Brand Asset Valuator - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Brand Asset Valuator - [PDF Document] (2)


BrandAssetBrandAsset Valuator Valuator®®

Smart Metrics for Smart DecisionsHow do you manage what you can’t measure? What value are investments that are not linked

to returns? These are two of the most critical challenges currently facing brand management. Insome business sectors brand value accounts for over half a firm’s intangible value.1 A brand is toovaluable an asset to manage without the help of smart metrics to help make the smartest decisions.By adopting a clear definition of a brand and precisely measuring it in a way that is linked tofinancial performance, marketers can gain an edge in making more intelligent brand decisions.

Young & Rubicam’s BrandAsset Valuator® (BAV®) model begins with a definition…“A brand is a set of differentiating promises thatlink a product to its customers.”

Brand Valuation Has Not Been Scientific The 20th century is replete with many brandsuccess stories. Brand analysis, however, cannotmake the same claim. Its tendency to focus onlagging indicators often means that corporationsdetect brand problems after they have alreadytaken root in consumers’ minds. That’s often toolate. After all, driving is tough when you only lookat the rearview mirror. Brand problems are all meaningful and marketers are constantly facing new questions. These can be small, “What kind offood brands should an airline be serving on boardits planes?”; or big, “Which country should we

expand this brand to next?”; or positively critical, “What strategic partnerships will add to ourbrand’s value, rather than dilute it?”

Y&R’s Approach Has Been RevolutionaryIt is important to assess a brand’s current achievements and stature. It is even more powerful

when the future potential of a brand can be measured as well. Y&R’s BrandAsset Valuator® offersthis opportunity. Combining exhaustive amounts of consumer data with a proven model ofbrand-building, BrandAsset Valuator® anticipates future operating earnings and operating margins.This can enhance the marketing-decision process in a variety of substantive ways. BrandAssetValuator® can help managers understand marketplace opportunities and the types of risk that gowith them. It can provide a deeper understanding of consumer behavior: for example, sheddinglight on reasons why some segments are willing to pay a higher price for a highly differentiatedbrand.

BrandAsset Valuator® stands apart from other brand study aids in a number of ways. It ispredictive, focusing on leading indicators instead of lagging. It is exhaustivein every way, size and scope. Most importantly, it evaluates a brand in the entire world of brands,not in its “category.” BrandAsset Valuator® is not only just useful for creating brands. It is usefulfor managing brands in the long term—through ups and downs.

©2003 Young & Rubicam Inc. All rights reserved.“BrandAsset ® , BrandAsset Valuator ® and “BAV ® ” are registered trademarks of Young & Rubicam Inc.1Output from BrandEconomics ® model utilizing then years of BAV ® data.

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The Four Key Brand Metrics of BrandAsset Valuator®

BrandAsset Valuator® demonstrates that brands are built in a very specific progression offour consumer perceptions: Differentiation, Relevance, Esteem and Knowledge. More than 350,000consumer interviews conducted across the globe, measuring more than 55 different consumerperceptions with regard to over 20,000 brands, have shown these four measures — the Four Pillarsof BrandAsset Valuator® — to be consistently linked to a brand’s ability to deliver revenue andprofit for its owner — no matter the category, no matter the country, no matter the age of the brand.These Pillars measure a brand’s strength and stature — its value as an asset capable of creatingwealth. To appreciate the diagnostic advantages of BrandAsset Valuator®, it is worthwhile toexamine the fundamental nature of brands.

BrandAsset Valuator® Mirrors How Relationships Are BuiltStudying brands means studying relationships — the relationships between brands and the

people who buy or don’t buy them. It means studying the inner workings of relationships, not justassessing whether those relationships are healthy. As about every individual knows from personalexperience, relationships are hard to build and maintain. There’s a real balancing act to a goodrelationship, and a progression to the way it develops. Consider the start of a relationship.Something catches a person’s eye. Something different. Something that stands out. Somethingthat makes a person think, “Hey, this is worth investigating more.” Next, one decides whether it’sappropriate or relevant to the individual’s life. Then there’s esteem—the more a person gets toknow someone or something, the more respect will develop. Finally, there’s the knowledge thatcomes from intimacy, really knowing the brand. BrandAsset Valuator® demonstrates that brandsare built this way, too. And the Four Pillars, like the stages in the relationship described above,provide the framework for understanding brands.

How Brands Are BuiltFour Primary Aspects

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The Four Pillars Diagnose Brand HealthThe Four Pillars of BrandAsset Valuator® —Differentiation, Relevance, Esteem and

Knowledge — were selected because movement in these, more than any other combination ofdimensions, explains why brands grow, how they can get sick and how they can be managed backto health. The quantitative relationships among these dimensions provide the basis of branddiagnosis.

Out of more than 55 consumer perceptions measured by BAV® for 20,000 brands, the FourPillars have shown themselves to be consistently meaningful in understanding brand growth.Brands can be evaluated by these individual measures. However, it is the relationships betweenthese measures that show the true picture of a brand’s health — its intrinsic value, its capacity tocarry a premium price and its ability to fend off competitors. While brands can be measured againstother brands within a category, it is by measuring them across all categories that a brand’s truestrengths and weaknesses become clear.

BAV® differs from other typical brand studies by reporting how well a brand performs on key measuresvs. all the other brands in a particular country. Thus,a brand’s score on a Pillar such as Differentiation is thepercentile rank the brand achieved versus all others.eBay, for example, had a percentile rank of 97th inthe United States in first half of 2003, which meansthat it ranked higher than 97% of the 2,340 brandscovered by BAV®.

By plotting all four measures—Differentiation,Relevance, Esteem and Knowledge — and rankingbrands across all categories, BAV® serves as an exceptional diagnostic tool for building and managing brands.

Differentiation Is the Engine that Pulls the Brand TrainDifferentiation is critical to brand success. If a brand is going to be successful it must first

build Differentiation. BAV® illustrates clearly that Differentiation is critical in the successfuldevelopment and maintenance of a brand. Martin Sorrell, WPP Chief Executive Officer, summarizesthe importance of Differentiation, “Differentiating what you do and sell is critical when competingin industries with overcapacity.”2

The Differentiation metric has three components: Different, Unique and Distinctive. Differentcaptures the ability of an offering to stand out from its competition. Difference can either bepositive or negative, liked or disliked. Uniqueness tends to reflect a brand’s essence, beliefs, andpersonality.

Uniqueness is highly correlated to a brand’s originality and authenticity. Distinctiveness isabout a brand’s prestige and its pricing power. Distinctiveness captures the brand’s ability tocommand a premium price … its ‘worthmoreness.’ Successful new brands have consistently shownhigher rankings for Differentiation than the other three Pillars. As these three examples show,Biore ranked in the 83rd percentile for Differentiation by Second Half 2002. BlueMountain.comranked above the 77th percentile and Emeril! Live ranked above the 94th percentile.

2Harvard Business School Bulleting/February 2000.

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Differentiation doesn’t lose its importance. It remains crucial, even as a brand’s performanceon the other Pillars grows and remains strong, and even as a brand achieves market leadership. Yet,as brands mature, BAV® finds that Differentiation often declines. A low or declining level ofDifferentiation is a clear warning—often the first warning—that a brand is fading. Changes inDifferentiation appear well before any weakness appears in a brand’s business results or othermore traditional research. Declining Differentiation is a sure sign that weakness is coming. Thisdoesn’t have to happen to all brands that achieve longevity. Even after reaching maturity, a brandcan perpetuate its Differentiation.

Relevance Drives PenetrationThe second step in brand development is Relevance. If a brand is not relevant, or personally

appropriate to consumers, it is not going to attract or retain them. Again, the progression within thePillars mirrors human relationships. Differentiation can lead to a fling, but without a belief thatanother person has a relevant connection to one’s own life, a person won’t engage in a seriousrelationship. Successful new brands – on a growth trajectory – tend to show higher Differentiationthan Relevance. This indicates that consumers perceive the brands as distinctive, with room for thebrands to become even more relevant to their ways of life. Intuitively, Relevance would seem tocome first in a brand’s progression. If it’s not relevant, why would consumers bother with it in thefirst place? However, BAV® shows that Differentiation is what catches the eye – if a brand doesn’tstand out, you can’t judge its Relevance. Without Differentiation, a brand just gets lost in the crowd.But once Differentiation has been achieved, Relevance is the source of a brand’s staying power. Thelack of Relevance is the reason so many fads come and go.

The relationship between Relevance and Differentiation varies to significant degrees bycountry. Generally speaking, the more advanced a country’s level of economic development is – thegreater its excess productive capacity or its excess supply of goods and services – the more crucial abrand’s Differentiation becomes. Excess capacity is related to a higher number of brands withincategories. There are more than 1,000 hair-care brands in the United States, for example.

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With so many brands to choose from, consumers have to rely on Differentiation in the initialstages of forming a brand relationship. In such an environment, Relevance is not a naturaloutgrowth of Differentiation. In the United States, there is essentially a zero correlation betweenthese two Pillars. For a marketer, the second Pillar does not come automatically from having achieved the first. Together, Relevance and Differentiation are the key elements of Brand Strength. Differentiationgives birth to the brand and is critical for its continued reason for being, while Relevance drivesfranchise size. BrandAsset Valuator® shows that Relevance is the key to household penetration. It candiffer substantially among various consumer groups, even when those groups agree on the brand’sDifferentiation. Niche brands often achieve high Differentiation and modest Relevance among thegeneral population, and higher Relevance among a specific audience. They tend to be among thehighest-margin brands in the marketplace. This relationship between the first two Pillars can create acompelling business opportunity. Many of the premium cosmetics, fragrance and fashion brands fallinto this type. Creating Relevant Differentiation is critical and is the central challenge for all brands. In general,brands that have managed to achieve high levels on both measures lead — or even define — theircategory or subcategory.

Esteem Reflects Popularity and Quality The third key measure identified by BrandAsset Valuator® is Esteem — the extent to whichconsumers like a brand and hold it in high regard. Esteem relates to how well a brand fulfills itsimplied or overtly stated consumer promise. It doesn’t occur without Differentiation and Relevancehaving preceded it, but it can outlive those Pillars by many years. Brands that show high Esteem evenafter losing ground on Differentiation and Relevance, tend to be older brands that have grown stagnantin their development.

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Esteem is influenced by two factors: perceptions of Quality and Popularity. As expected,Quality has a strong relationship with Esteem. But, when Popularity is added in, the relationshipbecomes even stronger. In a sense, Quality can be thought of as representing one’s own experiencewith the brand, and Popularity as representing how you think others experience the brand. Muchcan be learned about a brand’s consumers by studying which of these factors is dominant for aparticular brand or category.

Knowledge Captures Intimacy and UnderstandingIf a brand has established its Relevant Differentiation and consumers come to hold it in high

Esteem, brand Knowledge will follow. High Knowledge means consumers understand and haveinternalized what the brand stands for. High Knowledge cannot be attained only by higher levels ofmedia support spending. It has to be achieved, and it generally takes time. Knowledge is the endresult of all of the marketing and communications efforts and experiences consumers have had witha brand.

Relationship Tells the StoryMeasuring the relationship among the four Pillars is crucial in diagnosing the health of the

brand. There are two healthy patterns. When Differentiation is greater than Relevance, the brandhas room to grow. Examples of brands showing a healthy Pillar pattern are: Harley DavidsonWilliams-Sonoma, Ikea, Bloomberg Business News and Yahoo! Instant Messenger.

When Relevance is significantly greater than Differentiation, the brand has becomecommoditized. Its Uniqueness has faded and price has become the primary reason to buy. Brandssuch as: Exxon, Mott’s, McDonald’s, Crest, Minute Maid, Fruit of the Loom, Peter Pan (peanutbutter) are examples of this pattern.

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The other healthy pattern is when Esteem is

greater than Knowledge, and the consumer says, “I’d like to get toknow you better.” Consumers have motivation to find out moreabout your brand. Some examplesare: Coach Leatherware,Tag Heuer, Calphalon, Movado,Blaupunkt, Pella Windows, Palm,and Technics.

When Knowledge is greater than Esteem, consumers are saying, “I know you more than I likeyou.” The brand has become too familiar and consumers have no motivation to listen to you. Toomuch Knowledge has become a dangerous thing. Examples of these brands are: National Enquirer,TV Guide, Spam, The Simpsons, Chrysler, Maxwell House and Sanka. To repair unhealthy brandpatterns, marketers must break down this high level of Knowledge in order to make room to buildthe other Pillars.

Brand Strength and Brand StatureBAV® will also group together the leading indicators — Differentiation and Relevance — and

the lagging indicators — Esteem and Knowledge. These two pairs of Pillars are essential inmapping the life of a brand. The combination of Differentiation and Relevance forms BrandStrength – a leading indicator in a brand’s ability to exist as a viable entry in the marketplace.Brand Strength allows the brand to both defend itself from competition and generate margin,earnings and economic value. The combination of Esteem and Knowledge forms Brand Stature,which captures a brand’s pervasiveness in the marketplace. Brands used to be measured only on‘liking’ (Esteem) and ‘knowing’ (Knowledge). Today, we know that Brand Stature is a laggingindicator of a brand’s weakness thus it declines after Brand Strength erodes.

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Mapping A Brand’s Life: The Power GridBAV® uses a two-dimensional plot

to measure Brand Strength and Brand Stature. The strength is measured on the vertical “y-axis” [Differentiation, Relevance]and stature is measured on the horizontal“x-axis” [Esteem, Knowledge]. The Power Grid provides a model for mapping anddiagnosing the life of a brand. New brandsbegin in the lower left quadrant – withlow strength, low stature. As the branddevelops, it rises to the upper left quadrant – where strength is significantly higher than stature. It is here where niche brands and brands with unrealized potential reside. This is high margin territory. In order to maximize shareholder value, brands should be strategically leveraged to move to the upper rightquadrant, where powerful leadership brands reside. When brands get into trouble, the first thing toerode is Differentiation, causing leadership brands to decline. This loss in Differentiation reducesthe ability to extend the brand across new consumer and market segments. As a result, there is ahuge loss in intangible value.

The Benefits of Brand LeadershipOnly 2% of brands in BAV® achieve leadership

status: above 80% on all four Pillars, such as Hallmark.One of the benefits of brand leadership is low volatility. Consumers are willing to forgive and forget brand misfortunes. A second benefit is that most traditionalconsumer segments have a consistently high perception of thebrand. This is the foundation for many marketing efficiencies. And, as mentioned before, leadership brands maximize shareholder value.


2003 First Half






0 20 40 60 80 100

Brand Stature


nd S



Consistent Strength Over time

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Flirting with Disaster: Differentiation is DissolvingHoward Johnson and Greyhound are

examples of brands that have lost most of their strength but have retained most oftheir stature. The stories of these erodingbrands have been well publicized.

Most of the time, consumer perceptionsare way ahead of typical brand tracking data.The enhanced ability of BrandAsset Valuator®

to guide marketing decisions and investmentscomes from its early warning signals. Traditional consumer survey techniques havefocused on lagging indicators: Esteem and Knowledge. These techniques can mask the underlyingproblem a brand has with low or declining Differentiation. By the time traditional measurementtechniques detect this problem, it may be too late to deter its impact on sales and profitability.

Brand RevitalizationWhile products often have a lifecycle, BAV® has shown that brands can be eternal. When

brands get sick,they can be revitalized.Consider 7-Eleven, a retail brand under attack in the past decade. The brand maintained

strong ratings for Differentiation, Esteem and Knowledge in the very early 1990’s. But, as earlyas 1993, 7-Eleven’s Differentiation had dipped dramatically. By 1999, the brand’s Differentiationreached depths of despair. Fortunately, 7-Eleven has been able to breathe new life into the

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brand – increasing Differentiation as well as Relevance and Esteem.This has been achieved by focusing on: renovating stores, upgrading / expanding

merchandise and increasing proprietary fresh food with innovative fare, among other things.These efforts have driven an increase in consumer perceptions of service, tradition, trust,

value, innovation, and quality.

It Pays to Build Strong Brands With more than 400 cases over a ten-year period, across 18 economic sectors, BAV® hasplotted Pillar data against revenue growth, margin, NOPAT and economic value added (EVA®).BAV® has found a consistent pattern of results. Differentiation is the margin driver – the higher abrand’s Differentiation, the higher its margin potential. Brands that grow their Differentiation onaverage have about a 50% higher operating margin than those which allow their Differentiation todecline.

Relevance is the key to market penetration – brands with high Differentiation and Relevancetend to be market leaders or be heading in that direction. Those brands that have the foresight togrow both their Differentiation and their Relevance show the greatest increase on operatingearnings. Those brands that only grow their Relevance and allow their Differentiation to declinewill gain nothing.

BrandAsset Valuator® Is Essential in a World of ConvergenceTraditional forms of marketing research evaluated brands by category: soft drinks or fast-food

restaurants or toothpaste. Today, driven by technological change, social change (the way goods areconsumed) and economic change (mergers and consolidations), category perspectives are not onlylimiting, they’re often useless.

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What’s happening? Brands are being extended across numerous product categories. Dannonnow sells water along with yogurt products. Ferrari is a brand of sunglasses as well as cars. Sonymakes movies and recordings, along with consumer electronics, computers and more. Categorydistinctions themselves are blurring. New cellphones are available that can function as a camera(take pictures), a personal desktop assistant, and a computer (with access to the Internet).Categories themselves are elastic, constantly evolving entities.

Distribution channels are also continually changing and, with them, the competitiveframework. Consumers can buy computers, tires and fresh shrimp in a single store. They can shopon the phone, by catalog, and on the Internet. But perhaps the most compelling reason that brandsshould be studied across the entire brandscape is that consumers don’t live, act or make purchasedecisions in categories. They live in, and consume, a world of brands. They hold opinionsabout brands that leap across the category boundaries imposed by marketers. Every day, they makechoices between brands in different categories.

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For all these reasons, BrandAsset Valuator® evaluates brands outside of the traditionalcategory framework. BAV® creates a market brandscape. Some brands look quite strong whenmeasured simply against their own categories. For example, if you look at the category of rental carbrands set against the entire brandscape, it is quite clear that they are weak. There may be anopportunity for a brand to relevantly differentiate itself in a way that would redefine the wholecategory.

Building Brand LoyaltyBAV® enlightens how traditional

selling models work with brand development.Selling models — Awareness,Interest, Desire and Action — are inextricablyentwined with brand Pillars of Differentiation,Relevance, Esteem and Knowledge.

An increase in differences one admires (Differentiation and Esteem) coupled withincreases in brand Relevance stimulateconsideration and trial. Maximizing the“differences one admires” is key toincreasing users’ level of commitment –that is, loyalty. If brand experience fails,the brand promise – Differentiation andEsteem – will drop, prompting switching behavior.

The goal is to maximize differencesone admires (Differentiation / Esteem), which tends to result in an expansion of profitable customers. Based on this fact, BAV® in conjunction with Kevin Lane Keller (E.B. Osborn Professor of Marketing, The Amos Tuck School, at Dartmouth), developed a BrandResonance® Loyalty Model.

BrandAsset Valuator® Constructs Work GloballyWith measurements in 44 countries, BrandAsset Valuator® uniquely gauges the nature of

international marketing opportunities. There has been much discussion and interest in the lastdecade in global branding — the idea that a brand can develop with nearly equal strength aroundthe world by marketing in one voice everywhere. BrandAsset Valuator® shows that branddevelopment across cultures is more complicated than that. The research indicates that there are













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Non usersDon’t consider

Non- Users would Consider














ile R


Incremental increase from Non-users who don’t consider toNon-Users who would consider



Level I

41% Be



Users Building Commitment









Incremental increase in from level 1 to level 2Incremental increase in from level 2 to level 3













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two dimensions to global brands: 1) Consistency of Brand Strength and Brand Stature together, (asmeasured by the Four Pillars from country to country) and 2) Consistency of brand meaning, whichBrandAsset Valuator® measures by clustering brands on dozens of imagery dimensions, across allcountries. Preliminary analyses suggest that brands that are strong around the world and have aconsistent meaning globally perform better financially than strong brands with inconsistentmeaning.

Not surprisingly, Disney is the brand with the most consistent meaning from country tocountry. In each country, Disney’s Imagery Profile falls into the same Global Brand Paradigmcluster of “Fun.” Coca-Cola, another powerful global brand, is the brand with the most consistentbrand strength around the world. This is seen on the Power Grid for Coca-Cola, which representsthe Brand Strength and Brand Stature summary measures for the four Pillars. BrandAsset Valuator® analysis of a brand’s Pillar pattern across different countries comparedwith other brands within those same countries can greatly enhance strategic decision-making withregard to global brand development. In addition, BrandAsset Valuator®’s assessment of commonbrand meanings is important for global development.



Value Driven

Current Style

Little Known


Fun BasicStandbys


ArgentinaAustraliaBrazilCanadaColombiaCzech Rep.FranceGermanyHollandHungaryItalyJapanMexicoPRCRussiaSouth AfricaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandThailandUKUSAVenezuela

00 20 40 60 80 100

Brand Stature

ArgentinaAustraliaBrazilCanadaColombiaCzech RepDenmark

FranceGermanyHollandHungaryItalyJapanMexicoNorwayPolandP.R. ChinaRussiaS.AfricaSpainSwedenSwissThailand












Coca-ColaWorldwide Power Grid


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BrandAssetBrandAsset ®® Archetypes Archetypes

Brand Personality and DifferentiationIn an era where

technologies and service offerings are easily replicated,quite often thestrongest differentiatingaspect of a brand is its character or personality.Brand personality hasbeen studied for decadeslargely in the absence ofcompelling evidence tosupport conclusions onhow to modify the existingpersonality of a brand or change it to something else.

BrandAsset® Archetypes is a quantified analytic tool, linked to BAV® data, which addresses both the character of a brandand how it needs to grow in the future. Affirmation of the validity of the recommendations thatemerge from Archetypes analyses comes from BAV® data: the most powerful Archetype profilesfor a brand produce outstanding Pillar Patterns and Power Grid locations.

The idea that brands have “personalities” that are similarin some way to the personalities that people have was elaborated by Alex Kroll, a former CEO ofY&R, in a speech to the Association of National Advertisers in October 1989, “Individualisticbrands… have created characters that have a richness, a complexity, an authority far greater thanthe words ‘brand personality’ imply… they have managed to embody the kinds of conflicts,contrasts, sequences of events, odd shapes, and unpredictable ordering of events that great plays,novels, paintings, and sculptures have always contained.”

BrandAsset® Archetypes comprises twelve Archetypes grouped into four sets of three.[Exhibit 1] Each of the four domains (thought, emotion, energy, and substance) has a cardinalArchetype, defined by the domain in which it falls. All of the other Archetypes are blends. Forexample emotion dominates within the Actress but she is also comprised of energy.

The model also incorporates gender essence. The vertical axis represents masculinity; thehorizontal represents femininity. Thus, Enchantress is purely feminine, Jester purely masculine.As with the defining characteristics, the other Archetypes are gender blends: Warrior is mostlymasculine but also has some feminine influences.

Exhibit 1

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Each of the Archetypes specializes in particular tasks or activities as indicated in [Exhibit 2].Each of these activities can be described in terms of adjectives that are also shown in the exhibit. Itis these adjectives thatmeasure BrandAsset®

Archetypes.Another very

important feature of the model is that itdescribes a Shadow for each Archetype. The Shadow represents thedark side of an Archetype – what happens if theArchetype loses sight of its purpose [Exhibit 3]. For example. the Sage who loses his purpose in life (giving peacefulsanctuary to itinerantTroubadours) fades intoobscurity as the Hermit.

The Shadow is a veryimportant concept. Healthy brands are those that avoid the Shadow side by maintaining balancedidentities.

Anecdotal evidence confirms the dangers of a dominant dark side. It may very well havebeen the case that IBM started getting into real trouble when, as the Patriarch of the computing

world, they slipped into a Dictator mindset.For a while, it could be said thattheir operatingprincipal was “TheIBM way or the highway.” The brilliant Apple commercial, “1984,”dramatizedIBM in this wayand opened the door for Apple’ssuccessful entréeinto the world thathad been, upto then, largely theprovince of IBM.

Exhibit 2

Exhibit 3

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Do the measures of Brand Archetypes yield expected results? [Exhibit 4] shows examples ofbrands that score high on each of the Archetypes. [Exhibit 5] shows high-scoring Shadows. Theseattributions make a great deal of sense. To mention just a few: Intel is the perfect Sage because itspresence, “Intel Inside,” promises the user peace of mind. Ford Mustang is the ideal car toepitomize the freedom and joy of driving a fast and agile automobile.

Among the Shadows, professional wrestling fills the role of Sorcerer quite nicely since it isviewed by many as a dark and hollow athletic competition. Firestone was under a great deal of firein the U.S. at the time of the survey due to faulty tire construction and thus Addict (wounded,jealous, tragic) is an appropriate designation.




National Geographic

Winnie the Pooh

Victoria’s Secret


Ford Mustang



Best Western

Johnson & Johnson


High Scoring Brands

Exhibit 4

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What is especially remarkable about these designations is that respondents were notprompted with the Archetype or Shadow names. So finding the child’s character, Winnie the Pooh,in the Angel’s innocent Archetype is quite validating as is Energizer batteries in the Jester’s resilientone.

There also are significant category effects for Archetypes. News media fall into Magician, asdo most high tech and computer brands. Most automobile brands (and all of the Armed Services)are identified with Warrior. Queen is the dominant Archetype for hotels, many food products(especially “comfort” foods), and a large number of retailing brands. All foods show strong MotherEarth scores.

Analyses of BrandAsset® Archetypes help to identify character weaknesses in a brand inadvance of its marketplace decline. It gives direction to communication or marketing actionsneeded to overcome weak brand perceptions, and delineates personality possibilities for brandswith shallow personality perceptions. Furthermore, it helps to keep communication on track;suggest ways to connect to the inherent truths in a brand; give directions for evolving the brandover time; and, allows insight for creating communication messages that span time and distance.

Professional Wrestling


Taco Bell


South Africa


Jerry Springer Show



Martha Stewart

Montgomery Ward


Exhibit 5

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BrandAssetBrandAsset®® Extensions Extensions

BrandAsset Valuator® Informs Today’s Marketing IssuesIn addition to projecting a brand’s prospects for margin growth, earnings growth and global

development, BrandAsset Valuator® can be used for a variety of other assessments and analyticalpursuits. It has been useful in the study of price elasticity, and also for sales modeling. It offersinsights that have proved immensely valuable in analyzing all sorts of growth and investmentoptions from identifying the best alliance partners to co-branding initiatives to investing in sub-brands or line extensions. Y&R has also been successful in integrating BAV® data and methods intoclients’ own databases, thereby combining useful tools with more focused or proprietary sources ofdata. BrandAsset Valuator® also has its own line extension: Media BrandAsset Valuator®, whichapplies BAV® data and techniques to brand media planning, thereby offering better rationales forselectivity, both in media type and media content.

BrandAsset Valuator® Is Becoming Even More PowerfulAnd more initiatives are in development. Y&R is committed to investing in BrandAsset

Valuator® on an ongoing basis with the same vigor that leading brand companies investin product R&D, for the benefits of better data and analytical tools can match—or exceed—thoseprovided by better products, colors or flavors.

BrandAsset Valuator® Alliance with Stern Stewart: BrandEconomics®

BrandEconomics® is a joint initiative of BrandAsset Valuator® and Stern Stewart to provide anentirely new type of consulting service for brand strategy and management. The BrandEconomics®

approach to brand analysis, strategy and valuation represents a major improvement in theadvisory services previously available to brand owners. First, the Brand advice is integrated, beingequally grounded in the consumer and business understanding of brands. Second, the advice isrobust, combining the analytical rigor of Stern Stewart’s EVA® methodology with Young &Rubicam’s BrandAsset Valuator® model and database. Most important, the advice is actionablebecause it addresses the consumer and business drivers of a brand’s competitive position directly.

As you have seen, BrandAsset Valuator® allows us to identify the basis of brand advantageacross different markets and categories. Using Economic Value Added (EVA®) we are now able toprioritize market opportunities on the basis of their potential for value creation. The combination ofthese disciplines enables us to advise clients on the brand strategies most likely to deliver marketand financial success.

BrandEconomics® has developed a proprietary approach to the valuation and management ofbrands based on a deep understanding of the drivers of the financial performance of brands and thebases for their consumer franchise. Extensive modeling using inputs from the BrandAsset Valuator®

database has produced the first wholly objective estimates of brand values across important productand service sectors.

The BrandEconomics® approach enables us to understand the current performance of a brandand the future growth opportunities - and challenges - that the brand faces. In financial terms, itmeans we can identify the proportion of a brand’s value represented by its Current Operating Valueand its Future Growth Value respectively. This allows us to focus our advice on the twin prioritiesof delivering superior current performance and creating future growth opportunities through thebrand.

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The BrandEconomics® OfferingsBrand Audit

Current competitive positioning and intrinsic value for a brand or portfolio of brands. Thiscan be taken down to specific, clearly defined competitive frames by product segment, geographyor customer type.

Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives

Quantifying the impact of different initiatives on the brand portfolio, selecting optimal brandstrategies, and assisting in setting priorities for resource allocation across the portfolio. Thesealternatives can include acquisition, divestiture and partnership opportunities.

Brand Extensions

Assess brand elasticity across new product segments through attribute analysis, examinerelative brand health versus competitors, and apply detailed financial analysis to assess theeconomics of individual segments to determine the attractiveness and probability of success ofpotential extensions. Additionally, it provides analysis of brand partnerships/alliances or licensingopportunities.

Investor Relations

Validate strategies and aid in communicating these to investors.

BrandAsset Valuator ® Tool Kit

General Positioning WorkAlliances and Co-Branding

Master and Sub-Brand RelationshipsMedia Planning BrandAsset Valuator ®

Brand ElasticityGlobal Branding

Internet Branding

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 6122

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.