining one's aura reservoir as severely. For combat resource management, this made dust a more economical choice.

Cait pondered the implications deeply. Aura, he realized, was better utilized for defensive maneuvers, like shielding oneself or enhancing overall combat capabilities, rather than solely focusing on offensive applications like an aura blade. (Skill Theorizing Failed, 1 x Knock Experience Gained)

As Cait arrived at Draíochta, the burgeoning city surrounded by a protective moat and fortified walls, a wave of familiarity washed over him. It felt like home, a place he instinctively recognized as possibly his birthplace. The moat, fed by a river flowing into the ocean, beyond it, the electrified fence and tall walls bristling with Gatling guns and flamethrowers stood guard.

Entering the city, memories flooded Cait's mind: playing in open fields, listening to music played by his parents. Nostalgia mingled with a sense of loss and curiosity as he navigated the streets. Some buildings seemed vaguely familiar, prompting him to follow his intuition. Eventually, he stumbled upon a building marked with a plaque bearing the acronym V.O.I.C.E.—Vale Orphans in Care Endowment Fund.

This place marked the last site of a series of tragic murders, the work of the Serial Killer Tyrian Callows. It served as a memorial to all the lives lost and shattered by his actions. Cait's own story unfolded before him: the loss of his parents, his entry into the foster system, and the donations pouring in from other victims before his disappearance, leading many to believe he had perished.

Continuing to read, Cait discovered more about his past. His sister, a doctor from Vale, had sought to adopt him after their parents' death, only to find him missing. Overwhelmed by grief, she channeled her sorrow into founding Brigidsiddh Hospital for the Lost and Forlorn, a beacon of hope for those in need. Learning he had an aunt—still alive and dedicated to her work—stirred a mix of emotions in Cait. Despite the joy of knowing he had family, he understood she must be incredibly busy with her responsibilities.

Looking up from the Plaque, Cait noticed other changes to the area, fields he had played in were filled with condos and apartments. The neighbors' houses were bigger and freshly painted. Off in the distance, he could see the colorful painted hospital towards the city center, the stag mascot prominently displayed. Cait wondered what to do next while he was in the city. (2 x Lantern Experience, 2 x Heart Experience, 2 x Winter Experience, 2 x Scale Experience Gained, 1 x Wist Gained) (A.N. Hint follow this plot for eventual Wist+)

While researching the legal status of various drugs in Vale, Cait discovers that most substances are permitted due to their effectiveness in preventing Grimm attacks. However, he also learns that some drugs are banned because they exacerbate the situation, making the environment more dangerous. The Valean Investigative Services (VIS) handles reports of illegal drug activities, but their response times can range from months to years unless concrete evidence is provided.

Cait finds a comprehensive list detailing illegal substances and methods for identifying them. He prints the list for further examination. Now, he faces a critical decision: should he trust the authorities to eventually take action, or should he take matters into his own hands and investigate further? (1 x Moth Experience Gained)

While Cait is monitoring the Beaufort Estate, he can't do it in person, but he can monitor it using the ATC website and checking who is coming and going. Over the course of a week, Cait sees over a dozen bullheads coming and going from the estate. The bullhead from before only returns once, leaving the same day, but there are many others, sometimes arriving and staying the whole day, others leaving after only a few hours. Of the ones he can see, most are with various beauty companies and pharmaceutical companies. One belongs to a board member of the Schee Dust Company, a couple are registered as delivery services, but whether they were dropping off or picking up is unknown. (1 x Lantern Experience Gained)

Cait stood at the entrance of the cave, staring into the darkness where the strange Titan Taijitu lay. The air was thick with tension, and his senses were on high alert. He had been here before, and the memory of the massive Grimm's passive behavior was still fresh in his mind. Today, he was determined to find out what made this Titan Taijitu different and whether it posed a future threat.

He stepped cautiously into the cave, his footsteps echoing off the damp stone walls. The Grimm lay coiled in the darkness, its massive body blending into the shadows. Cait noted its eyes—normally red in Grimm—were a dull, almost lifeless orange.

Cait began his tests, tossing a small rock towards the creature. The Taijitu's eyes flickered but it remained still. He moved closer, watching for any signs of aggression. He tried various stimuli, waving a torch, and shouting, but the Taijitu remained passive, its eyes tracking him but otherwise unreactive.

As he ventured deeper into the cave, the Taijitu's eyes began to glow a more intense orange. Cait paused, noting the shift. "Why so passive?" he muttered to himself. "What makes you different?"

He stepped closer to a narrow passage leading further into the cave. The Taijitu uncoiled slightly, moving to block his path. Cait hesitated. The creature bared its teeth, a low growl resonating through the cave. Its eyes burned orange, a warning.

Ignoring the warning, Cait decided to push his luck. He tried to dart past the Taijitu, but the creature was faster. With a swift motion, it lunged, attempting to sinking its teeth into his shoulder. Pain shot through him, as he tried using Mass Shadow to dodge. But he had forgotten about the creature's tail.

The tail struck him like a hammer, sending him crashing into the cave wall. Dazed and struggling to recover, he felt the Taijitu's teeth clamp around him, its jaws tightening. His Aura shattered with a blinding flash of light, and he felt a burning green fluid seep into his wounds. Nausea overtook him, and he felt a wave of illness spread through his body.

The Taijitu's eyes now glowed with malice, their color shifting from orange to a disturbing rainbow hue. It released him, flinging his battered body out of the cave with a powerful flick of its neck. Cait landed hard outside, gasping for breath and wracked with pain.

Hours later, Cait lay under the canopy of the trees, his body aching and his mind racing. He couldn't comprehend why he was still alive. The Titan Taijitu had shown a level of restraint that was completely out of character for a Grimm, especially one of its size and power.

"What the hell was I thinking?" he muttered to himself. "Going after a Titan-class Grimm without a full team...without backup...without a f*cking armada…I must have lost my mind."(1 x Scale Experience Gained, Trist (T2 Wound), Health (T2 Wound, Ancient Venom)

Having rested off the near-death experience, Cait lay in recovery, feeling the soreness in his body as a constant reminder of his encounter with the Titan Taijitu. Despite not wanting to get up, he knew he needed answers about Vale's immigration process. With a sigh, he reached for his scroll, scrolling through his contacts until he found the only huntsman he had a number for—Taiyang.

He dialed Taiyang's number and waited anxiously as the call connected.

"Hey, Taiyang," Cait greeted when the call picked up, his voice still tinged with exhaustion.

"Hey, Cait. Everything alright?" Taiyang's voice was warm but concerned.

Cait hesitated, then plunged ahead. "I need to ask about how immigration works here in Vale. I've been trying to figure out the process."

There was a brief pause on the other end. "Immigration, huh? That's not something I deal with much," Taiyang admitted. "I can ask my brother Qrow about it. He might have some idea, though his information could be outdated."

Cait sighed inwardly. He appreciated Taiyang's offer but knew it might not be entirely helpful. "I see. Thanks anyway."

Taiyang continued, "And, uh, just so you know, I wouldn't be able to sponsor someone I've never met. It's a big responsibility."

Cait nodded to himself, understanding the implications. "I get it. Thanks for being upfront about it."

There was a moment of silence before Taiyang spoke again, his tone softer. "Are you doing alright, though? You sound... shaken."

Cait smiled faintly, despite himself. "Yeah, just had a run-in with a rather unusual Grimm. It left its mark, but I'll be alright."

"Take care of yourself, Cait," Taiyang said sincerely. "And if you ever need someone to talk to or need help with anything else, don't hesitate to reach out."

"Thanks, Taiyang. I appreciate it," Cait replied gratefully.

With that, they said their goodbyes, and Cait ended the call. (1 x Grail Experience Gained)

"Hey, Ren," Cait greeted warmly when Ren answered the call.

"Hey, Cait! What's up?" Ren's voice was calm and collected, as always.

Cait hesitated briefly before diving into the reason for his call. "I've been looking into how immigration works here in Vale, and I wanted to get your opinion on something. I've been in contact with someone about possibly helping you and Nora with the process."

There was a thoughtful pause on the other end of the line before Ren responded. "I appreciate you thinking of us, Cait. But honestly, this is something we need to handle on our own. We've been planning to submit some applications while we're here in a couple of weeks."

Cait nodded to himself, understanding Ren's perspective. "I see. I respect that. I just wanted to offer some assistance if you needed it."

Before Ren could respond further, Cait heard a voice in the background. It was Nora. "No, Ren, go ahead. Let Cait help. It'll save us the money for bribes!"

Cait stifled a laugh at Nora's straightforwardness but quickly composed himself. Ren sighed good-naturedly at Nora's interruption before addressing Cait again. "Looks like Nora has made up her mind," he said with a hint of amusem*nt. "Alright, Cait, if you're offering to help, we won't turn it down. We'll appreciate any assistance you can provide."

Cait smiled, relieved that Ren and Nora were open to his help despite their initial hesitation. "Great! I'll see what I can do then. Just let me know if there's anything specific you need."

"Thanks, Cait. We'll keep you updated on our plans," Ren replied sincerely.

With that, they exchanged a few more pleasantries before ending the call. Cait felt a sense of relief knowing he could support his friends in navigating the complex process of immigration in Vale, even if Nora's bluntness had tipped the scales in his favor. (1 x Knock Experience Gained)

After his talks with Ren and Nora, Cait spent a few hours hunting. (2 x Edge Experience, 1 x Heart Experience Gained)

Cait's conversation with Rev was particularly short this week, the only question he had for Rev this week was about Counter spelling. Rev's response was simple if short, "You need to know the spell your countering first before you can devise a skill or spell to counter it. The laws of Calyptra prevented knowledge from spreading to much, so practitioners rarely came up with new spells. This allowed the suppression bureaus to keep on top of the newest spells, allowing them to counter them" (1 x Knock Experience Gained)

Experience Gained this Week

(4 x Edge, 4 x Heart, 5 x Moth, 4 x Winter, 4 x Scale, 1 x Moon, 2 x Forge, 4 x Lantern, 1 x Rose, 2 x Knock, 1 x Grail)

It's that time of the month, spend your hard earn xp on skills and EOS

Elements of Soul
Chor (2 Possessed)15 Heartor15 Grail
Shapt (3 Possessed)15 Knockor15 Forge
Fet (2 Possessed)15 Roseor15 Moth
Ereb (2 Possessed)15 Grailor15 Edge
Trist (2 Possessed)15 Mothor15 Moon
Mettle (3 Possessed)15 Forgeor15 Edge
Health (3 Possessed)5 Heart5 Nectar5 Scale
Phost (2 Possessed)15 Lanternor15 Sky
Wist (3 Possessed)15Winteror15 Lantern

Purchasing Health requires all 3 in the same quantities, you are limited to 5 of each EOS

Current SkillsDescription of SkillUpgrade/Purchase Cost
AuraShields from physical Damage, enhances attributes43 Experience (Edge, Nectar, Scale)
Way Through the WoodsNavigation through the Forests of the world13 Experience (Scale, Nectar)
Strength in the RootsFinding useful reagents in the wild, and preparing them13 Experience (Nectar, Heart)
The Rights of the HuntButchering animals, the hunt, the art of the kill29 Experience (Edge, Heart)
Sacra Solis InvictiRemoves Grimm Corruption13 Experience (Sky, Lantern)
Art of the DealPromises and sanctions, time is money, because money buys time29 Experience (Sky, Scale)
Way of the CityHow to find what you need in the city7 Experience (Rose, Knock)
The RevolutionaryFlip the table, Upend the board, Rewrite the Script. When there's no ending, make your own19 Experience (Lantern, Forge, Edge)
HearthfireA Skill that tempers eternals against the cold19 Experience (Heart, Forge)
The TravelerThe Song of Summer7 Experience (Rose, Scale)
Grimm StudiesAn amalgam of your knowledge of the Types of Grimm13 Experience (Lantern, Winter)
Hunstman ParadoxTo be a huntsman is to seek to eradicate the need for ones own career.13 Experience (Lantern, Edge)
Weighted BiasSometimes you need to lean on one side of the scales, others, you just need to notice the scale was already broken7 Experience (Sky, Rose)
Eye of the BeholderEyes, Eyes, Eyes, mirrors and gateways. (Magic Skill) What is seen is not what is present37 Experience (Moon, Rose)
Sweet FarewellThe Song of Fall13 Experience (Moth, Forge)
Machicolations! And KeystonesKeeping your home safe and secure13 Experience (Scale, Knock)
Mass ShadowThe weight of Choices13 Experience (Sky, Winter)

Available SkillsDescription of SkillUpgrade/Purchase Cost
Polaris ElpisThe Song of Winter7 Experince (Winter, Rose)
Happy CamperFear is the mind Killer, it attracts Grimm and Bad Ideas, lets resolve that(Mind Altering Skill)3 Experience (Grail, Rose)
Fairytellers Lament?????7 Experience (Knock, Grail)
Common SenseCommon Sense1000 Experience (???)

Current Experience (A.N. Hopefully I got it right this time)



























Legacy of the Last Librarian (RWBY/BookofHours) (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.